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Export Error Error compiling movie. Accelerated Renderer Error Unable to produce frame.

Community Beginner ,
Mar 25, 2020 Mar 25, 2020

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Adobe Premiere Pro and Media Encoder 2020

Windows 10 Pro

Intel Core i7-8550U 1.8GHz/2.0GHz


500GB SSD (C:) and external USB HDD for the project.

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Max-Q 4GB


Haven't had these issues before while exporting and suddenly I can't even get it to render within Premiere, let alone in Media Encoder. I have cleared the cache and tried both Software and GPU rendering. Using the GPU gives me the following error:

Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Accelerated Renderer Error

Unable to produce frame.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: \\?\K:\Season 2\Studio\Exports\Drafts\americanrust_fulldraft4.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:09:21 - 00:00:10:14
Rendering at offset: 10.010 seconds
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: -1609629690


Using software just freezes both Premiere and Media Encoder.


I am using a LUT and some of the clips on the timeline have Red Giant Universe plugin on them. I have never had this issue before using this plugin. No morph cuts and not really any transitions in there either as it's a music video.


My graphics card is up to date, I've installed the 'game ready driver' as it seems this is the most recent one. The other option is the 'studio driver' but I have the same issue regardless.


My Windows power saver is set to high performance. There shouldn't be anything holding this down. I'm hoping the answer is that my graphics card just isn't powerful enough - surely there is a way to slow the render so it can get through it without overheating?



Crash , Export , Freeze or hang , Hardware or GPU , Performance




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correct answers 2 Correct answers

LEGEND , Mar 25, 2020 Mar 25, 2020

Have you tried an interframe format/codec such as Cineform, ProRes, or DNxHD/R? They would be easier on your gear I would think for the initial encode, and you could also if necessary use "smart previews" ... by setting your Preview format/codec to the same as that you would export using those codecs, rendering each clip, then exporting the sequence with "Using previews" selected.


Your rig is pretty low powered, and some Red Giant things take a lot of processing.




Engaged , Sep 14, 2021 Sep 14, 2021



It's a long read ... 


Hi Neil,


More diagnostics. 


I managed to get a new 3060Ti.  Installed, DDU prior drivers (complete wipe) to make sure they were gone, unplugged network cable to make sure Win10 didn't try to install drivers from internet.  Installed the GPU, installed the new nVidia SD drivers, started Adobe, enabled GPU Accelerated, started the render and ... drum roll ... same exact problem.


Switch to Software and no issues with render, just a lot slower even on an AMD 5950X.





Enthusiast ,
Sep 29, 2021 Sep 29, 2021

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I think it's because when you use a dynamic link from After Effects in a Premiere Pro timeline it's serving frames from AERenderEngine to PPHeadless to Media Encoder. So all those encoding engines are vying for processing time and it's just not efficient,. OTOH when you render to ProRes (particularly on a Mac) the processor is optimised for that. And then when you render out of Premiere it can take advantage of hardware encoding the ProRes file to H264.


I much prefer this workflow anyway - speeds up editing inside PP and it means I have hard copies of those AE files even if I come back to the project years later (when plug ins use in AE may be no longer available.)




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Engaged ,
Sep 30, 2021 Sep 30, 2021

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I agree it's faster and really the ONLY way to go for speed of workflow, sadly ProRes files are HUGE but they do seem to work better with Pr.  BUT, why provide the option for dynamic linking if it's so slow as to not be efficient and not viable for a fast workflow?   Same with using Proxies, not required, but on longer large projects it's a must to use Proxies.  Both of these problems point to a problem with coding efficiency in Pr.


Same can be said for BORIS FX Mocha Pro and motion tracking, as a plug-in it works 100X faster in Ae than it does in Pr.  Same process, render it out in Ae, then bring it into Pr.  Hopefully you can see where I'm going with this ... making Ae and Pr separate seems to be more about a "business model" than efficiency of delivered product ... Ae and Pr should be one.




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Sep 30, 2021 Sep 30, 2021

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Different things work better for ... different things. Should there be no dynamic link at all though it doesn't work for everything? That would seem odd to me.


Smaller projects can allow certain options that slow down larger ones. So, one adapts to the way it allows us to work. You don't have to use proxies much in a smaller project or worry that much about comps. The larger the project, the more you'll need proxies and to render full replacements for comps.


Another thing that helps is working in Production mode rather than stand-alone "old style" projects. As you don't get the slowdowns of the large standalone projects, have no problems with duplicated assets ... overall a vastly improved process.


I'm a one-man shop mostly, and I do a full year's worth of work within one Production. With folder structures dividing it into my various organization needs and under those the projects I work. This way my b-roll, audio sound library, and the complicted sequences I've built as templates are all available instantly to any project of the year. Slick.


A larger shop would probably use a production for each main client or even job.






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Engaged ,
Sep 30, 2021 Sep 30, 2021

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True, smaller 10-60 sec commercial or intro etc. I can see where dynamic link might not be a major issue.


Agree on templates also, although I find myself not using them as much because of the something "new and different" requirements.  But I don't do this full time, it's mostly just for advertising my own products that I create (software and hardware) and tutorials.  I'm by no means a professional video editor nor make any such claims.  I am however a one person show when it comes to the software/hardware I create.


