When I set the "Audio Transition Default Duration" to 0.01 seconds, and then select an audio clip and apply the default transition, it applies 0.02 seconds instead of 0.01 seconds. And when I check the settings, it's still set to the 0.01 seconds that I applied.
Premiere Pro > Settings > Timeline... > "Audio Transition Default Duration:" [0.01] > "ok"
Then I select an audio clip and use the shortcut key to "Apply Audio Transition"
The result is a transtion with .02 seconds instead of .01, which I then have to manually drag to manually shorten.
I would like to be able to apply the defualt audio transition duration of 0.01 with the shortcut key, instead of having to adjust it manually every time. I'd also like default to be consisten with the default I set.
Also, aside from the shortcut key to apply the default audio transition, is there a shortcut key to REMOVE the default audio transition?
-Mac Studio M2 Max
-Sonoma 14.6.1
-Premiere Pro v25.4.5.0
Please advise. Thank you, kindly.
Bug Report Template
- Issue -
a. When I set the "Audio Transition Default Duration" specifically to .01 seconds and then try and use it on an audio clip, the duration of the transition that gets applied to the clip is .02 seconds not the .01 seconds I set.
b. When I try and set the "Audio Transition Default Duration" specifically to 1 frame as soon as I click outside the text field it automatically switches to 2 frames. Therefore not allowing me to actually switch it to 1 frame. - Adobe Premiere Pro version number: Adobe Premiere Pro Version 24.5.0 (Build 57)
- Operating system - Sonoma 14.6.1
- System Info: CPU, GPU, RAM, HD: Mac Studio M2 Max, 64GB Memory, 500GB Internal SSD
- Internal HD: SSD 500GB
- External HD: Maxone Slim Series, w USB-C 3 connection
- Video format: No video, only audio clips in .wav format
- Workflow details: Audio Storybook Podcast project, multi track audio clips only, I'm using a video track to label and mark locations
- Steps to reproduce - (Very important!)
- (In the top menu bar) Premiere Pro >
- (From the drop down) Settings >
- (From the drop down) Timeline... >
- a. On the dropdown bar to the right of "Audio Transition Default Duration" select [Seconds]
- a. In the textfield to the right of "Audio Transition Default Duration" enter [.01]
- a. Click the "OK" Button
- b. On the dropdown bar to the right of "Audio Transition Default Duration" select [frames]
- b. In the textfield to the right of "Audio Transition Default Duration" enter [1]
- b. The next step here would be to click the "OK" button, but you can't without the number in the textfield converting the [1] to a [2]
- On the timeline, click the edge of any audio click
- Right click the selected edge
- (From the dropdown menu) Select "apply default transitions"
- Hoever the cursor over the new transition and notice the duration will be :02 seconds instead of .01
- FYI - Go back to the the default settings: Premiere Pro > Settings > Timelime...
...and Notice the Audio Transition Default duration is still set to .01 Seconds
- Expected result - when the default transition was applied to the audio clip, the duration should have beem .01 second instead of .02
- Actual result - the duration of the default transition applied to the audio clip, was .02 seconds instead of the .01 second that was set.
- the "b. issue" is the inability to set the Audio Transition Default Duration in frames to 1 frame. It is only possible to set it for 2 frames and then manually adjust the transition on the timeline to 1 frame.