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I'm pleased to announce that Premiere Pro version 23.2 has just been released with a fix for this issue and some other nice features. Please update to get the fix.
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Suddenly all my projects can't export to h264 through Premiere Pro or Media Encoder. If I try to export any video, it takes the usual time to export it but in the end, it gives me a 1kb corrupt file and an error message that says Premiere has detected an inconsistency in the file structure of the rendered file.
I don't know if there was any Premiere Pro update from yesterday to today, but it started to happen today, and I didn't change anything at all on my computer.
Is anybody having the same problem here?
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Sorted out!
When I exported to another folder, that is, before I was exporting into the CC folder that was synced.
I put it in a normal space and it worked!
Quando eu exportei para outra pasta, isso é, antes eu estava exportando para dentro da pasta CC que era sincronizada.
Coloquei num espaço normal e deu certo!
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Opening the video export data, when the audio and video are joined, there is some problem in the metadata - it does not specify which error - Anyway, in my case I was only able to solve it by disabling the metadata when exporting the project
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Eu preparo os arquivos normalmente para exportação, tanto no premiere, quanto after e no encore... mas em todos eles, após um processo demoraro de renderização, aparece o seguinte erro.
"inconsistencia na estrutura de arquivos".. começou de repente isso, pois faz pouco tempo que exportei algo e deu certo.
Eu desistalei e instalei novamente os programas, mas continua com o problema.
O que acontece no final é que um arquivo de apenas 1Kb é gerado.
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Revert to 23.0 or use the beta.
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La seule solution trouvé à ce jour c'est de réinstaller une version anterieur à la 23.0..... l'export fonctionne.
Idem avec media encoder bien entendu
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i get that error all the time, even before i upgraded yesterday
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After reinstalling Pr 23.0.0, everything returned to normal.
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Bonsoir à toutes et tous
Je débute sur premiere pro.
Jusqu'au week end dernier, ca allait bien... depuis, j'ai ça comme message quand j'exporte mes vidéos.
Je ne sais comment résoudre le problème.
Qqun pourrait il m'aider?
Je vous remercie par avance.
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merci pour votre réponse.
il ne me semble pas avoir un GPU Nvidia.
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merci Kévin 😉
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Hi, I've updated Premiere Pro and Media Encoder to version 23.1 and after that VLC Media player and Windows Media Player, and every other player stoped being able to read files encoded by Premiere and Media Encoder. The files are useless and I had to revert the updates to version 23.0 to be able to encode readable files again. Anyone else having this problem? P.S.: I was encoding H264 files.
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Do not use this buggy version .23.1, until the developers fix all the bugs. Now a lot of problems have resulted in this assembly. Although it is unclear why one update release works well, the other is terribly not working.
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Yes! And, the software, Premiere that is, is also slower than it was before, even in my fast machine. Thanks for the input.
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Hallo zusammen,
seit gestern habe ich eine Fehlermedlung beim Export meines Videoprojekts.
Nach Abschluss des Exports erscheint die angehängte Medlung.
Die MP4 Datei hat die Größe 1KB und lässt sich nicht öffnen.
Ich habe das ganze Porjekt auf eine Externe Festplatte gezogen und auf meinem Ersatz Laptop exportiert. Dort hat es einwadnfrei funktioniert.
Auf meinem PC habe ich Premiere Pro zick mal deinsatlliert und installiert. Leider kann ich das Projekt auf dem PC immer noch nicht exportieren.
System Windows 10 aktuell upgedatet. Bis gestern lief der Export Einwandfrei.
Irgend eine Idee woran es liegen kann?
Viele Grüße, Olaf
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Ich habe das gleiche Problem, scheinbar gibt es mit dem neuesten Update Probleme?
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O que acontece no meu caso e seguinte quanto tentei fazer a renderização na mesma pasta onde estão os arquivos originais deu erro "Não é possível gravar os dados XMP no arquivo de saída" quando salvei na pasta Downloads, deu certo!
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Estoy tendiendo un problema grave desde hoy, que he instalado Premiere Pro 2023. Al exportar un vídeo de 33 minutos, se exporta como un MP4 de 24 bytes. Tarda del orden a 20/22 minutos en hacerlo, pero el archivo no se puede leer y el peso no es coherente. Lo he intentado de todas las formas posibles y he leído varias posibles soluciones al mismo problema, pero no me solucionan nada. ni es un problema de espacio ni entiendo qué puede estar mal en la configuración.
Gracias de antemano.
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I was exporting as usualy but yesterday starts this error when I try to export a vídeo about 5 min. and shows me this error that says it disable the metadata file.
Try to export on Premiere and Media Encoder.
I've been since yesterday with this error and try a lot of things on youtube but nothing.
If anyone may help I apreciate.
Adobe Premiere version 23.1
Windows 10 Pro version 22h2
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You may need more free hard drive space.
What are the complete computer specs, including hard drives (how many, what kind, what is on each, what capacity, and how full)?
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Hi everyone,
I hope I can help people today because after hours of research I found an easy troubleshoot to a really annoying error in both Premiere Pro and Adobe Media Encoder.
Why is the error annoying?
Because it happens when all the renderings are perfectly fine.
Because it happens without clear explanation (just "l'importateur de fichier a détecté une incohérence dans la structure de fichier", in french).
Because it even has the nerve to say "the video has been exported" (spoiler alert : I has NOT. A crappy 24kb file isn't a video, I really can't know why a developper would put such a phrase after the program failed to export a video, as it will just make the user even more annoyed).
SO: Here comes the troubleshoot.
-> Just save the file under a different name in a different drive. <-
It sounds like a ridiculous solution but it just unlocks the situation.
In case you reaaaaally need your video to be rendered, and as Premiere Pro renders it perfectly but won't export, and for some reason the aforementionned troubleshoot won't work, you can record a second screen...
My first troubleshoot was using Microsoft Powerpoint, it seems freaky to say that using Powerpoint to record PP was way easier than using Premiere itself. Anyway, I hope my message will save some time and energy to some users.
And please, dear developers, don't prompt something just as "your video has been exported" whilt the software refuses to export the video without further explanation. You can easily imagine how it feels to encounter such a situation after hours of work.
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Speichere die Datei einfach unter einen anderen Namen in einem anderen Ordner ab. Das hat bei mir funktioniert. Warum weiß ich nicht. Hab das nach Stunden Fehlersuchen rausbekommen.