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Greetings to the community (Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 - latest version)
Ryzen 9 5950x
RTX 3070
128 GB RAM
Sequence settings: (most often use for me both on my mac and pc)
While working in premiere pro, suddenly without any reason the preview screen goes black (audio still works) in the both timeline and preview screen.
In the project settings if I change the render from CUDA to Software it works (really slow but preview comes back)
When I restart the application, it works once again for a while until it goes black again and it's getting really frustrating already.
All nvidia graphics are with latest updates
Windows is with latest updates
Checked already some other old posts from the community with offering small changes in the nvidia settings which i tried with no luck.
Would be happy if somebody has any idea on the issue.
Thank you in advance!
Hey team. I was with the studio driver from Nvidia via the application but I uninstalled everything and installed it only as an exe file and for now I do not have anny issues so far!
On the note, the issue occured mainly when I was colorgrading and adding a few lumetri color adjustment layers with imported LUTS .
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Never use the game ready drivers, as they also install other things that are meant for gamer's use, and problematic for editing NLE applications.
If you've installed a game ready driver, you need to do a "clean install" of a Studio driver to get rid of the junk.
And ... the most recent Nvidia Studio driver is buggy, so take the next older driver, not the current one.
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what's the best way to do a "clean install"?
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how do I go about doing a "clean install"?
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That's an option in the Nvidia install process.
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thanks! I'll give that a shot and see how it works. Just kind of frustrating because I use my PC for work and for gaming.
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Totally understand. And a lot of video post people, including program devs, are ardent gamers. You're not alone.
But you need to especially be aware then that both the Nvidia GPU 'game-ready' Experience/drivers, and some games, install audio "tools" that help games do their thing better, but ... interfere with the operations between the NLEs and the system.
And affect not only Premiere's performance, but Resolve and Avid also.
Sadly, gaming and NLE/Fx work aren't so totally suited for cohabitation. It can be done, but ... well, caveat emptor applies ... and yea, I've known editors and colorists that had to pull the games from their main working desktop over weird stuff happening.
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I have a very similar issue and it's driving me crazy.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
Premiere 24.2.1 Build 2
Windows 10
With CUDA enabled, the Source Monitor goes black; no playback, no audio. The timeline still plays and the program monitor works but I can't preview clips from the bin. If I match-frame from the timeline... black. I traced the problem to the Input LUT that was on the footage. It's a standard lut that is embedded in the footage and works fine on multiple other systems. Also, was experiencing the issue with multiple camera formats, and multiple LUTS.
If I remove the input LUT and set it to "none" in the clip settings, the problem is fixed. When I change from CUDA to OpenCL or Software Only, the problem is fixed, but obviously bad playback performance. I like to use Input LUTS when I can and many come pre-embedded so it's a real pain.
At first I updated to the latest Studio Driver, no luck. Rolled the Driver back to the Studio Driver 551.23 - STILL no luck.
If I toggle the Renderer to Software and Back to CUDA it seems to work for a little bit... but can't get it to stick completely.
Any additional help at all is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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Yup, this is just started happening to me. Big yikes
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If you are using a Nvidia card with the current (551.61) studio driver, roll one driver back.
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Still doing it for me
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A brand new studio driver has been released and is working well. Please try a clean installation of that driver and report back.
Here's a message from our assisted support reps.
Nvidia just released their new driver 551.86 which has the fix (
Let us know if that works for you.