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I'm pleased to announce that Premiere Pro version 23.2 has just been released with a fix for this issue and some other nice features. Please update to get the fix.
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Hey Sam,
One possible thing to check is the permissions of your Preferences folder. You can reset that for problems like this. The info is here. You may want to check this out between versions of Premiere Pro and of the OS.
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Bonjour à vous,
Je rencontre le même problème pour mes montages vidéos.. J'ai trouvé aucune solution mise à part en enregistrant à la racine de mon disque dur D... Pour les mensualités versées auprès d'Adobe Premiere Pro ainsi que le reste des logiciels, est-ce qu'Adobe prévoit une mise à jour pour corriger ce bug qui touche également d'autres collègues ?
Nous avons énormément de travail à réaliser pour des vidéastes et c'est parfois une perte de temps qui peut jouer sur nos salaires.
Merci, agréable journée.
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Je suis completement d'accord avec vous. J'ai perdu énormémement de crédibilité aupres de mon client à cause de ce "BUG".
ET adobe reste silencieux....
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Ich erhalte beim Export von Videos folgende Fehlermeldung: "Der Datei-Importer hat eine Unregelmäßigkeit in der Datenstruktur gefunden. Das Lesen und Überschreiben der Metadaten (XMP) wurde deaktiviert"
Was kann die Ursache sein? Eine Neuinstallation der Software war erfolglos. Die Fehlermeldung erscheint bei der Umwandlung in H.264, beim Format AVI funktioniert es.
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Liebes Support-Team,
ich habe seit gestern genau das gleiche Problem.
Hier die gewünschten Infos:
Funktioniert weder mit Premiere Pro Ver. 23.0 noch mit Vers. 23.1
Windows System
Prozessor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz
MXF Datei Video + WAV Datei in der Tonspur
Export als H264, High Bitrate, mp4 Datei
Auf meinem PC sind 300GB Speicher frei. Ich habe gestern ebenfalls Premire Pro deinstalliert und neu installiert.
Ich hoffe auf eine schnelle Lösung.
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Hallo, Mareen, Danke sehr!
Thanks for the information. Some things have happened since I last wrote. A quick fix would be to try exporting to the desktop. Does that work? Others report that only English characters seem to work for export to English-named folders. Odd, I know. Worth a try in the short term if you need to get the files exported as soon as possible.
Since I am not a developer (a former pro editor, now in support), I am just taking an educated guess. Try this. Make sure that the permissions for your Preferences folder are set correctly. This doc can help with that. That tip has helped me in the past. Let me know what happens.
Are you in Germany or Austria? I am due for a visit to both places! I have family and friends in Germany and am a big fan of Austria. I have been there three times.
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Ich habe das selbe Problem. Medien Cache gelöscht, Premiere 23.1 neu installiert, die Version 23.0 installiert. Nichts half. Bei mir funktioniert der Export, wenn ich den Desktop als Speicherort wähle. Der liegt auf dem Laufwerk C:. Auch der Export in den Standard Video Ordner funktioniert. Dieser liegt bei mir auf Laufwerk D:. Ich hoffe, es kommt bald ein funktionierendes Update von Adobe!
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Even videos that could be exported before, can no longer be exported。
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See this link ... Problems with H.264/HEVC exports in Korean, Chinese, some European Languages by Premiere Pro manager Francis Crossman.
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tengo el mismo problema, con encoder me pasa lo mismo.
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Estou tentando salvar um video e está acusando este erro, já desinstalei o programa, testei com outros arquivos e permanece o mesmo erro.
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After upgrade PR2023 exporting .mp4 sucess but file sizes only 24byte. my collueage have some issue today. He is using PR2023 a week ago. and all the export (mp4) are fine except today.
