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I recently started to have the problem where Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop prevents my Computer from entering sleep mode. Normally my screen turns off after 5 minutes and the PC will go to sleep after 20 minutes, but CC recently started to prevent this.
I have confirmed that CC Desktop is the culprit by using the following command:
powercfg -requests
which outputs the following:
[PROCESS] \Device\HarddiskVolume5\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\ACC\Creative Cloud.exe
Video Wake Lock
When I kill the Creative Cloud procress, my computer is able to go to sleep again.
Why does this occurr and how can I fix this?
Diagnostic info:
Windows 11 Home 21H2 (Build 22000.795) x64
Creative Cloud Desktop (
Log collector filename: AdobeLogs_20220801_035626_314-win-GS.zxp
Thanks for the reply with the MVP information. I used this command line (mentioned by others here) via CMD and fixed it on one of my computers:
powercfg /requestsoverride process "creative cloud.exe" display system
Again, I only did this on one computer. The other computer was left as-is out of curiosity. I finally decided to see what might be causing the video wake lock from Creative Cloud. As it happens, I didn't find the root cause, but I *did* nail down that the fix for this issue do
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"Be Respectful towards other community members."
Adobe Support Community Guidelines.
Online Chat:
Phone M-F, during normal business hours:
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How about he/she respects our time and stop posting things that add the square root of nothing to this conversation?
It's enough that I have to pay Adobe for their software and then come here and have to waste my time reading useless conversation in the hopes of finding a solution.
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It cuts both ways. As unpaid forum volunteers and fellow product users like you, we are less motivated to assist users who hurl insults at us. Something to think about the next time you seek help from a user-to-user community. 😉
Goodbye & good luck.
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If you going to put zero effort in to constructively help people, then don't be alarmed for being called out.
"the vast majority of us are not seeing that problem, so it's unlikely it's the adobe cc app alone causing the problem. further, there are reports of this issue going back, at least, 5 years, so it's unlikely a near future adobe action is going to fix this problem for those of you that are seeing this problem."
Conjecture - please show me the statistics of the vast amount of people please. This doesn't have facts backing it up and adds nothing to this discussion.
"In my experience, Sleep Mode is pure poison. It causes unwanted problems I don't wish to deal with. Best advice, disable Sleep Mode."
Your opinion that detracts from the OP's issue. We don't want experience that revolves around you. We want an answer for something that is causing the OS to stop sleeping. Unless you want to pay my electricty and screen? No?
So let's try a story here. I have a Dell Precision (Windows 10 Enteprise), an Asus Laptop (Windows 10 Pro) and a new desktop PC (new Windows 11 Pro install Saturday). For all intents and purposed they have nothing in common except Windows and Adobe CC.
Adobe pushes out an update this week that catches my eye (and the OP's), because all three computers do not sleep. So did I clean install, reinstall etc.? Of course I did, per chance, and still I show that Adobe is blocking sleep, not by a tingling feeling in my stomach or my extensive experience, no, but by seeing it bright as day in terminal.
So in my first post I basically side stepped all of the "help" here and then get told "the vast majority of us are not seeing that problem, so it's unlikely it's the adobe cc app alone causing the problem". Yeah, I think I'll skip this community full of professionals and wait for Adobe to patch their notification system in CC.
Anyone else running into this, check that there's no "tips" and "notifications" in CC.
Goooood luck!
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I told you to contact Adobe Technical Support. What did they tell you?
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Any status on this? I'm having the same issue. This is clearly a bug introduced by CC as this used to work fine.
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Adobe Technical Support told me close all Adobe background processes. Fixed the problem initially, but when I restarted CC, the problem returned.
I initially noticed that just acknowledging any notifications the problem went away for a short time.
My solution, only run CCwhen needed, make sure you exit from witihn the app, not by clicking on the "X". That leaves the app active in the sysstem tray.
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I contacted enterprise support and gave them links to all the posts on this forum. He told me the backend team is aware of the problem and they are working on it.
If your ticket is still open with your tech support agent, I would do the same. Give them the links to all the various posts. Open a new ticket if you have to.
Adobe wont do anything unless they are aware of the scale of the problem.
As others have mentioned, and its worth noting in my enterprise environement as well, this doesn't occur on all workstations. I have seen this on about a dozen of my 100 workstation enviornment. As you can imagine, our workstation deployment is identical between all workstations.
This is clearly a bug in their software, and they acknowledged it in my case.
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adobe engineers are aware of this thread.
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Alrighty, then!
