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P: Completely broken Hand tool (PS24.5) Hand Tool Sticking, sticky, not seeing mouse-up

Enthousiaste ,
Jun 19, 2023 Jun 19, 2023

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This is a bug. Please don't move it to the Discussions tab.

And please don't merge into another unrelated thread. I will report a bug with this thread.



I made a YouTube video using a keyboard mouse overlay to show what action I'm taking. I hope you can refer to refer to it.




I was disappointed that there were so many bugs that were not fixed in 24.5, but I was still trying to give it a shot.

However, this bug is pretty serious. Really...


Please see the video I attached.
If you watch the video, you will see that I am shaking the screen.
I'm not using a hand tool, it should release automatically, but that thing is sticky.

To release this sticky, pinned handtool, you'll need to make one more unconditional click.

Here's how I've organized them for your reference.


< What I can be sure of >

  1. Window10 (Tested a total of 14 PCs)
  2. Use WacomTablet
  3. Not related to preferences at all (Especially not related to Spring loaded, Flick panning stuff things)
  4. I've tried all the known Photoshop troubleshooting methods and no improvement.
  5. Even reinstalling Windows does the same thing
  6. Only in 24.5 does this bug occur with certainty. I can't reproduce it at all in earlier versions.


I'm not sure about the >

  1. Mac OS not tested
  2. I couldn't even test if it was a GPU company difference. I and my team all use NVIDIA


And while there are a few threads pointing this out, there doesn't seem to be a proper plan to fix it.

If this is not fixed in 24.6, 24.6 will be equally unusable as 24.5.


Also check out the links below.






(cjbutler 1/12/24: edited title from "not reverting to cursor" to "not seeing mouse up" to reflect latest focus on lost mouse-up as root cause, and not just a stale cursor setting.)

Bug Corrigé Verrouillé




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correct answers 1 bonne réponse

Employé Adobe , Jun 04, 2024 Jun 04, 2024

We wanted to update this thread that the issue was fixed with the release of 25.6. If you are still having this issue with the most recent Ps version, please start a new thread with your information so the team can investigate further.



Cory - Photoshop Product Manager

Statut Corrigé


637 Commentaires
Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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Since the last updates, moving inside a document by holding the space bar (hand) no longer reacts in the same way. Several clicks while holding the space bar to go to the bottom of a document for example, does not always react in the same way, with the document that "sticks" to the mouse sometimes, really annoying when you are used to this command...

Are you also experiencing that ?

Thank you




Community Expert ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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Not as simple as that. The preferences file is the entire application configuration - anything that isn't straight out of the box. The instant you start using the application, the preferences file is modified, whether you check any boxes or not. User preferences/checkboxes are just a subset of that.




Contributeur ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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That's somewhat re-enforcing my point.
If I don't select it, toggle it, slide it, input it or otherwise define it, it's not a user preference, it's Adobe's business, and shouldn't ideally be tangled up with the _user_ preferences. Extricating the two would be of great benefit to those of us stuck resetting preferences on the regular.





Community Expert ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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This is how all software has worked since the beginning of time. It's how both Windows and MacOS work. It's split into two components:

  • program files, read-only and never modified
  • configuration, under your user account. On application startup, configuration is read and loaded.




Nouveau ici ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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I don't think that's what Denyerpro was trying to suggest.  Yes there is a difference between binary files containing machine code and application generated files to store data (be that a database, a cache or user settings) but rather, what advantage would there be having application generated data being mixed with user generated settings in the same file.  It would make logical sense that one file contains user preferences (derived off sliders, tickboxes etc.) with other files being used for other purposes. 




Community Expert ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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These things are integrated. You can't sort them into two buckets (app configuration <> user settings). Which is why all software works this way.


Look, I hate this bug as much as anyone here, but let's be realistic.




Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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Really annoying... Hope it get fixed very soon!




Enthousiaste ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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@D Fosse Not as simple as that. The preferences file is the entire application configuration - anything that isn't straight out of the box. The instant you start using the application, the preferences file is modified, whether you check any boxes or not. User preferences/checkboxes are just a subset of that. <<<

I agree with you.
However, since 24.5 and later, this bug seems to already have a problem with the installation file, so it is exhausting for you to reset it every time. I've seen this bug play right away even when I reinstall windows and install nothing and install Photoshop first and tested it... I thought that this is a bug that users can't do anything about.
It's never a matter of personalization.




Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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One would think that Adobe learnt something with this issue...

Just updated to version 25.0.0 and the problem appeard again!

Especially with the brush in liquify jumping all over the place...

Utterly disappointed, Adobe! 




Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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Ps v24.7.1

Ps Beta v25.1

Windows 10


Dear Adobe,


I've seen many posts about the HAND TOOL all with slightly different use cases, but now with the uptated versions the Sticky Hand Tool still persists. 

Back in the day when paying for photoshop wasn't easy outside of US regions, such simple problems never existed. I understand this company has been losing millions for years, but it now feels like punishment, as now a paying customer to be going through these simplest of teething problems with regular tools which never existed.

This Hand Tool Bug is literally game breaking. In the middle of you flow state the hand tool randomly sticks to the canvas, breaking concentration & now has me questioning why did I ever decide to pay subscription. 


I get the feeling all the focus is geared towards AI, Generative AI & FILL & totally disreguarding the rest of the software literally breaking it providing the worst customer experience on a personal level & at the professional level with customers who have no concept of how much these simple bugs hamper workflow.

The last update on this issue was early August in the forums, still no proper fix, all these updates have yet to fix the issue.

Changing the "Timing Sensitivity"in Edit> Preferences> Tools> Timing Sensitivity={200-2000}=2000, does help a little bit, but as soon as you are focused again, the Tool Sticks to the canvas & it's a pain to get rid of sometimes especially when using a WACOM or any other PENTAB.

Update All Apps is greyed out on my Creative Cloud Destop Launcher, and all Apps are shown as up to  date. I tried speaking to an agent today saying the latest version would be v25.0, but it does not show for my Apps.


Adobe Please Fix


Humble Paying Customer.




Nouveau ici ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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All software does not work that way.  Please link or explain in any rational way why these two things cannot be logically seperated.  Your argument seems to boil down to "trust me bro." 




Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 21, 2023 Sep 21, 2023

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Yep, 25 and problem still here. shame




Engagé ,
Sep 21, 2023 Sep 21, 2023

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I'm really beginning to worry about this.  I'm still on Photoshop 23.X.  Anything after that has this bug.  I had been working with 24.X for awhile and at some point it also exhibited this problem, so I went back to 23.X. 




Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 21, 2023 Sep 21, 2023

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Thanks man, this fix all the issues!




Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 21, 2023 Sep 21, 2023

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Guys, @Issac23625617zdxl posted working solution on page 7 of this thread. I agree this is ridiculous that we have to use such convoluted workarounds but program-breaking bugs apparently are below Adobe. So if you sadly have to use this garbage of a software here's how to make it work: 



@Issac23625617zdxl's solution:


Here is what I did yesterday. It worked for me and my other team member and we use the Wacom tablets and mouse on a PC. I'm not to tech savvy but I hope this works for those of you still frustrated.




Update to the newest photoshop and close out

Open - C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Adobe Photoshop 2023 Settings

Cut and paste – “Adobe Photoshop 2023 Prefs.psp” to your desktop

Keep this folder open as you’ll come back to it.

Open PS and go to Edit – Preferences – Performance and Uncheck [Use graphics processor] and click OK.


Open old file or creat a new one.


Then go to Filter – Distort and open any of the filters and then Close by “Xing” out in the top right corner. – I did not select OK.

Check the "Use graphics processor" checkbox again close PS

Cut and paste from the desktop – “Adobe Photoshop 2023 Prefs.psp” Back into the folder on your C Drive

Restart photoshop and hopefully this is the fix!

I had to restart computer afterwards but it worked. 




Enthousiaste ,
Sep 21, 2023 Sep 21, 2023

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@hevi I've already reported earlier in the thread that reattempting the configuration several times can briefly fix the problem. What I and many people keep saying in this thread is that we have no reason to reset. Photoshop versions after 24.5 from the installation file are already broken.
It's not a problem with plug-ins or other settings, but if you reinstall the window and test it with just Photoshop, the problem will be reproduced right away...


