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Does Premiere Pro work with Windows 10??

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Jun 02, 2015 Jun 02, 2015

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Does Premiere Pro work with Windows 10??




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Aug 26, 2015 Aug 26, 2015

Yes, it's included in our system requirements documentation now: System requirements | Adobe Premiere Pro



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Jun 02, 2015 Jun 02, 2015

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We are testing our builds on Windows 10. No official word yet. It should be compatible when Windows 10 releases for public.






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Engaged ,
Jun 03, 2015 Jun 03, 2015

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It should be compatible when Windows 10 releases for public.

Is that only PP CC, or does that apply to PP CS6, too?




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Jun 03, 2015 Jun 03, 2015

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Hi Ed,

That would only be for CC.






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Engaged ,
Jun 03, 2015 Jun 03, 2015

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That would only be for CC.

Thanks, Rameez.

OK, so what about CS6, then?

Do we know for a fact it doesn't work on Win 10? Or that it might work? Or is that something that's not even on Adobe radar?

I'm thinking about upgrading to Win 10 (like a lot of people, I'm sure) but PP CS6 is one of my "must work" apps so if there's even a slight chance it's not going to work I'm not going to upgrade.





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Jun 03, 2015 Jun 03, 2015

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if there's even a slight chance it's not going to work I'm not going to upgrade.

Even if it does work, I'd recommend skipping 10.  Overall, it's a downgrade from 8 and even from 7.




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Jun 06, 2015 Jun 06, 2015

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A bit more about Win 10 would be nice ... could you elucidate upon the topic a wee bit more?





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Jun 06, 2015 Jun 06, 2015

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Jun 07, 2015 Jun 07, 2015

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Windows 7 was great.  It worked extremely well, it looked very nice.

Windows 8 worked just a little bit better than 7 (in my view, though I get not all agree) but was a step down in appearance.  The 'flat' look just isn't as pleasing as Aero Glass.

Windows 10 is a step back in both functionality and in appearance.  The Start Menu from 7 worked fine.  The Start Screen from 8 also worked fine (when you tweaked it just right).  But the bastardized Start Screnu...Start Meen - whatever the heck you call that thing - is just a mess that only makes things more difficult then either the Menu from 7 or the Screen from 8.

In both Windows 7 and 8, it's pretty obvious which Taskbar Pinned programs are open.  There's a light grey box around the icon.  With Windows 10, all we get is a small line under the icon, making it very difficult to see at a glance which of those programs are actually open.  Further, clicking on them to call them up sometimes takes two or three clicks, whereas in 8 it just always works on the first click.

OneDrive is integrated into the OS, with no simple way to remove it.  That's fine if you're a OneDrive user, but I'm not, and no matter what I do, I can't get rid of those damned CameraRoll and SavedPictures folders in my Library.

Searching the hard drive is now integrated with Bing, and there's no way to disable that.  Which means every time you search for something on your hard drive, MS will know about it.

And finally, even if all that got fixed, there's still one pretty egregious downgrade in 10 that would keep me away, at least.  The look.  It's just fugly, man.  Real, real fugly.




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Engaged ,
Jul 21, 2015 Jul 21, 2015

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J. Simon wrote:

if there's even a slight chance it's not going to work I'm not going to upgrade.

Even if it does work, I'd recommend skipping 10.  Overall, it's a downgrade from 8 and even from 7.

You're the only one with complaints about Windows 10, saying it's a downgrade. Most everything you mentioned is appearance and access to things. Do you think most/all of these items might be simple fixes?

I am mostly concerned with performance. Do you see in improvement there? Not just with Premiere editing, but all of the associated apps, AE, AME, PS, etc. and the interfacing between..Also asset management and delivery, Network (inter and intra}?




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Jul 21, 2015 Jul 21, 2015

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I would not expect any major performance increases for applications such as Adobe Suites to come with any O.S update.  MAC or Windows.

I would expect more toys, widgets , gadgets and gimmicks ..plus a lot more intrusion and control on my personal life from Telecos, Corporates, Google etc via the Cloud .

Have a great reason for updating your O.S or prepare for the grief that we see evidence of in this forum everyday.

Last significant O.S upgrade I did was to 64 bit Windows.  I cant see anything on the  OS horizon that surpasses that.




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Jul 22, 2015 Jul 22, 2015

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You're the only one with complaints about Windows 10, saying it's a downgrade.

You haven't been hanging around the Microsoft forums lately, have you?

In any event, it seems as if the previously mentioned issues have actually been resolved in the latest build.  There are still a couple things that are a backwards step, and a whole host of things that have needed fixing for over a decade and still aren't.  At this point I'd be inclined to consider it more of a sideways move, rather than a downgrade or upgrade.




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New Here ,
Aug 22, 2015 Aug 22, 2015

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With Windows 7 pro 64 bit, Premiere Pro CC was using up to 90% of CPU.  Now, on same hardware with Windows 10 pro 64 bit, PPro is crawling along using only 16 to 20% of CPU.  There IS a serious problem here




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2015 Aug 22, 2015

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had that problem also Krishna,

look at your processes,  windows 10 defender virus protection takes up a lot of resources   with some work you can disable it




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New Here ,
Aug 22, 2015 Aug 22, 2015

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  • I found the answer (by more internet searching) by modifying the registry.  It seems that currently Windows 10 defaults to ONE Core, ONE Thread -- regardless as to how many actual cores and threads are in the CPU on-board.

