While Using All Brush tools like Brush , Eraser, Dodge, Blur & All Related Tools Not Responding by Shortcut Keys, Size of Brush is not increasing and descresing Through Shortcut Keys
The [ ] brackets don't work any more to increase and decrease the size of the brush. I have tried changing my keyboard to English US and English Australia and it still doesn't work. I've tried looking at the cursor preferences and shortcut preferences, and the [ ] are there but still not working when I use the keyboard. I've tried rebooting my computer and restarting Photoshop Beta but it still doesn't work.
Hooray! Many thanks to dianer_macperson. The 'option/ control drag mouse left/right to get the brush resize on the fly' works for me. This will keep me happy until the square bracket issue is resolved.
For some reason the brackets are also assigned to Show Previous Layer Boundary & Show Next Layer Boundary. Delete these shorcut and then it works for the brush sizes.
I've had the exact same issue on a mac. Downloaded 25.11 and the [ ] shortcut doesn't work, no matter what I do to the file, the layers, etc. Please fix this Adobe, it's such a good shortcut and it makes no sense to remove it (having to guess the size in the slider is frustrating to say the least).
Hi evereyone, I noticed 2 problems with short cuts while using photoshop beta on window 10 firstly - free transform (Ctrl + T) + shift short cut is reversed ( so when i hold "shift" it doesnt hold the scale)
Secondly - when I tried to resize brush size with ] or [ - it didnt work anyone has this problem?