When selecting a layer and dragging a corner handle with the shift (or alt-shift) key pressed, the resize proportion isn't constrained. This started with this most recent update.
Agree that this whole situation is ridiculous. Adobe need to add a toggle switch to revert to 'normal' behaviour urgently. Muscle memory cannot be retrained selectively. Shift to constrain is a VERY common convention
Don't forget to click Me Too button, or your opinion won't be taken into account. I think they check number of voices in first instance before read our comments 😞
They probably laughing their azzes off knowing no change is coming after they invested all that time in a failure they will convince themselves it was the right thing to do and press on with deaf ears..
Actually I'd like to believe but seeing there is 12 pages long theard that took 2 years users begged to bring back old crop method it is more likely Santa Claus is going to do that this year for us.
I didn't read that but it seems that crop started with CS6 was left for next CC releases:
I expect this not to change. I suspect Adobe has the same mindset as apple, people doesn't know what they want more than us.
I think the whole reasoning Adobe has for doing this, is that they want Photoshop to be more user friendly for that tiny userbase that doesn't use a keyboard (i.e tablet only) - which they expect to grow, and probably scale will work this way on the iPad version of Photoshop.
I could live with this change IF it was consistent throughout the entire program. It's the poor implementation that makes it a horrible change.
Also, another thing that doesn't make sense to me AT ALL. At Adobe Max 2018 they bragged about this feature and the multiple undos. And the argument for making multiple undo's was to unify all the Adobe programs more, making undo's the same across every program (thank god they at least made an option to turn off this, I like my ctrl-shift-z for multiple undos). But then they do the COMPLETE OPPOSITE with the the uniform scaling and make sure its NOT unified across the whole program suite...So what is it ? Unifying the programs, or UNunifying?
The guy who decided that had to be a drunk clown or simply contracted agreement with Apple to make Photoshop working this way. win-win solution for both, but most commited users have now to suffer and can speak openly only to each other as none of prominent persons appears to read about their frustration.
Adobe Max 2018 had to become unhealthy preoccupation of something that in practise was a fail. But that is no matter - people bought it after all. You are right about unifrom scaling that has to be same for all produtcs but some odd way it's inconsistent with scope of just one 😕 Regarding undos, what about ExtendScript ToolKit? I don't like the new way of how that works but they don't plan to make new version of ESTK so we have to still use that by both ways?
Unfortunately, you are correct. I uninstalled PS CC 2019 and just use 2018 to get my work out. I hate jumping through Adobe's hoops every time some "genius" at Adobe has a digital orgasm.
And please also talk with teams across other CC apps so we get consistency.
e.g. SHIFT to constrain is such a fundamental change to the way ALL graphics apps work, and changing it requires you to make it CC-wide, announce it properly, and provide a one-click fallback.
Making a fundamental change like this, and the way it's been done, is arrogant. Arrogance breaks commercial trust and we already have more than enough arrogance to deal with in the form of Apple.
Look at how many years Eastman Kodak maintained industry dominance and an arrogant, holier than thou attitude before the failed! Sounds like Adobe doesn't it?
When resizing any kind of layer, the proportions are locked. When I click the lock icon to unlock it it doesn't work. It remains locked. I'm unable to resize layers freely. I've been using Photoshop for over 10 years and never had this issue before. It's been happening since the last update. I'm using Windows and I have the same issue on 2 different computers.
By the way, when creating vector shapes and changing the feather, Photoshop sometimes crashes. This one has been going on for years.
This is ridiculous. What are you doing Adobe? So now in some programs I hold shift, like I've done for 10 years, but in Photoshop it's no longer the default behavior? How does inconsistency between keyboard commands from one application to another equal an improvement. Shift to constrain should be the default. Was someone actually complaining about this? So now I have to train my hand and mind to hold shift in other applications but not Photoshop? Please give us an option to revert to legacy.
Title says it all. Is Photoshop a tool for professionals or for the average Joe who wants to crop a holiday picture? Please pick a side because these kind of decisions piss me off.
I'm tired of the inconstancies as well. Where possible, every app in the suite should work the same way: transformations, managing links, creating/managing colours, creating/editing text, creating/managing layers, the list goes on. This was the promise of the original CS Suite (it was one of the key selling points) and while some things have improved, there are many jaw-dropping omissions. Either nobody at Adobe uses multiple apps on a daily basis, or people tasked with managing consistency across the apps have no real power.
I think they're just avoiding the confrontation. <G> Should it be Cmd-D for deselect, or Cmd-Shift-A? Who gets to be top dog?
I say who cares who wins the shortcut argument— IF they'd just make sure that we had more options for creating keyboard shortcuts, AND they made sure darn virtually everything in each and every app was wired for custom kbsc. (Have you even seen how extremely limiting Illustrator is for creating
kbsc? The rest don't earn any prizes, either, although AE and PP have
gone a lot further towards making it easier to assign kbsc.) I'm including the holdouts like LR, Bridge, and CR—their kbsc are from another planet.
Hi guys, the "scale" tool is broken on the new version of PS. The height and width scale together, even when the link icon is unchecked. Please fix! : )
Probably best to read the entire thread. There are solutions posted that work, or stick with CC2018. Not much really changed and certainly no "must have" new features.
Well, another disappointing response from Adobe. IMHO you are absolute morons for changing something that been one way for EVER. Clearly you don't have any understanding of how your users work and need to work. We've got work to do and we expect our tools to continue working the way they always have — or you better have one hell of a good reason for changing something. And that's one of the problems with Adobe: you make changes but why are you making the changes? What is the compelling reason? I hope you finally do something so stupid that it causes a huge financial impact to the company because you need a darn good whopping.
It’s very tempting to get by on an old paid for in full version and cancel my subscription. I already shut down the 2019 version and went back to 2018. The problem is, if Adobe refuses to give us back our old options we are stuck with this crap from here on out, and I for one am not going to upgrade just because there is no other choice for newer versions. It’s not just new tool behavior for me though. I found far too many bugs in the 2019 version and it’s just not worth the headache
And would it be possible to stop advertising new features and displaying new file windows we've previously turned off? This is professional suite of applications used to create advertising, it's not an advertising opportunity - see attached. Also, the uninvited Apple-style upgrade dialogue is 'pulling-teeth' painful in OSX/iOS, don't make it the new norm.