This whole CC "video wake lock" is getting old, so I decided to come up with a solution that is effective and easy to use.
Here you go:
Command line (ONE line) to prevent Creative Cloud from keeping your screen awake:
Command line (ONE line) to check and see if Creative Cloud has been handled:
REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerRequestOverride\Process /v "Creative Cloud.exe"
Command line (ONE long line) for use with GPO or batch files:
REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerRequestOverride\Process /f >NUL 2>&1 && REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerRequestOverride\Process /v "Creative Cloud.exe" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f >NUL 2>&1 && echo Sleep tight, CC!
I hope this is helpful to anyone tormented by this bizarre wake lock bug.
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Hi Tom.
Is this retained through power cycles? If it is no longer needed, how do you revert?
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To revert to the original configuration (i.e., CC can request wake locks), just run the same PowerCfg line without the "DISPLAY" at the end. Like so:
Command line (ONE line) to allow Creative Cloud to keep your screen awake:
(removed the word "DISPLAY") ---------------------------^^^^^^^
You can verify the override is no longer in place by running the middle item from my previous message:
Command line (ONE line) to check and see if Creative Cloud has been handled:
REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerRequestOverride\Process /v "Creative Cloud.exe"
With the override in place, you'll get this message:
"Creative Cloud.exe REG_DWORD 0x1"
After removing the override, you'll get this message:
"ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value."
How long is it retained? I believe the change is permanent, at least until you remove it (according to everything I've learned). While CC can still request wake locks, Windows just ignores them.
Enjoy the power savings! 🙂
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I'm facing the same issue here! Noticed it like 5-10 days ago on a Macbook Pro. I tried to reach support. They suggested I do a CC Clean, uninstall all software, and reinstall. I had to pause the file sync, but it only lasted for a day. Now even with file sync paused is preventing the screen saver appears. Checking on Activity Monitor, CC is the only one preventing it.
Used CC fine for the one year long on this MacBook. It just started this month.
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I always (unplesantly) amused when Support from any company says "reinstall everything from the bare metal on up" -- because it's OBVIOUS that the problem is somewhere OTHER than the Company software. 🙂
I've just resigned myself to kill CC except when I am running Adobe software. Maybe they'll fix it some day.
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This attitude with modern PC's astounds me. I spent 16 years of my corporate life maintaining small mainframe computers (Wang Australia). If a problem occured in the OS or with a program, we updated / replaced the faulty module, not the entire package. Nor did we uninstall / re-install software. Way too expensive to do so.
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I to am finding my MBP not going to sleep. I have tried everything that has been recommended (thats mac friendly). Clearly this is a software issue if this is happening on multiple OS's.
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whoops I meant that to be a response to the post above with the user talking about his Macbook.
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Here's something that is working for me, for now. You can override the Adobe wake timers in Windows 10/11 using the following command from an elevated cmd prompt:
powercfg /requestsoverride process "creative cloud.exe" display system
Doing that will override the "video wake lock" placed by Adobe Creative Cloud. In my experience, that override is sometimes temporary and sometimes gets undone with windows updates, software udpates, etc. but is easy enough to re-do if needed. Give that a try. Hopefully, regardless of the claimed "majority" not having the issue but us all knowing it clearly is an issue, Adobe will eventually fix it.
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(@MRMAdmin, and thank you, again.)
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The command,
powercfg /requestsoverride process "creative cloud.exe" display system
worked perfectly for me. Thanks!
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Same here. Started very recently. Adobe, please solve this.
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these are user-to-user forums. you can report bugs here,
p.s. you might want to try @MRMAdmin's solution.
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I noticed the exact same thing started happening on the two CC installations that I have. Totally different systems, same Adobe CC versions, same issue with monitors not going into powersave. Note that neither of my systems are set to sleep or hibernate; both run 24/7 but the monitors no longer turn off.
powercfg /requests returns this:
[PROCESS] \Device\HarddiskVolume16\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\ACC\Creative Cloud.exe
Video Wake Lock
Whatever is causing this started very recently on both computers. Ran the normal DISM and SFC checks, but everything is just fine. Guessing the last CC update is the culprit.
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I also had these windows 11 issues, which started about a week ago. For me, the fix was to clear a notification in Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop. Specifically, I had one of those "tooltips" on the Discovery tab. Once I clicked that and ran powercfg /requests, the command returned:
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Worked for me too, thanks for sharing. Leave it to Adobe to go out of there way to make sure your computer never sleeps in order to show you a stupid notification.