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Since the latest update, i'm not able anymore to capture HDV with firewire link from my Canon XHA1.
MAC OSX Intel 10.7.5
When it should start capturing I get an error and Premiere CS6 goes on 'freeze'.
In CS5.5 (wich I kept installed), I don't have this error! But in CS5.5 there was no live view available.. what can be causing this error?
Help me please!!!
Rolled back to CS6.0.0 and everything works fine again!
No more updates for me š !
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Maybe some solutions to your problem.
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Thank you Ann for the reply,
but sadly.. nothing seems to help.. I tried changing tapes, changing cables, restart, checking camera settings .... I also tried a simple playback this time. But even then it crashes. At the moment the image comes up it freezes.
My strongest point.. in adobe cs5.5 it works without any hesitation.. in cs6 it fails ??
Last week it still worked (in cs6), I did not change any setting, nor hardware..
The only thing happened, if I remember well, is an adobe update for CS6 Premiere last week.
Hopefully someone has more sugestions ... or adobe can look in to this error???
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Roll back to 6.03 if you think its the update.
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Can you let me know how? thank you in advance!
I only find the update to CS6.0.2 for mac.. CS6.0.3 does not exist?
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Jeroen Peys wrote:
Can you let me know how? thank you in advance!
I only find the update to CS6.0.2 for mac.. CS6.0.3 does not exist? =Mac
There is no 6.0.3 update for Mac. It's a Windows only update. Go straight to Premiere Pro CS6 (6.0.5)
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Kevin Monahan wrote:
Jeroen Peys wrote:
Can you let me know how? thank you in advance!
I only find the update to CS6.0.2 for mac.. CS6.0.3 does not exist? =Mac
There is no 6.0.3 update for Mac. It's a Windows only update. Go straight to Premiere Pro CS6 (6.0.5)
Did you even read this thread, Kevin???? It is describing a bug that makes capture impossible with Premiere 6.0.4 and 6.0.5. Telling him to install 6.0.5 is not the solution, it's the problem. He's trying to figure out how to install an older version so it will work.
You just gave the worst technical support I've ever seen. Try reading the question next time. Better yet, FIX PREMIERE. This bug has been around for 6 months and a bunch of us are stuck using old versions or Final Cut to do our captures.
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Indeed, good point Darik. I don't think Mr Kevin understands this annoying problem. As said above, you should roll back to 6.0, that worked for me! I will not update PremiĆØre anymore, to much risk!
All the best, Jeroen
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that is NOT a good solution!
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I am having the same issue. For me this is a major problem. I agree that going back to older versions is a unacceptable solution.
Do we know if it is on Adobe's radar to fix this.
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It's in their bug database, I submitted a report back in October.
I was told to workaround using an older version and that they would fix it in a future release. There hasn't been a new version since then.
It's very frustrating for me I have to do captures from tape regularly so it affects me all the time. It's especially frustrating since it's something that used to work and is now broken and they don't seem to be in a hurry to make it work again. Adobe has not made me feel like they care much about this bug.
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My problem is the same. CouldnĀ“t be that hard to fix for Adobe, or? I will try 6.0.2.
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I have the same problem with Sony Z1 (HDV) , but I didn't use Time machine... Do you mean that I just can download an older version ("upgrade"6.0 or 6.3) and that I can "downgrade" my version without having to valid or pay again ?
My second question is that I think that the upgrade has evacuated quicktime pro codecs in charge of HDV capture. Do you think that "downgrading" will restore quicktime pro ?
With great thanks,
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You will likely need to re-enter your registration even when downgrading. That's just a guess since we ended up just upgrading to CC. As for your issue with QT Pro, I haven't had that happen so I would just ask apple.
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Thank you for your answer,
Does it also mean I have to uninstall the the version I have now? If it is
the case, can I only install/ uninstall PremiĆØre without un installing the
whole "suite"? Isn't there any risk to destroy all the projects I work on ?
Thank you in advance for your answer,
Thierry Lafond
Thierry Lafond Films
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2015-05-25 2:27 GMT+02:00 digicade <>:
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 HDV Capture error created by digicade
<> in Premiere Pro - View the
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You can just uninstall Premiere. Does not effect projects.
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Thank you for your answer. I'm gonna do it !
Best regards
Thierry Lafond
Thierry Lafond Films
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2015-05-26 11:09 GMT+02:00 Ann Bens <>:
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 HDV Capture error created by Ann Bens
<> in Premiere Pro - View the
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I have had to deal with this exact problem on two different machines. Everything works fine until the 6.0.4 update. Using 6.0.4 or 6.0.5 it is impossible for me to do HDV captures, I get the "Serious error has occured" dialog.
The machines are a MacBook Pro and a Mac Pro. Both are running Mac OS X 10.8.5. Both CANNOT do any captures using the latest version of Premiere.
I can successfully capture using Premiere Pro 6.0.2. I have been forced to uninstall Premiere and roll back to that version.
In the 6.0.4 release notes there is a comment that it "provides a number of important fixes addressing AVCHD clip spanning" perhaps this is related to the problem.
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Rolled back to CS6.0.0 and everything works fine again!
No more updates for me š !
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I'm using the exact same camera, Canon XHA1 and also the Canon HV20. I film local highschool football and several weeks ago Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 on my 2013 iMac was working using the capture command from HDV tape. And this week after I did an update to CS6.0.5, suddenly it stopped working... Nerve wracking to say the least. Guess I'll try to uninstall and try the older version again.
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Hello Gerald;
I Rolled back to CS6.0.0 and everything works fine again!
No more updates for me š !
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iMactoybox wrote:
I'm using the exact same camera, Canon XHA1 and also the Canon HV20. I film local highschool football and several weeks ago Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 on my 2013 iMac was working using the capture command from HDV tape. And this week after I did an update to CS6.0.5, suddenly it stopped working... Nerve wracking to say the least. Guess I'll try to uninstall and try the older version again.
Oh great!!!!!!!!!! I just upgraded to 6.0.5. I have not tested yet but this will suck!!
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There is still HDV split...
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Ann Bens wrote:
There is still HDV split...
Have you tested this with 6.0.5 yet?
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Hello Ann,
I did not buy an expensive adobe product to start capturing with an external program? IT SHOULD WORK! So I stay on 6.0.
No more updates for me! I've learned my lesson