Mohit Goyal • Adobe Employee, May 22, 2024May 22, 2024
Hi all,
We are happy to announce the release of Photoshop version 25.9, which incorporates the fix for this particular problem. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here
I like to see curve (adjustment layer) implemented under 32 bit mode. This would make it possible to make my own tone remaping and enable me to see the image naturally while working on it in this mode.
You would need to adjust the tool for linear float ranges.
I agree. After Effects seems to handle 32bit files a bit better. It also seems to have more options for adjustments such as Curves layers. OCIO transform layers can be added/used in 32bit also, allowing for ACES workflows to be used. I think unbounded ICC profiles may allow this as well, however Photoshop doesn't have the option for OCIO adjustment layers or Color Space Transform layers.
I think maybe a workspace/option/configuration could be added for Photoshop that works better for people that work in VFX, 3D, Matte Painting, Compositing, Cinema, etc. Have it work in 32bit bit, add OCIO, bypass/handle color management manually, Logarithmic Gamma working space and tools for working with cinema footage, film scans, etc. ACES integration. Would love an upgrade to the "Blend if" sliders. Maybe replace it with an HSL qualifier like Davinci Resolve.
Completely understand., thanks so much for all the hard work y'all! It's much appreciated.
I know sometimes these support forums are like echo chambers of complaints/problems/nitpicks. Which i'm sure is frustrating, especially since a lot of times the problems might be completely out of Adobe's control, yet blame still placed. For instance color management system bugs and gpu bugs. Like OS X deciding to glitch out with V4 ICCs, or various OpenGL glitches/bugs.
I completely empathize with the struggles in this area. Just trying to wrap my head around all the complexities and problems that can arise in color/image processing systems has been hard enough for me. I couldn't imagine having to actually build it or debugging each individual stage that can go wrong. And to the Photoshop teams credit, it's always seemed to display sRGB encoded images perfectly. Much better/more consistent gamma decoding than system viewers or browsers.
Anyways keep up the awesome work y'all and thanks for the update! I've been using Photoshop everyday for almost 20 years now (since i was 8), I look forward to seeing it grow 🙂
Cheers Cameron
Oh.. there is one feature that I'd REALLY LOVE for retouching but it's somewhat tough to explain...
Essentially make a hybrid tool with the Pen Tool, Puppet Warp, Liquify. The reason being is often times when using liquify it's to smooth an edge or modify an edge a bit. For instance if you were retouching a backpack or purse and wanted to liquify it to a nice smooth shape, essentially pushing and pulling it or warping to fit into a "smooth" curve. A curve that could be better drawn with the pen tool. What i essentially would love is if you could trace an edge that you'd like to warp with the pen tool, "clamp it" to the image, then adjust the points like puppet warp or the points on the bezier path itself to make a smooth curve edge. This also would be extremely efficient for studios who outsource their clipping. They could send out images to be returned with paths, then use those paths to "path warp" or "path distort", "path liquify" an image. This can also work great for body shaping as well.
Hello, Cameron Rad please post the request from the bottom of your post to a new discussion, I know that many a retoucher would love to have such a tool/ function!
Using Windows 10 Game Bar to capture HDR screenshots which output as JXR files. I have the JXR plugin for Ps installed. Ps opens the file but I can't use most of the features like "magic wand". I get a message:
So I basically have to export the file to PNG to get 8bit and then I can work with it in Ps. Surely Ps can handle HDR 32bit files? Why are so many features disabled? Am I missing something?
We are happy to announce the release of Photoshop version 25.9, which incorporates the fix for this particular problem. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here