I do enjoy the video editing and FX process, however, if I had sufficient funds to hire a regular video editor/FX person I would. But right now that isn't economically viable for my company (in terms of staying in the black and meeting minimum income requirements).


Cheers, Rob.




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Sep 30, 2021 Sep 30, 2021

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I would definitely recommend checking out changing to a productions mode for you, Rob.


It's so much easier once you figure out the way it's designed to work.






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Enthusiast ,
Sep 29, 2021 Sep 29, 2021

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I believe the plug-in was from BORIS FX CONTINUUM.  I had brought the problem to their attention but they indicate it was an Adobe Pr issue, hence my post here.

By @Rob Ainscough

Maybe - maybe not. I noticed the plug in was relying on scripting. I suspect that could be an issue as many scripts don't work 100% on AE after recent updates. The fact that it didn't work directly out of AE points to an issue.





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Engaged ,
Sep 30, 2021 Sep 30, 2021

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Well there are a few issues, when using Pr, Software Render did actually work on the sequence/timeline!  In Pr when I tried to export neither software or hardware render worked.  In Ae, Software and Hardware render didn't work and failed with the message ID (from thread top).


But like you suggest, maybe or maybe not ... it could be Ae/Pr or it could be BORIS FX which bring us to the weakness in Adobe's error reporting.  The error IS being trapped by Adobe executable/DLL per the Adobe Dialog/window showing the error message/code ... which is good news, much better than a CTD.  However, the error code provide -1609629690 says nothing that is helpful to anyone.  Perhaps Adobe want to obfuscate their code (especially when errors are ecountered) to avoid potential security/hacking issues which is why they leave the errors vague and useless. 


Since I'm a software engineer I know that one can do a stack trace and/or even use reflection to identify the source of the problem (assuming it was from a code based under Adobe's control).  But seeing as this can be triggered with Software render then I'm certain the source could be traced (doesn't use nVidia CUDA libraries) internally and reported back with something more meaningful than -1609629690 and actually point to the FX and or specific script being applied to an FX ... as in my case it was "Expression: Scale Width" or "Expression: Scale Height" with a fairly simple script that maybe it was trying to divide by zero in the "(wigs/sec)" or something along those lines.


I know PM's tend to cut out or limit error reporting as it's a "hard sell" to the finance side of project management and funding.  I've been in the PM role and Director of Development and have seen trends over the decades (35+ years in the field), it's actually most cost efficient to have developers spend the time to create useful error reporting as it saves in support costs and makes problem identification much easier to address/fix.


Cheers, Rob.




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Enthusiast ,
Sep 30, 2021 Sep 30, 2021

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Wow Rob - you know a lot more about the software engineering side than I do. I too wish error reporting was less "obtuse".


To your point about why have dynamic linking at all? I can't answer that as I use it so rarely - I've used it a couple of times when I had to motion track logos in short shots and get rid of them - was easier, but I don't love it because you're left without your source media link in your PP Sequence - just an AE link. This breaks too many things for me. What I do use all the time is the ability to import Premiere sequences into After Effects - not dynamic link to a Premiere sequence (that's useless as you don't get access to the actual assets). The import PP sequence is incredibly convenient. Saves exporting intermediate files.  I gave up worrying about disk space a long time ago.






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Explorer ,
Jun 08, 2022 Jun 08, 2022

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I'm having a really similar problem with any plugin From Red Giant/Maxon's Universe plugin.

See my thread: https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-discussions/low-exception-error-gpu-filter-universe-plug...




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New Here ,
Dec 13, 2022 Dec 13, 2022

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Brilliant info, thank you. Does this still stand when using proxies?




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Enthusiast ,
Dec 13, 2022 Dec 13, 2022

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Proxies are not used during export so they shouldn't affect render at all




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New Here ,
Jan 08, 2022 Jan 08, 2022

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I got the same problem and I tried so many things but it didn't work. Finally I just copied the the whole timeline and opened a new project in Premier pro and pasted all the slides on a new timeline and it worked. I exported my video. 




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New Here ,
Dec 16, 2023 Dec 16, 2023

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I've gone through every post online without success looking for the solution to: "Video Preview Error, Error Compiling Movie, Unknown Error"

Not once did I see it suggested that the problem might be with the Premiere Pro programme. After weeks of searching and stress: I DELETED THE PREMIERE PRO PROGAMME AND RE-INSTALLED IT, and found that was the solution.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 08, 2024 Sep 08, 2024

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Had a similar issue. Doing a custom reinstallation of nVidia drivers resolved this.

 - Encoding Time: 00:00:02
09/08/2024 11:31:33 AM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Accelerated Renderer Error

Unable to produce frame.

Writing with exporter: QuickTime
Writing to file: E:\Video Projects\George Worrell - Neighborhood Favorites\assets\footage\Proxies\fx3_4183_Proxy.mov
Around timecode: 02:29:26:11
Rendering at offset: 0.000 seconds
Component: QuickTime of type Exporter
Selector: 17
Error code: -1609629695

1. Clicked Reinstall driver


2. Did  custom installation 



3. Used the "Perform a clean installation" option at the bottom.


4. I am now able to render with the CUDA option. The software option worked before but was significantly slower. 

Nightmare over. I can now continue the evening's plans with peace of mind.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 08, 2024 Sep 08, 2024

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Specs for anyone who cares.

Device name	Creator
Processor	AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor            3.70 GHz
Installed RAM	32.0 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2070




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