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How to Remove Master Clip Effects on Hundreds of Clips?

Explorer ,
Nov 09, 2016 Nov 09, 2016

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I'm editing with browser set to Icon view of which does not display Time Code just duration and since I'm editing 3 Cameras and 6 GoPros I've added Time Code to hundreds of Master Clips. I've completed a lengthy time line with many clips and would like to remove the Time Code from Master Clips or even just the clips in the Time Line before output.

How do you remove Master Clips effects for all clips in the project or even just the Time Line Clips. I've watched many tutorials but all of them deal with just a few clips.

Also, I can't seem to apply effects to Audio Master Clips.

Macbook Pro OSX El Capitan ver10.11.4

Pro CC 2015.3

Source Material Sony XDCAM EX 30p

Project Sony XDCAM EX 30p




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Nov 09, 2016 Nov 09, 2016

Select clips in the Project Window, right click, disable Master Clip Effects.

It will disable all effects (if added) not just the Timecode.


Community Expert ,
Nov 09, 2016 Nov 09, 2016

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Select clips in the Project Window, right click, disable Master Clip Effects.

It will disable all effects (if added) not just the Timecode.




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Explorer ,
Nov 09, 2016 Nov 09, 2016

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Everything is easy, once you know the answer. Thank you very much, kinda surprised I couldn't find this answer after searching many post.




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Explorer ,
Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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But how do you remove them.  I applied the wrong LUT to hundreds of clips.  I don't want to have to delete one at a time.  I'd like to remove them and reapply.




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Explorer ,
Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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Ann Bens has the correct answer:

Select clips in the Project Window, right click, disable Master Clip Effects.

It will disable all effects (if added) not just the Timecode.




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Explorer ,
Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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"Disable" is not "remove"  so this is kinda unanswered. I have thousands of clips with the a LUT on them.  I want to batch delete the LUT and add a new LUT to the master clips




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Explorer ,
Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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Yes, this is true and Disable may be the wrong word. I can tell you that when I followed Ann Bens instruction, whereas I had applied TC Window to hundreds of clips for ease of my workflow, and when it was time to output, I select all the clips and removed the TC windows.

Try it on a few clips to see if it does as you need.




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Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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There is no way to remove them en masse.  You can only do that one at a time.




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Explorer ,
Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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Based on my experience, I disagree with you Jim, unless that feature has been removed or somehow changed in the recent updates.

Please try what Ann Bens has suggested, it worked beautifully for me on hundreds and hundreds of clips, all at once. You may need to go bin by bin, certainly not one at a time, which was my first method and thats what caused me to seek the short cut Ann Ben recommends.




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Explorer ,
Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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Unless LUT's applying/removing works differently?




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Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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Ann's suggestion only turns the effect off, it does not remove it.  Further, it acts on all applied effects.  If the editor wishes to affect only one, Ann's suggestion will not work then, either.




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Explorer ,
Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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Shut my mouth. I'm not behind my edit station, but I seem to remember removing and having to reapply when needed. Sorry for the misguided info.




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Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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You can have more than one Timecode effect applied.  Likely you had one that was off, and the second that was on.




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Explorer ,
Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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Sadly I updated my software while in the middle of a massive project and the "Input LUT" I applied using Lumetri color to thousands and thousands of masterclips was changed from V-LOG to C-LOG. 

What I learned is that "disable masterclip effects" is not an on/off switch for every effect on the masterclip but time sensitive.   Meaning whatever effect applied before selecting "disable masterclip effects" is disabled but any new effects added in the future are on. 

Hope this info helps someone.  Very stressful morning.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 30, 2019 Jan 30, 2019

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And how the hell do you RE-ENABLE hundreds of them??

How is there no matching "ENABLE masterclip effects" ??




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Explorer ,
Apr 15, 2019 Apr 15, 2019

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I'm desperately trying to find an answer to this, but in the meantime, I'm using Quickeys ($60) to macro the removal.

Highlight the first clip in the bin manually. Now have Quickeys do the following.

Wait until Window with Save in the name Does Not Exist - This prevents the autosave from borking your macro.

Keystroke Shift O - Opens the clip in the Preview window.

Loop Start (6 times)

Click the location of the Master tab in the Lumetri pane.

Keystroke C - highlights Clear

Keystroke Return - selects Clear

Loop End

Keystroke Shift 1 - jumps to Project pane

Keystroke Down Arrow - Highlights the next clip below the one that was just cleaned.

Assign that to an F-key, on in my case, a button on my Xkeys button doohickey, and then you can rip through your footage pretty fast, removing all of the master filters so your project is totally clean and you can start out fresh. You could automate it to rip through 100 clips with one key press, but I find that when I do that, something happens to make the automation eventually glitch and then you find that you've somehow accidentally made your computer do something bad 100 times, before you can figure out how to stop it, so I usually just do them one clip at a time, pop, pop, pop. When it's working correctly, if the clip has no master filters on it, it will just open and close the Lumetri pulldown, doing nothing.

The menu clicking has to be done by telling Quickeys to click on a specific place on the screen where the menu has to be located. It'll click on that one pixel on the screen every time. Quickeys doesn't really like how Adobe does it's windows, so you can't make it smart enough to find the menu if it's moved or whatever, so make sure you don't move the window or the macro won't work any more.

For some reason, my footage has **FOUR** Lumetri filters stacked up on the Master, with no settings in any of them, plus the AMIRA LUT that you get when you import Arri footage and it's stacked up on every damn clip for all of the thousands of takes for this feature. I'm sure all that garbage is really extending my save times, which seem to get longer and longer as I get the A/V synced up and merged. This macro will remove all of the filters from a clip in under 3 seconds with a single key press.