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Estou tendo o mesmo problema, em alguns outros formatos eu tive sucesso, como por exemplo o QuickTime, que faz um arquivo em .mov, renderiza mais devagar mas conclui de forma consistente e segura, entretanto não deu certo converter .mov em H.264. Em H.265 também há esse mesmo erro, os arquivos temporários de renderização .mp4 e .aac possuem tamanhos consideráveis para o meu projeto de teste de render, porém o .mp4 final nada apresenta. Meu concoder, que também está atualizado em 2023 (além do Pr, Aí, etc) reporta isso no arquivo de log:
12/12/2022 11:13:39 AM : Fila iniciada
- Arquivo de saída: M:\2022\DB DIAGNÓSTICOS\COMUNICAÇÃO INTERNA\12_DEZ\Mensagem final de ano\DB-MSG-COLABORADOR.mp4
- Predefinição utilizada: Match Source - Adaptive Low Bitrate
- Vídeo: 2500x2500 (1,0), 24 qps, Progressivo, 100 (63% HLG, 51% PQ), Codificação de hardware, Nvidia Codec, 00:00:58:01
- Áudio: AAC, 128 kbps, 44 kHz, Estéreo
- Taxa de bits: VBR, 1 passagem, Destino 13,80 Mbps
- Tempo de codificação: 00:13:13
12/12/2022 11:27:21 AM : Arquivo codificado com aviso
O importador de arquivos detectou uma inconsistência na estrutura de arquivos de DB-MSG-COLABORADOR.mp4. A leitura e a gravação dos metadados deste arquivo (XMP) foi desativada.
Adobe Media Encoder
Não é possível gravar os dados XMP no arquivo de saída.
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That's an odd error, Gary. Can you try exporting to a folder with an English name? I have heard that foreign language words and symbols can trigger a similar bug. Let me know!
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Ya, me too for this issue. (adobe media encoder,Unable to write XMP data to the output file.)
but when i export at desktop is success.
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Hi Kevin, same with i using file name and folder name in english. but only export to desktop is success. even i using chinese file name.
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After working for quite a while successfully exporting parts from a footage, suddenly for no clear reason I failed to continue do so and got the error message saying:
" File importer detected an inconsistency in the file structure of 2018.mp4. Reading and writing this file's metadata (XMP) has been disabled".
The source footage I was working on was created by premiere earlier.
The same happened with some other footages of the same nature in different projects in different hard drive locations.
Restarting the computer didn’t help.
My premiere Version 23.1.0 (build B6)
What should I do? Will reinstalling premiere help?
System info:
Core i7 10700K Up To 5.0GHz Eight Core 16MB 3Y CPU10700K
16GB DDR4 3200 3Y DD416GB32
NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660 Super 6GB 3Y GPU1660S
Intel Z490 Express Based Main Board 3Y MBZ490
SATA DVD-RW x24 / x48 +/- Dual Layer Compatible 2Y ODDRW24
Antec VSK4000 USB3 3Y ENVSK4US
ANTEC EA750G Pro 80+ Gold 3Y PSUEA750
Windows 10 Home Edition 64bit OEM English OSW10H
PC Assembly + Stress Test SVCAST
System Installation & Configuration SVCOPT
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I believe I have found the reason for the problem. for no clear reason all of a sudden file cannot be exported to folders with Hebrew address location, whether it is on the hard drive or on an external drive. However, it works fine with English address.
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I was exporting short footages taken from a timeline contains a video that was created by premiere, after a while when all worked fine all of sudden it stoped exporting valid files with the error mesage saying:
"File importer detected an inconsistency in the file structure of 2017.mp4. Reading and writing this file's metadata (XMP) has been disabled".
I was trying to do the same with another project located in a different address and got the same error mesage.
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It seems to be the update error. I think we should wait until adobe fixes it.
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No momento de renderizar um vídeo aparece o seguinte erro: "importador de arquivos detectou uma inconsistência na estrutura de arquivos... A leitura e a gravação dos metadados deste arquivo (XMP) foi desativada.
Como resolver isso?
Por favor.
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Hola Todos
Tengo problemas al exportar desde Premiere CC.
Terminada la exportación me avisa que los archivos fueron exportados correctamente, pero los videos n hacen playback ni tienen ningún “detalle” ni alto ni ancho de fotograma, etc.
Como prueba, he vuelto a exportar material (que hace una semana se había exportado correctamente) y da el mismo error.
En el único formato en que puedo exportar video es AVI…
Hello Everyone
I am having problems exporting from Premiere CC.
Finished exporting it warns me that the files were exported correctly, but the videos do not playback nor have any "detail" neither frame height nor width, etc.
As a test, I have exported the material again (which a week ago had been exported correctly) and it gives the same error.
The only format in which I can export video is AVI...
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Was kann ich hier machen? Premiere Pro gibt mir diesen Fehler aus und die Datwigröße ist nur 1kB
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Alguém pode me ajudar? quando eu exporto um vídeo no premiere 2023, não consigo abrir ele. já aconteceu com aguém aqui?
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