I can't believe it's been 5 years of people asking for these features and they just haven't been added. It's not a big ask. Please add grids, guides, and rulers to photoshop for ipad!
There won't be any rulers in Adobe PS on iPad even in 5 yearz. Adobe do not read this, they give a fox :fox_face: about users. Don't waist your money here. Go get Affinity Photo for $20 one time fee no subscription, and live happy from now on.
Yes, this just seems ridiculous. There are too many users out here who are NOT on this forum who need the rulers and guides. I've never worked on an image without them on my laptop, and I've been working with photoshop for 24 years. Trying to learn photoshop on the iPad is making my head ache.
Guys come on... it's been 5 years and we're shifting to a more on the road like tool like the ipad. Why can't you guys add this request? It looks like you dont seem to care about your clients.
At least do it like in Adobe Express, where I can get snap lines, and use those to center or match other items in the image.
Unfortunately, Express lacks features such as free transform for an image or text (as opposed to an element), so I have to go into PS for those things. It's already annoying to have to switch apps, but to then each app be missing some key features all of us use every day...
Not to mention that it is super hard to even find out that these things are not included, because Adobe instructional themselves often take me to information about the desktop version, ignoring the fact that I have iOS or iPad in my search string, or that I am looking within the iPad manual. It's been taking me hours to poke around and find out that certain basic features are just not there. I even have had the full Creative suite on my desktop, and I have switched back and forth, but that also interrupts what are simple daily workflows -- and I prefer to work on the iPad since I like the lighter hardware and the ability to use the pencil on screen rather than trying to control things with my mouse. It's not that I pay for the iPad versions because they are cheaper... Regardless, that some advanced funcitonality is missing on iPad is fine. Free transform, grids and rulers, snapping (and being able to decide where to snap something to) should be included right along cropping and resizing on every single graphics program.
To top it off, you *have* added generative AI to the iPad versions of these apps, a feature that is superfluous and that could be something we go to a different program for, as well as something that is taxing your servers.... But we can't get basic rulers? Come on!
This is a great idea and would help me a lot. I am trying as much as possible to transfer my workflow to iPad photoshop for the portability. This would help immensely.