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I'd like to add more LUT's to the dropdown menue in PPro cc 2015. Anyone knows the correct folder / path?
Hi Martin,
With 12.1, there is a new feature related to color correction and the Lumetri Color panel for adding LUTs to your editing system much more easily than before.
In the past, users had to add a single LUT at a time for any custom LUTs or packages of multiple LUTs. This became quite cumbersome in a good number of workflows and lead to unexpected behavior when users added LUTs incorrectly via hacking the app package.
This feature allows you to create a location for adding LUTs to Premiere Pr
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Thanks for your post. I am sorry your frustration got to the point where you and others feel the need to alter the application package. The developers do not want that to happen whatsoever. My hope is that you'll no longer have to resort to this harsh workaround again.
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I just signed up to let you know I created a Video-Tutorial showing these steps on Youtube. Hope I could help you guys!
How to import LUTs to the Adobe Premiere Creative Tap-Down (Convert .Cube to .Look) - YouTube
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Thank you.
PS: Kevin really said it all what I already know/think in this sentence "The development team uses a lot of different techniques to make Premiere Pro function as it should under the hood". Which really means that "ours" decade+ old software is nightmare to maintain since it is all patched and hacked under the hood to be able to operate at all. The primary reason for Adobe's software "great performance". Anyone who looks how it is installed can see the stuff is all over the place on the computers. Google for "world's worst wiring" images and you'll know what I meant 🙂
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If you're trying to simply convert a LUT to a Look format, you're doing a ton of extra messing about. Really.
In PrPro, simply load the LUT you want to convert on a clip with no other settings messed with, go to the 'hamburger' menu at the top of the Lumetri panel on the right side of the tab, click the three little lines or 'hamburger', selec "Export .look" and it will ask you where you want it and what to name it. A whole lot easier and simpler (besides safer) than your method.
Or download SpeedGrade, still available in the 'previous versions' option even though it's been EOL'd. Import a LUT file there, or create one by grading a clip. Save it ... now click on it in the selector panel for LUTs there, and right-click/export ... and you can choose a ton of different LUT formats. Including the Look style.
Now, as to putting that in the Creative tab's folder: if you actually look at the contents of that folder, you'll see there are already LUTs, looks, and itx files ... all are formats of a basic LUT file. I've put LUTs in that folder that could be seen from the drop down list selector.
That's not the problem ... the problems (and there are several) is that that Lumetri seems to use a relative reference to files within that folder, NOT an absolute. Relative as in the fourth file down sort of thing, like spreadsheets. So go ahead and add some. Work away. Next project add a few more.
Go back to the earlier project and try and export ... you're outta luck. It's now using a different LUT file than the one you'd selected. Because you changed the order of the files in that list, that folder. That's one problem.
Another, is if you add a LUT/Look/itx file, any format of LUT, to the PrPro folder tree's Creative folder, then queue to export out of Media Encoder, unless you have the same LUT/Look/itx file in the same spot in the list in ME's folder tree, it will use ... you guessed it! ... the same number-down-the-list there that it had in PrPro's folder tree.
Which is why though I once used that Creative folder, even had a subfolder for organizing mine within that worked slick ... after they changed this, it's just too much risk and hassle to use the Creative folder.
As Jim Simons says, save 'em to your CC cloud file ... they'll export out of that to both PrPro and ME on any machine you log into after that.
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Hello Martin,
Unfortunately, this thread has become rather a dumping ground for your original issue.
I'd like to add more LUT's to the dropdown menue in PPro cc 2015. Anyone knows the correct folder / path?
Use the "Browse" function within the Lumetri Color panel to locate and import new LUTs. More info here: Color grading workflows in Adobe Premiere Pro CC
For all on this post, you should not add any items to the application package or you may experience unexpected behavior (much like some on this post are experiencing). Always add custom and third party LUTs, etc. inside Premiere Pro using the Browse function.
The application package is not meant for users to add or remove items to whatsoever, so if you insist on doing so, it will be at your own risk. We cannot troubleshoot Premiere Pro effectively when the application package has been tampered with.
If the Browse function or the UI is not working for you or exposing the files you need to use, please file a bug here.
Kind Regards,
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I have a folder of 50 .cube files that I would like to easily click through. I like the way you can click through the creative looks with a preview thumbnail in the Lumetri Color window and was wondering if it was possible to add my own to this list. Right now I am clicking browse to apply a look, which would be fine if I only had one look to choose from. But not having the power to easily click back and forward to compare looks and having to select browse every time is very time-consuming.
Please help
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Once upon a time, that seemed a good way to go. I used subfolders under the "built-in" folders, and it was slick.
However ... there have been some changes in the way the Lumetri panel relates to items in the program folder locations, and mixing in our own is not only officially frowned upon, but can cause issues where it mis-chooses a LUT to use.
So ... it's necessary to put them in a folder that can be found quickly in navigation to it. Sigh.
And ... file a feature request for a better LUT application process.
