I have been using Lightroom since 2007. I have used the web-based version on both the Mac and PC when they were released and stopped using LR Classic a long time ago.
My work flow includes photo uploads using PC, Mac and iPad and all full resolution images are kept in Adobe Cloud. Despite all the irritations one has come to expect from Adobe, the Desk Top version has served me well and I have produced 11 photo books on the Blurb platform.
Two weeks ago I was working on my 12th book and Lightroom started to play up. Most photos I uploaded after 2018 seemed to have lost all the smart previews.
I have included a screen shot from my M1 mac mini.
1. LR proclaims all photos are synced and backed up. In the bottom right hand corner of the screen shot it says "pending". I could not access thousands of photos and produced the same error message.
2. I could however access and edit all the same photos on the iPad or on the web version of LR.
3. Giving all disk access etc to LR as suggested somewhere didnt work.
4. My work-around was to reluctantly use LR Classic and I managed to finish the book. I say reluctantly because the folder and album structure I built for the book on LR desktop simply disappeared on LR classic and the albums were all over the place.
5. I tried the desktop version on the PC and gave similar results. Same error messages for the same photos.
6. This gave me an idea. I rolled back to the previous version, 5.4. Didnt help. Rolled back to version 5.3 and bingo I am in heaven! I can now access all my photos and edit on both Mac and PC.
7. Clearly there is a bug in both 5.4 and 5.5 that stops some photos from being displayed and edited. Adobe, please rectify this major bug that is bugging me. I want to be able to use the latest version of the software. Afterall that should be your undertaking for a subscription model?
8. LR classic pundits please note. This query is about Lightroom Desktop version 5.5 (web based). And not LIGHTROOM CLASSIC. It is really annoying to see so many replies pointing to LR Classic when asked about Adobe Photoshop Lightroom (web based desktop version). I know it was Adobe who is responsible for all the confusion about terminology, but that is another topic.