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I've searched through Google and the tutorial videos but unfortunately I couldn't find the answer to my particular question. I have an image an animation applied to it, and I want to reuse the same combination of image + animation throughout many projects in the future. Is there a way for me to store this combination? I was only able to find ways to reuse the image OR the animation (using presets) but not both together.
1 Correct answer
If the image and animation are both in the EGP you can save it as a mogrt.
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If you're using Premiere Pro in a Production mode, it's quite simple.
Simply make a folder within the Production for say template and other assets. Then inside that folder, create a new project and drag/drop this into that project. Now you can drag/drop it to any other project made within that Production.
I'm a one-person shop, and I work TOTALLY in Production mode so all my audio libraries, graphics, shapes, b-roll, everything is available to any project.
If you're using the old stand-alone project format, make a new project as a Template project. Copy this to that project. In the future, copy this from that project into your working project.
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I tried your suggestion, but when I add that asset to the Production folder it doesn't seem to store the animation together with it.
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Do I need to make the clip I wanna reuse a (sub)sequence?
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If the image and animation are both in the EGP you can save it as a mogrt.
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Is there a way to get the PNG image and animation (which comes from the Effects tab) into the EGP or do I need after effects for that?
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You dont need Ae.
You can drag the png into the EGP or see screenshot
Might need to do the animation again.
Edit: what do you mean, animation comes from the Effects tab.
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When I follow your instructions all that happens is that the image is added to my scene. But nothing is added to EGP.
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If you are in the EGP, and you do as Ann shows, add from file, yes, it is added into the layer stack in the EGP.
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I have no idea what that means. I am a beginner. My Premiere Pro behaves as described above.
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If its added to the timeline so has it been added to the EGP.
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Adobe has their CC (Creative Cloud) Libraries ... they come with your subscription. Things like graphics, mogrts, LOOKs, and many other things can be shared via those Libraries.
You see a Library panel in PrPro, that's what that is ... the panel to show any CC Libraries you have or have shared with others.
In the EGP ... that Essential Graphics Panel ... the Browse tab of that panel allows you to select whether you are seeing things from a Local Folder or a Library. And if so, which Library. You can move things between folders and Libraries as you wish.
It's worth going to their Help on this to get a feel for the use of it. And this is the primary means of reusing mogrts.
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I understand the libraries and I've also been going through the tutorials. However, I can't add normal text to the EGP panel the way Ann Bens described it.
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However, I found the solution: I had to create a separate project and put the reusable files in there.
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Now I understand what you are referring to. You're talking about adding the image to an existing essential graphic. As I explained in my initial question, my image is a normal PNG image on the timeline. In this case this doesn't work.
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Ok, looks like this actually does work! I swear, the first time I tried this nothing happened at all. Looks like I had to restart Premiere Pro first. Thank you, that looks like the solution I need.
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Of course, it works............. 😉
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Thank you for your answers! In Camtasia there was something called libraries where I could add these items and reuse them across projects. Is there nothing similar in Premiere Pro?
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Mogrts can be saved and distributed through the CC Libraries. It's the main way of handling them whether storing, using, or distributing.
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Thank you, that sounds like what I need! But it also seems that I need Adobe After Effects for that, which I don't have. Is there a way to create the mogrt file from the clip on the timeline in Premiere Pro?
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I ended up creating a separate project for my reusable assets and just copy pasting them when I need them. Seems to make the most sense to me.