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Hi Martin,
With 12.1, there is a new feature related to color correction and the Lumetri Color panel for adding LUTs to your editing system much more easily than before.
In the past, users had to add a single LUT at a time for any custom LUTs or packages of multiple LUTs. This became quite cumbersome in a good number of workflows and lead to unexpected behavior when users added LUTs incorrectly via hacking the app package.
This feature allows you to create a location for adding LUTs to Premiere Pro and other Adobe video applications en masse. For this feature to function properly, you will need to create specific folders in your computer before importing LUTs into them. In general, create the folders as follows:
Place LUTs in these folders, restart the application, and they will appear as you’d expect in the Lumetri Color panel and elsewhere, like in the Lumetri Color effect in After Effects.
Hope that helps.
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SO welcome too!
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This doesn't work for Media Encoder 12.1
Since selecting custom LUTs in Media Encoder is broken since 12.1 (at least for Mac OS) this function is essentially useless.
Is there a workaround for the current version of Media Encoder to use custom LUTs / Looks?
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Can you confirm that this really does work as described Kevin-Monahan?
I have previously added LUTs into the package and reading this, really do not want to.
however adding them to the Library application support folder does not work for me, I know I have 2 libraries, one hidden by default, and have tried both locations.
Can you also confirm what type of LUT go into each folder. Technical verses Creative. There has been some discussion during this tread about .cubes and -
.looks I also have some .itx files in there too. Or is it just a matter pf personal taste? Arty farty into Creative and subtle colour temp/space conversions into Tech... or what?
EDIT: The LUTs I was trying to install dont even get added or are recognised by the browse function, so maybe they are to blame. I will try to add some others I know to work in the Locations you specified...
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There are some LUT types/formats that PrPro doesn't work with, and note, in the folders listed you need to create the folders for Technical (used in Basic tab)and Creative (used for Creative tab). Some people don't catch that detail, and it's rather crucial.
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So Adobe's stance seems to be: "Users: please stop hacking the damn app package! We sympathise with your misguided attempts to get our software - for which you all pay through the nose after all - to work in a way one might reasonably expect. But get real, you aren't engineers and you don't know what your doing. Stop tampering! Anyway, we now have a solution for you. What you need to do is hack the app package..."
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I'm not a Mac user, but ... I'm not seeing this listed as using the Package system on a Mac ... so the comment is puzzling.
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You wrote:
"This feature allows you to create a location for adding LUTs to Premiere Pro and other Adobe video applications en masse. For this feature to function properly, you will need to create specific folders in your computer before importing LUTs into them. In general, create the folders as follows:"
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Dan Harper,
- but if you are trying to dynamically link a file with LUTs applied in Premier Pro, replacing with an AE composition for example...
- This behavior is really annoying and poorly coded...
Sorry if the feature does not work the way you require it to. Let the kind folks on the dev team know how you'd actually like it to work. I apologize for the pain points.
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Would it be possible to have Premiere, After Effects or Media Encode send up a warning that the LUT is missing, like some apps do when a font is missing? What happens instead is that a completely different LUT is applied and the results are usually a disaster.
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Great idea. Can you pass it along here? Premiere Pro: Hot (5190 ideas) – Adobe video & audio apps
Cheers and have a great weekend!
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There is no folder "Luts" in "Common" ... I always have to place the Luts in "Show package content"... ==> "Technical", and it' not the good method ...
Somebody has the solution to not have the error Lumetri message : "A low level exception occured in Lumetri" ?
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As stated in several places in the documentation and threads here, you go to that location and *create* the Technical and Creative folders.
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Ok but I have a problem ... I go on Application support/Adobe/Common and I
create a folder, I name him "Technical", I copy my Luts inside and now
there is no Luts available in PP. Nothing on Lumetri Panel, and if I check
the browser media nothing appear, nothing available ...
Tim Reynaud
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Look at the paths for Mac ... you need to be in the .../Comon/LUTs folder, then create the Technical and Creative folders.
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Yes ok I had forgotten the folder "LUTs". Now it's appear but it is the
same problem "AE video filter, GPU, Low-level exception occured in
Lumetri"... I don't find the solution and I really need to work. Do you
have an alternative solution ? For the moment I can't grading in Da Vinci
because I don't know this application as well as PP...
Thanks for your reply.
Tim Reynaud
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Le mar. 18 sept. 2018 à 19:40, R Neil Haugen <> a
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adding LUT's to Lumetri color? created by R Neil Haugen
<> in Premiere Pro CC - View
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So, your LUTs are now appearing in the drop-down browsing lists in the Technical and Creative tab's slots?
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It's appear when I place them in Common/LUTs/Technical, but when I use the LUTs it works for ten minutes, I can change maybe 40 or 50 times my LUTs (to find the good, to see the best because I have many LUTs), and after the App PP block, I have to force to close the project, the app doesn't respond ... I think it is a problem with the GPU but I have the iMac 5k 40 go ram ... It is normally good.