I actually thought it would be fixed quickly with an emergency fix. However, the 2024 version has already been released, and there are about two months left until this year passes.
It's taking too long.




Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 21, 2023 Sep 21, 2023

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The method I used is not resetting the program tho? It's convoluted and God knows why it works but it did worked on several machines in my workplace. And you have all your settings intact afterwards. 

Of course it is not the desired solution of Adobe working 24/7 to fix such terrible bug but we can clearly see that they don't care and we can wait another 6 months or even a year for a proper solution. Probably to hear that it is not a bug it's a feature. 




Enthousiaste ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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@hevi The reset is no different than what you do.
What you do will also change the settings. Resetting is just the act of blocking all variables and resetting those changes (although in reality, it is solving the problem by making changes)
And Adobe is interested in the problem and is looking into it. Don't think too negatively.
I'm already investigating and I also received an email from Adobe's development team member and already talked about how to reproduce the bug and other bugs in detail, my environment, the causes I infer, and the number of cases Adobe can guess.
This will eventually be fixed.




Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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Windows Users might try this one, go to wacom setting, choose all application (or specfic the photoshop ver), under the mapping tab,  uncheck "use Windows Ink" . 

My wacom sticky problem solved on PS 25 by doing this.

螢幕擷取畫面 2023-09-22 164919.jpg




Participant ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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Can confirm that not only is the hand tool broken in v25.0.0, but now the problem has spread to both marquee selection and the lasso tool. For me, Photoshop is now utterly unusable in it's current state. I can't pan the document window, or make selections, and as reported in another post, working with 8bit images has utterly broken transparency layers, blend layers and the ability to do text.

Given the atrocious cost of licensing, I would have hoped that they'd actually spend time to fix game-breaking bugs like this. As it is, I'm going back to my old copy of CS6 for the time being. It's faster in every way and was the last truly 'stable' version of Photoshop.  Adobe really shouldn't be surprised at the quantity of piracy of their old products when they just break more and more core features with each new release.




Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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Well, even if our Workarounds" fix the problems,

dont you all think that it should be the job of Adobe to fix this,

or at least not mess it up as they did with version 25.0.0???





Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 23, 2023 Sep 23, 2023

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Experienced exactly this issue (including the laggy liquify tool) upon upgrading to v25 a few days ago. Downgraded back to v24.7.1 and both issues were gone. I never had these issues on any of the v24.x versions I've installed before so I might have been a bit luckier than some in the discussion thread. Still, I'm appalled that it's taking Adobe so long to fix such a critical issue! 




Débutant dans la communauté ,
Sep 23, 2023 Sep 23, 2023

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Indeed... I could not agree more.... I am also appalled, astounded, disappointed that it's taking Adobe so long to fix such a critical issue, and moreover, introducing it AGAIN in version 25.0.0. Do they even test a version before releasing it? Do they even bother to have a look at threads like this one? By now, it should be clear that it is not only an isolated issue!  




Community Expert ,
Sep 23, 2023 Sep 23, 2023

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For what it's worth, I also installed v25 and have not seen any of these issues. I didn't see them in 24.x either. I'm running Windows 11 Pro with an NVidia GPU, using an Intuos Pro tablet, so my setup is not that different from most people on this thread.


Based on the solution that @Wicked Sushi documented, variations of which seem to work for everyone, this might well be a problem created at the OS level (e.g., by a Windows update) that then messed with Photoshop under specific circumstances. Or it could be a Wacom issue. It's independent of graphic cards and drivers, based on various posts. One person noted that after the problem showed up, even earlier versions of Ps were affected. That suggests it's not actually a bug in Photoshop, although there may be an application-level workaround.


I looked in the Photoshop prerelease bug reports and in the prerelease forum. There is a LOT of feedback traffic in prerelease and no lack of bug reports, but it looks like nobody has reported this or a similar problem, so it's system-specific in some fashion. If someone who is experiencing or has only just fixed the problem can post nitty-gritty details (along with their Help > System Info... report), I'll make it known in prerelease and elsewhere.




Enthousiaste ,
Sep 23, 2023 Sep 23, 2023

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@AlanGilbertson It's not a problem with windows because the bug was easily reproduced from 24.5 without a new installation, Photoshop installation, and no setup.
I already replied to Adobe team by email.



