Just got the new Microsoft Surface pro 11 with the Snapdragon Elite. Lightroom Classic is not visible in the Creative Cloud app and I am therefore not able to download it. I found it on the web-based app and tried to download it from there, got the setup installation for LR Classic and when I launch that it just opens up my Creative Cloud app.
I have tried to uninstall everything and still nothing. I have the Adobe Photography Plan with Lr CC, Lr Classic and photoshop + 1tb.
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
To help everyone's understanding, please let us know if you are located outside of the US. It appears that within the US, Creative Cloud will install the Intel version of LR Classic on Windows ARM processors and it will run correctly (though more slowly). But for those outside of the US, the Creative Cloud refuses.
If you're outside the US, some have reported that copying the entire LR Classic program folder from an Windows Intel computer to a Windows ARM computer works:
Apparently where you reside can effect how the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App treats the non Intel or AMD CPU Windows installs, or non MAC (Intel or Apple Silicon) . Inside U.S. the Intel app is available, outside U.S. nothing is available.
At any rate, running various Adobe Apps for Windows on non Intel CPU, or ARM based, and/or this Snapdragon is questionable. And Adobe does not list in the system requirements, those being supported just yet.
"At any rate, running various Adobe Apps for Windows on non Intel CPU, or ARM based, and/or this Snapdragon is questionable."
The Creative Cloud app will happily install Windows Intel LR on Windows ARM machines in the US, and in fact Adobe fixed a "high priority" bug with such installations last year:
The application is not yet natively compatible. You have to turn to LR. Generally speaking, I tested the Samsung Snapdragon 84-100, and it's a disaster with DaVinci resolve, luminar.and certain functions in other photo and video software. In fact the PC completely crashes! I sent everything back to Samsung. I think Adreno is really not up to the task for this type of activity!
Is it still possible to install the windows AMD/Intel version on an ARM computer if your region is in North America? how does it determine region? is it during install of CC app, during app launch, or is it account location? Wondering if you can you just VPN to North America and install Lightroom Classic AMD/Intel.
I verified just now that you can install the Intel version of LR Classic on a virgin Windows ARM, from an account with a California, USA address running on a computer on a California network:
I haven't seen anyone post authoritatively how the Creative Cloud desktop app determines where you are. I know people have speculated about using a VPN but haven't seen any authoritative results posted. If you try that, please post back here to help others.
My experience with LR, LRC and PS is "edit in Photoshop" doesn't work at all. No matter which version of LR/LRC nor PS (even PS beta). If that's imporant. Tried different versions, different installation order, remove pref. files, etc. Just FYI.
I'm planning to buy the new Surface Pro 11, which is ARM-based. They didn't took long to release the ARM version for MacOs when they started using M-series processors. Functions like Denoise will likely work slow as h4ll since emulation won't use NPU, only CPU or GPU. Considering all this and the fact that service is already expensive and subscription based, are we getting a release date anytime soon?
I can confirm this works. Am in Australia and just copied the intel LrC from my old surface go onto my new surface co-pilot and so far it seems to be working. Have not tried anything fancy but at least can see my entire catalogue which is a step in the right direction.
@JuniorJr: "My experience with LR, LRC and PS is "edit in Photoshop" doesn't work at all. No matter which version of LR/LRC nor PS (even PS beta). If that's imporant. Tried different versions, different installation order, remove pref. files, etc. Just FYI."
Hmm, the command Edit In Adobe Photoshop works with my configuration of LR 13.4 (Intel), PS 25.9.1 (ARM) on Windows 11 (ARM), installed via the Creative Cloud app in the US.
Yeah, sadly my versions are the same. And no updates available. It did work for me literally the first time, but stopped and won't work again. If it's working for you, must be something maybe I can find to get it to work. Thanks!
Hello, I'm from Italy and I confirm that I cannot install LrC on my Surface Pro 11 with ARM through the CC application. I'll try to execute the work around installing on a x86 CPU laptop and than move the LrC folder on my Surface.
I hope Adobe will allow to install it directly via CC application also ouside the USA, and better to develop a ARM native application in the next future!
I bought my new laptop today. I was pretty pleased when it arrived but that soon disappeared to be replaced by despair. I tried to upload and install Lightroom Classic, but I just got a message saying classic is not compatible. Any ideas when Adobe is going to get this sorted so I don't have to return the laptop and try and replace it? To be honest this is really annoying. Adobe and Microsoft are 2 of the biggest companies out there in their respective fields so I find it pretty hard to fathom how this is actually an issue.
When I talked to Adobe support, they told me that they where awaiting approval from Microsoft to release it, and that I should keep a lookout on this page
I confirm the procedure to copy LrC folder from a Windows x86 to my Windows ARM works without issues so far. I'm able to import my old library and edit pictures and videos as well. 😉
I just tried this method, and it works perfectly if you have an x64 Windows 11 computer. I've found that it is possible to copy all system files over to your ARM64 setup and it works perfectly as intended.
I tried through VPN.. after using the clean tool thing. I set every location setting I could find to the USA... Didn't work.
I even tried creating a new account.. but can only pay by PayPal.. (the same as which I already have a subscription with) to which Adobe said; hey the location known for this payment account does not match.. so that didn't work either. Long story short, I think they determine location by payment mostly.