  • The following procedure worked for me.  Rendering Premier Pro CC video went from 20% CPU to 100% CPU.

found at: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Windows-7-...-m1861804.aspx


In short, here is the better method from sky60234
  • Go to Regedit

  • Find this key: 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583

  • Within this key, there is a value called: " ValueMax "
    This value represents the % number of cores the system will park - the default 100% ie: all Cores are potentially park-able

  • Change the value from 64 to 0 so the " ValueMin " and " ValueMax " are both zero

  • You will have to find the key a few times and repeat the process for each time it is found - the number of instances will depend on the number of power profiles in your system [ in my DAW it was only found twice ]

  • Do a full shutdown and power-off and cold-re-start

Just make sure you continue the search in regedit for the key of every instance of the key above.




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Advocate ,
Aug 22, 2015 Aug 22, 2015

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‌Or wait till they fix it.... I foolishly upgraded to CC 2015 when Adobe made it sound like a walk in the park.

I'm running a business, one with deadlines, one I can't bill for hours spent fixing software vendor screw ups, not doing free testing for Adobe and Microsoft.  Adobe, the clowns who released  fifteen upgrades on the same day then shut down the company for summer break the next week!!!!  A few somebodies who's title starts with C should be shown the door for that stunt.

I'll upgrade to Windows 10 in six months or a year when it works. I am still upset about Vista (the Titanic powered by a Fukushima reactor, captained by ISIS) and Windows 8(train wreck)  I'll pass on the fix, although I do appreciate you sharing it, to me it's entering twenty four digit alpha-number strings while incanting gibberish and sprinkling chicken blood on a makeshift altar.

Now, if you have any Adobe dolls and long pins to go with the chicken blood and the gibberish count me in.




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Aug 23, 2015 Aug 23, 2015

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Windows 10 works flawlessly with PPro 6 to CC 2015 and you only notice the speed but everything is the same. People with bad systems and below standard computers will always have problem. Get a good rig and have a peace of mind and stop the insults.




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Aug 24, 2015 Aug 24, 2015

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Haven't run Win10 yet personally. However, there are enough (and consistent) reports of difficulties utilizing a number of video editing/processing apps (not just Adobe) to raise questions as to whether that OS is currently completely set for complex video operations.Including such things as having it running perfectly, get a Windows update cycle, and either the video apps run but fritzed or don't run at all. It is good to know that your machine is operating perfectly ... that's part of the data-set one wants to build. However, realistically ... there are other high-end editing machines built from the ground up for high-end editing that cannot work in Win10 but work perfectly in Win7 or 8, whichever they were built to use.

So it's not just a situation of "get a decent machine" (though it may help!). One does expect MS to get the OS settled into good video operation soon, but it's not necessarily ready for prime-time with all even high-end gear quite yet.





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Aug 24, 2015 Aug 24, 2015

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I entered this discussion with a serious issue with Premiere Pro not utilizing the full capacity of an 8 core AMD cpu to render video material into final form.  (only 20%)  I was used to 90 - 100% when rendering on PPro with Win 7.

I did some additional research which has completely solved my problem.  One can blame Microsoft, or roll up your sleeves,and do some editing in the registry.  I chose the latter course.  My second post (Krishna SIngh Khalsa Aug 22, 2015 2:46 PM) in this discussion thread details the solution that I found on another forum.  Since applying it, rendering video to final output form is working very well in Windows 10.  I like this OS better than Win 7, for it's simplicity and clean operation.  Others may feel differently.

Krishna Khalsa




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Aug 25, 2015 Aug 25, 2015

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Glad you've got it running well. That's a lot of futzing down in the Registry that I would be willing to do, but not a lot of others would as it would scare the *&% out of them. It would be nice if MS just fixed the blame OS. Which obviously, can run better than it does for most people by your own example. Would be nice to always have stable and perfectly functional software ... maybe in some parallel universe ... 





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Aug 25, 2015 Aug 25, 2015

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‌Apple built a business on the idea of not putting up with "maybe in some parallel universe".  Under that model we would be debating the art of editing, not registry edits.




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Aug 25, 2015 Aug 25, 2015

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And Apple has nearly abandoned their once-vaunted "We ARE the graphic artist OS" pledge. The only OS with worst posts on here at times than Windows is ... Mac. Holy smokes a few of their OS updates have blown out the editing pros. Complete to junking usability of a $1500 video card in a 6-month old Mac monster, that sort of thing. With an attitude of "tough ... ain't our problem."

So ... for a lot of issues in the Adobe DVA's over the last year or two, they've been Mac specific ... with people getting hammered with an OS update & needing to pull their OS version back to one that works and such not. What a joy ... the Windows side (other than 10) has been comparatively stable, odd as that sounds.





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Aug 25, 2015 Aug 25, 2015

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‌I have no argument with the race to the bottom in regards to Apple's ease of use.

That said I do take exception to Adobe's willingness to release junk, not just junk, but a major rev of every product they sell on the same day, then shut down the company for a holiday. And as a former product manager I can say either the test group was incompetent or someone in product management knew and decided to roll the dice, and I can guess why. And I suspect the test guys knew what was coming.

MIcrosoft?  I've learned not to install new releases for a year or two.  I remember Vista.  And their universe is big and complicated.  As far as I can tell they released 10 months ago. Adobe got me this time, they won't again, I'll wait.

I can't bill for the time to learn how to do registry edits, nor do I have any desire to learn how to.  I strive to be a better editor.  I don't see how knowing and learning to tweak the registry helps me be a better editor.  That's my test.




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Aug 25, 2015 Aug 25, 2015

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I used to have a lot more willingness to "get under the hood". Now, agreed, I'd just like to work. Sigh.





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New Here ,
Sep 13, 2015 Sep 13, 2015

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This is not true. I test CC2015 with windows 10 and find problems. You cannot move forward and back single frames with the buttons.

This is an very important point for cutter. May be quicktime works also not perfect with windows 10.

I must go back to windows 7. And my system is new with best hardware.

So my question: When Premiere CC2015 will work perfect 100% with windows 10?




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