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I'm working on a project with no sound, and I'd like to have as much real estate as possible on my screen. In this new version, if I go into Window, I cannot uncheck any of the boxes, it seems I can only add them(see image below). Normally, I would just close the using the little icon on the top, but the audio levels panel has no "Close panel" option. I've tried changing workspaces and creating new workspaces, but no luck.
Is there some new way of doing this? Is there a workaround?
It is a bit buggy but wait until you see this icon:
If you hold CTRL, and click directly on the blue line that outlines the box, you should be able to undock/move your panel.
Most of the other panels are responsive in the gray area within the header section of the panel, but for meters, it appears you need to click directly on the blue outline to get this to function correctly.
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THIS IS THE ONLY ANSWER!!!!! ctrl+click doesn't always work if the window pane is the wrong size. I'm on Windows 10 .. this is the answer 100% ..
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This solved it for me on MacOS in 2022. Was unable to close the Info pane for months - this solved it. Thank you!
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There are replies marked "answer," but they aren't answers (or are at least incomplete). Also more than a little frustrating that this is still an issue (I'm using the most recently update of 2021). "Audio Meters" is listed with a check mark in the Window drop down, but you can't untick it. I know in the grand scheme of all the issues with the giant bloat that is now Premiere, this is a small issue, but holy cow I wish it would go away.
Anyway, here's the actual answer... Click on the audio meters panel to activate it (the panel must be "active," which is indicated by a thin blue border), and then place your cursor at the top of the panel containing the audio meters (this also works for the "tools" if you ever want to get rid of that panel). You must place your cursor below the edge of the box (which will switch cursor functionality to sizing), but above the items in the panel. Once you are there, sometimes you will see a tiny little icon of a rectangle inside a box (however, seeing the icon isn't necessary for this to function properly). Right click in that area, and you will be given the option to close or undock the panel. Why audio meters and tools are different than ALL of the other windows is a mystery.
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This is STILL an issue, unbelievably. I have been feeling like Adobe is just not as on top of it as it has been in the past. Little inconveiniences that seem so easy to fix like these pop up a lot and never get fixed.
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It's the secret Adobe handshake / initiation to the club. Once you have it figured out you're a member with the privledge of manipulating the meters and tools...shhhh