Here's a shot of my macro steps. Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Edit: I ran the macro on all of my footage and the resulting file size is now less than half of what it was. 53% of my project file was taken up by those damn Lumetri Master clip filters. I have no idea where all of those empty filters came from, but they're gone now.




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New Here ,
May 29, 2019 May 29, 2019

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Here's the real answer

Click on the clip, go to the Effect Controls, and click the "Master" tab all the way to the left.  It's not automatically highlighted.  Then you can access and delete masterclip effects there.




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Explorer ,
Jun 04, 2019 Jun 04, 2019

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You can SEE the master effects in the Master tab. You can disable/enable them and change the settings, but, while it seems like they should be able to be deleted when you highlight them and hit delete, that doesn't work. It doesn't work with these Lumetri master filters. In PP 13.1, it gives an error. "A low level exception occurred in Lumetri Color (AEVideoFilter:14)" At least that's how it plays out in my system.




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Jun 04, 2019 Jun 04, 2019

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There are two different kinds of effects in the Master Clip tab.

The first is the "intrinsic" effect, say if you have a RED .r3d clip, it will automatically have the appropriate controls loaded for the type of media. You can't delete those controls, but you can reset them of course. And as noted, disable them. This seems appropriate as you would have no way of loading those controls back in if you could actually delete them. But disabling takes them out of the chain.

The second type of effect you can have in a Master Clip tab, is a user-added effect. As in using say Lumetri applied to the Master Clip tab rather than the 'normal' clip tab. This, like using the RED or Arri controls in a Master Clip tab, would be used for "normalizing" a clip for use in the project, and, like anything else in a Master Clip tab, will be applied to all instances of any section of that clip anywhere in the project. So again, to "normalize" a clip, this is useful. It is NOT a place to do normal tonal or color corrections to blend the clip into the project.

User-added effects in the Master Clip tab can be removed ... select the effect header in the Master Clip, right-click "cut" or just hit the delete key. If this isn't working as it should, then there's something wrong in your user preferences or project file or cache database.





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New Here ,
May 29, 2019 May 29, 2019

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Here's the real answer so you can update your correct answer.

Click on the clip, go to the Effect Controls, and click the "Master" tab all the way to the left.  It's not automatically highlighted.  Then you can access and delete masterclip effects there.




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Participant ,
Nov 03, 2019 Nov 03, 2019

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Sadly Ann Bens's answer, while correctly providing a temporary solution, does not actually address the core issue. I too want to find how to REMOVE Master Clip Effects from many clips, not simply disable them.


Here is a necessary use case I think would apply to a lot of people: 

- You load a few dozen clips from a shoot into your new project. The clips were shot on a high end camera in a LOG type color profile that require a lut to view properly. 

- You drop a LUT preset onto all the master clips in the project panel (because going to each clip individually and addressing Lumetri settings is not feasable on so many clips). 

- You start reviewing your clips for the edit, but down the line you notice that maybe that LUT/Preset isn't quite right for all or some of the clips, so you create a new one to be used. HERE IS WHERE THE CRUCIAL PROBLEM ARRISES. 

- How do you apply an updated LUT/Preset to all the clips so they have a proper starting look for your edit? Sure I can "disable" the old presets, but if I add my new preset to that, that one is disabled too. What I need is to be able to REMOVE the Master Clip Effects on all my clips so I can then apply a new master clip effect to all the clips. 

- Currently it appears the only alternative is to go clip-by-clip and delete the current master effect and replace with a new one. This seems like an incredibly common need yet shockingly not addressed by Adobe Premiere. A major headache for what should be a simple issue. 


But if there's an actual answer I'm missing somewhere, I'm all ears! Please help Adobe! 


Thanks community 🙂 




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Participant ,
Nov 09, 2020 Nov 09, 2020

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This is not solved! If you can put fx onto master clips en-masse (via copy/paste, say), you sure as sh** need a way to remove them with some level of control. Disabling ALL fx is not the solution since, as been pointed out, this has other consequences. This is another one of those Premiere implemetation oversights that allows people to use a workflow that initially makes sense, only to find out later you've made a destructive/irrevocable change you may not be able to claw yourself back from without tons of additional work.


The "solution" mentioned in this thread only gets the job done in the simplest of circumstances, and leaves a potential mess behind. As of now changing multiple masterclip fx means disabling all the existing fx and adding back the one you want, meanwhile the old disabled fx just sit there with no way to remove in bulk? Huh? This is just dumb. You could argue this is maybe an odd workflow sure, but I could see it being useful for some things and it's beside the point anyway.


There are a lot of these traps in Premiere. I didn't go to far down this path partly because I know better after years of encountering stupid stuff like this, but partly just dumb luck too so I hope this can be a warning to others!




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Nov 09, 2020 Nov 09, 2020

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New Here ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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Adobe doesn't care.  I've seen threads like this for years on forums and they're still unanswered.  The stuff day-in-day-out working editors care about are rarely addressed in updates.  ADOBE: We want timesavers and stability, not just fluffy features that make the college kids happy!  It's stuff like this that still keeps me 1/2 in the Avid world. (Don't laugh... Media Composer has excellent master clip LUT behavior that makes sense -- you can remove an entire bin's worth of LUTs in a few clicks.  Shows you how tone-deaf Adobe really is.)




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Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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Typical to feel this way. For anyone who's got a pain point that hasn't been fixed, that is. I've got my own too of course.


They have fixed a lot of other pain points, but not this one, which makes no more sense to me than you.


So go upvote that UserVoice post linked up above. The people who actually do a lot of the deciding are not the product teams, but the Marketing & Experience types who run the upper managment show. They live by their metrics, and UserVoice is the one metric we users can affect.






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