Just as an update as I have been trying to get help on the problem of Generative Fill being blocked due to age, this time I went through twitter and got a reply back straight away telling me that my date of birth is not correct and was then passed to support. I then went through the exact actions as have been repeated on this thread many times to no avail. They then said they would change my DOB to the correct one and that this would take 2-4 hrs. They contacted me to see if things were corrected, but alas 12hrs later I still am 'under age'. I strongly believe the problem to be with Behance. This is where I am at the moment. I am not complaining as this is a Beta and this is what Beta's a for ironing out problems but I really hjope this is cleared up before official launch. (As a side note in this day where cyber security is important I find being told that my DOB in Google profile should be made public in order to log into another program frankly astonishing).
For me, it's even weirder, I can use the generative fill just fine on my PC desktop but it's now greyed out on my Mac laptop. It used to work on my Mac laptop too before. There is no where in my Behance profile where I can enter my DOB so I guess I'll just wait until it's not beta anymore to use it on my Mac...
Hi Cory, thank you! I already did that without results.
But I just found out that it was because of my firewall! I just tried to deactivate it and restarted Photoshop, then it worked. I took a closer look at my firewall rules and found the culprit one and deleted it. Now it works fine even with the firewall turned on.
To sum it up, for people having the same problem, maybe try to deactivate your firewall temporarily and restart Photoshop, if the generative fill then works it means that there is a rule in your firewall that prevents the generative fill to connect to the internet.
After logging in with facebook with a valid birthdate generative fill is still saying I am under 18. I have aslo tried logging in to Behance but there is no where to enter a birthday.
Hi @defaultv47fqsl5csov Be aware that if you have previously entered a DOB and you are underage, the date cannot be changed. If you have not previously added age verification, and cannot enter your age verification via Behance, Adobe Customer Care can assist you.
Go to https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html and log into the site. Click the chat pod on the bottom right and type AGENT to get a real person who can help. Be patient 1:1 customer care puts you in a queue. Or you can reach out on Twitter at AdobeCare
Thank you. I have never been under age for this program and I do not recall entering a DOB at all. I am awaiting a reset after speaking with the support service.
Yes, this process of verification is very complicated, it would be so much simpler if we could just enter our date of birth somewhere in our Adobe account instead of needing to go to Facebook or Google or Behance like it's currently the case.
I have found a repeatable experience with Photoshop 2023 Beta and Generative Fill being grayed out that has nothing to do with the age thing. If I have a selection on a raster layer, but that raster layer is clipped to another layer, generative fill will not work, it will be grayed out. Unclip, and it will not be grayed out. This could be something people are experiencing where it is sometimes grayed out but not always. I have been trying to figure it out for days, but just now realised this behavior. It may be intended, but it is not mentioned in the resource linked by @Pete.Green that a raster layer must not be clipped to another layer for ti to work.
Tengo buen rato buscando una solución a este problema, pero sigo sin encontrarla. Mi Adobe Id muestra que tengo mas de 18 años de edad, pero aún asà sigo sin poder utilizar la herramienta de relleno generativo. La opción me aparece, pero está atenuada, como deshabilitada. Como se puede ver en la siguiente imagen:
Si alguien pudiera ayudarme con esto se lo agradecerÃa mucho