I am a portrait photographer and I often give my clients lots of pictures that need to have a uniform visual (headshots), it would be nice to have an intelligent croping tool (based on IA), for example: you set the location of the eyes and mouth, and the tool would crop the portraits with the same visual, or the capability to use my own grid for the croping tool
Why we don't have a crop based on facial recognition included? As lightroom have today many mask features featuring objects recognition , will be great to have that on other tools , like Crop.
I work with students pictures. Will be great to have a tool to auto Crop included on the Lightroom.
since we have many inclusions of AI-based processes in the updates, it would be perfect if the crop tool could use this processing to have the same crop in photos that are similar and that have the possibility of detecting the body, face or even eyes, using what already exists in mask detections. This would greatly reduce crop time in a studio shoot or even outdoor shots that have people, animals or things detectable by the AI.
When a burst of shots is taken, a little bit of camera move results in the subject being positioned in a different place across multiple frames. This happens a LOT in sports when the subject is moving and you're panning to follow...
WISH: When processing these bursts and cropping-in .. it would be SUPER USEFUL to (a) crop the first image in a series to the framing you like, and then (b) go back to Grid view, select multiple photos and choose "Crop Series"... which would use AI to position the crop rectangle so that each image in the series would keep the subject in the same spot in the frame.
Today you have to do this manually .. and it takes forever to position, resize the crop rectangle so each frame "matches". It's particularly hard because LR doesn't keep the frame size/position constant when you're flipping from one image to another and engaging the crop function. (eg. you can't "point to a spot on the screen" where you want the head to be.. the UX jumps it around.)
I have 45+ portraits that i took handheld. Wouldn't it be nice to have a feature that selecting all of them centers each one automatically to something like eye level?
I try to have the topmost crosslines on their chin, but some pleople are more to the right, others to the left, etc. This feature would be a total time saver.
How about an Ai based crop tool, that finds the main subject and crops in on it aesthetically pleasing. Of course this should work as "batch processing".
If it does a good job: Time saved. If not: It hast to be done manually anyway.
Since this would be a Photography Products function (CR/LrC/LrE) we place it in the Lightroom Classic Forum because it has 3x the traffic of LrE and 10x the traffic of CR. Technically, the Camera Raw forum is the correct forum for this type of Cross-product feature. We track things like this in Lightroom Classic to improve visibility.
The team has asked that AI Cropping features, regardless of nuance, be combined into a single thread for holistic evaluation of a future AI cropping feature. As we contemplate new features, the breadth of the requested scope gets lost when posted across many forums and slightly different requests.
I am surprised that this functionality is still not available in ANY converter out there. There are some plugins available but no editors do this that I am aware of.
So here it goes...it would be a HUGE timesaver for portrait photographers especially on location like business headshots, school photography etc where you want a consistent look when sending proofs. Since ACR can recognize faces and bodies I would like to generate crop presets based on headsize, crop ratio, top margin etc set by the user. After that preset has been set you should be able to batchrun it and ALL your portraits would look identical from a crop perspective even if the original images have different framing due to movements etc.
It could either be preset-based as explained above OR perhaps an easier solution: simply using "sync". Ie set the crop of your choice in the first image and then use "sync" and an option called "AI sync cropping" or something similar. When run the rest of the images will be cropped accordingly based on face position and look exactly the same. As the model and camera haven't moved an inch.
I hope this makes sense. It would be a HUGE deal for high volume portrait photographers.
Interesting idea and a very good usage for AI. I imagine directly syncing crop would greatly simplify how the user was to instruct what particular framing was wanted. Certainly simpler to implement an interface for, than would be a crop layout template designer of some sort.
Are you aware of "loupe overlay"? It's not a perfect (manual) answer so far as usability, but AFAIK is the only assistance available for now, in getting consistent framing across a set of images.
Another idea already exists here, with consistent (manual) cropping in mind - custom-crop-overlay
AI crop would be a game changer. And if you could select an object as a color reference so it adjust settings to always keep that object/subject the same exposure & color... This could save many of us days of editing.
For what it is worth, this functionality has now been implemented in C1 and it has been welcomed with open arms so I hope it is on the priolist. Thanks
I am curious if smart cropping of images with AI in bulk will be integrated into Lightroom in the near future. This would save me so much time. Or does it exist already exist?
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.