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I went into my keyboard shortcuts and added in my old shortcut to make a clip marker (panels-timeline panel- add clip marker) and now i cannot figure out how to navigate clip markers (used to be shift+right or left) or how to clear them?
I also have a bonus question, this forum has changed since i last used it how to i organise the forums so that all the replies are in their own thread instead of seing a bunch of re: in the forum i would like to see the origional starting topics.
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I can't find that myself.
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You can't find the clip markers?
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I can't find how to do anything with them but set one. Not sure what good that is if you can't navigate to it.
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Ok yeah same problem as me hopefully someone will answer.
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You can't right click on the markers to get a menu with delete on it???
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If you park on a marker, you can right click and clear that marker to delete it, or press Option+M. You can also clear all markers with Option+Command+M. Shift+M = next marker Shift+Command+M = previous marker. There were a number of changes to markers, and marker shortcuts in Premiere Pro CS6.
Check out the following resources:
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That info seems to apply to sequence markers, Kevin. We're talking about CLIP markers. Seems you guys left out all capability other than setting them.
That's no good.
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Jim. In the Source monitor I can set clip Markers then right click on them and Clear them individually or Clear All
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That's fine, but we need to be able to navigate clip markers in the sequence.
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That's fine, but we need to be able to navigate clip markers in the sequence.
Not sure why but keen to hear about that in your workflow..
I set a clip marker in the source and it appears on the clip in the sequence. If I need to edit it..I double click the clip back to the source monitor. I can now drag the marker or edit it etc.
Does that work for you?
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Not sure why but keen to hear about that in your workflow..
I set sequence markers in the edit sequence for where chapter stops will eventually be. They show up as clip markers once I nest that edit sequence.
My typical work flow is to turn those Clip markers into Sequence markers (for Encore) by skipping along from one to the next.
Can't do that now (or at least, not nearly as easily) without the ability to navigate clip markers in the sequence.
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I too use markers in the timeline. All the time. I found a work-around, in case you have not already done this. If you double clike the clilp in the timeline, which opens it in the source monitor, you can clear all markers in the soure monitor, and it clears the markers in the clip in the timeline.
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I still intuitively feel like there should be a way to delete all clip markers on all of my clips within a particular sequence.
I received a really cluttered by markers sequence from an editor and I really need to delete them all to stop them from snapping me to wrong sequence areas for micro edits. But since there are so many clips, clicking them all to delete the markers in the source window is very painstaking. It would be so easy if I could just highlight all of the clips in the sequence, right click them and select... "delete all clip markers".
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In my project, premiere 2014 or 2015, with markers on a multiclip timeline, following the above and "clear all markers" in source panel does nothing that I can see. I have to clear each individual markers separately. PIA.
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Craig's right: other than adding markers to a selected clip, all *clip* marker ops are done in the Source Monitor. But do not forget that dragging the playhead while holding the Shift key will snap the playhead to a clip marker as you pass it during the drag.
As always, this page is the place to make your opinions known: Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form
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dragging the playhead while holding the Shift key will snap the playhead to a clip marker
That helps, but it was still easier (and more importantly, quicker) with the keyboard navigation.
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I'm evidently missing some black magic here on holding down shift and moving the playhead. When I do that to a nested sequence that has markers in CS6, it doesn't snap at all. A shortcut for "next clip marker" would be greatly appreciated.
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Pleas let Adobe know directly. The more that do, the better the chance of getting it.
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Jeff Bellune wrote:
...As always, this page is the place to make your opinions known: Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form...
Thanks Jeff i let them know that i would appreciate the return of navigating clip markers via keyboard shortcuts.
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Sorry if I'm stating something obvious, but does everyone here know that you can customize your keyboard shortcuts?
Many (most?) of the keyboard shortcuts were changed between CS5.5 and CS6. However, there is a keyboard custom preset for CS5.5, so you can select that.
That being said, it DOES NOT exactly work as advertised. There are still some shortcuts - such as clip and sequence marker navigation - that still do not return to their previous keyboard shortcuts after setting keyboard presets to CS5.5.
But you just go in the custom keyboard dialog, select the function and add your keyboard combo back in, easy as pie. Save it as "Mr. Fancy Pants Custom Keyboard Shortcut Bonanza" and you'll have it with you always and forever. Or until CS7 anyway.
There IS a new shortcut option directly for Encore shortcuts however, which is NICE since it used to be a three step process to create an Encore chapter marker in sequence. Now it's a keyboard shortcut (for me, it's CTRL+*). Also added back the ALT+0 shortcut to clear sequence markers on mine.
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go in the custom keyboard dialog, select the function
That's just it, it ain't there anymore! There is no way to define a keyboard shortcut for Next Clip Marker.
(Or if it is, none of us so far have been able to find it, even with Search.)
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Thank you for this tip. I can't believe it's that unintuitive to remove a clip marker!