Known Issues & Communication
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There's a page that Adobe keeps here:
And there are two recent threads:
“There is a known issue.” “The bug is known about and being worked on as we speak.”
- Kevin-Monahan
(Titled: Known Issue) "We have identified the underlying problem"
- Francis-Crossman
If Known Issues are not posted to the Known Issue page, then what purpose is that page intended to serve?
Commonly, a user would read a Known Issues page to help assess whether or not to risk the benefits of an update against the problems of new bugs and issues.
Are there other current known issues with V23.1 that have not been posted?
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Good call, R. I like your comments. You would like to have every known issue from the Bugs and Ideas forum in the known issues document. Makes sense. Retitling the page to "Top Known Issues" would help, as would listing the top ten bugs (at a minimum) we are seeing on the Bugs forum. I will let the product team and the writers know about the issue. Add any other details you'd like to see, as well.
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Kevin, thanks for the response.
To be clear: once an issue/bug has been acknowledged by Adobe (whether in this forum, or internally, or in whatever way), it should be added to the "Known Issues" notice so that users are also aware of it.
A written mandate on the "Known Issues" page would help users understand what they are looking at.
Relevant post here.
Edit: Additional thoughts:
It would be for the "Known Issues" page to have a CURRENT section, listing all known unresolved issues; as they are resolved they could be removed from the "current" section. This could be followed by the Versions list (as it is now), so that all issues are still listed in historical context and users not on the current version can still look back and reference relevant information.
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Thanks for the note. Bugs and Ideas are new to Adobe Forums, so I ask for your patience as the product team works out how best to use these subforums to help drive better customer communication overall. Thanks again for addressing the shortcomings. I am sorry that I can't address these items directly, as the Known Issues doc (and User Guide documentation in general) are out of my purview. I'll let the product team know.
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Kevin, thanks.
Since you've brought it up - who is in charge of the Known Issues doc and User Guide documentation? How is it possible to reach them to report errors, omissions, issues, etc.?
R. (Edit: clarity)
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Thanks for your interest. The documentation team is under the support organization. If you find errors in documentation, file a bug here, and the product team will take it from there. As an aside, I used to write documentation for CS5.5, CS6, and CC 7.0, but I no longer do.
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Kevin, thanks.
It's probably worth a header note in the "Bugs" forum to include Documentation errors there. As it stands, users may think that only formal "bug reports" are welcome (as that is the only note at the top of that forum).