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Hi there,
I recently migrated all of my editing materials from one external hard drive to another. I opened up a Premiere Pro project that I had been working on recently but from the new drive. When I opened the project, all of my MOGRT media was either unlinked/red missing media screen or showing the missing media bars that one sees in After Effects (see attached image).
I was able to relink the offline MOGRTS easily enough, but I am not sure how to relink the media the MOGRT thinks is missing when I can't open the .aegraphic file the MOGRT instance in my Premiere Pro project is using.
I have the following questions:
1) is there a way to open .aegraphic files and relink the media that way? I'm under the impression you cannot open .aegraphic files in AE though they are created by AE.
2) Is there another fix for this? I have tried opening the parent AE file the MOGRT is based on and relinking media there but it has not worked. It is possible I tried that with the wrong version of the AE file, however.
Thanks in advance!
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Did you have a look?
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Hello Dacia
is there any news on this topic?
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Hello, I have the same problem today, I created a MOGRT that contains a mov file. It works from my computer in premiere but not on my collegue's computer, is it solved now ? what can I do ?
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Hello, i had the same issue. Solved converting all the mov files into png
sequences. Since then I have always created mgrt in this way.
Carlos Carneiro
Mod note: Edited to remove identifying information
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Hi @Multipasser,
I'm so sorry, I've been sucked into another set of bugs, but let me introduce you to the new Mogrt Expert, @TheresaRostek who is going to jump in and help me out.
Thanks for your patience,
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Thanks @DaciaSaenz!
@Multipasser Just saying a quick hi 👋 so the forums bookmarks this thread for me as I get up to speed on your issue and try to diagnose what's going on.
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I will try to make a new clean AE project to mimic the errors, so I can share it.
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I had a quick look and was able to repro the color bars issue on both Windows and Mac with failing mogrt. I haven't gotten to diagnose further, but the next steps for me is digging through the file to find out where the issue is stemming from.
Could you please reply with the following information:
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Thank you SO much for helping out with this! Thank you thank you thank you...
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I tried it and got the missing video file, then in AE I modified it and by removing the HLS option, sent it to PP and it worked. I'll get it back to stock and see what I get.
PP 24.1, Win11 22h2
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Could be. But HLS isn't the issue. I've just added it to have some lofty features. I almost never used it in the other mogrts that fails. The problem is the embedded ProRes movies. You noticed when extracting the AE project that all files are correctly collected and present. I am glad this seems like a true bug. I have lost hours of throubleshooting. 😞
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OK, I added back th HSL/Hue myself in AE and it worked, then I got yours out as you sent it, and used 'Export Motion Graphic Template' (EMGT) and it worked. Got your mogrt, used the PP Import (I ususally just copy it into the mgt folder myself) that again had your error (Same as just copying directly to the folder). Then I used the EMGT right from your original aep ... ---... and it worked! 🙂
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If you read my previous messages i clearly state that the mogrt work on the same computer you make them on. It is when you share and use a different computer it fails. If you sent me your mogrt it will prolly also fail here.
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Sorry about that, I didn't catch that part. But I did just load up my tester and:
1) Copied in your original which I had recompiled
2) Imported the one I had saved w/out HSL and then added it and exported.
One I copied in and one I imported in. They both worked on my different machine, but it does have the same file paths, etc from the original machines. But I didn't unzip your folder here and didn't fire up AE at all.
PP 24.0.3
Maybe it's a path issue?
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can you just open my original AE project, make an Mogrt Export (without changing a thing) and upload the .mogrt file here? so I can try to load it?
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Yes, give it a try: Mogrt Link - Zip
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It works. You just used my original AE project and made and export?
Did not change a thing?
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Here's another. This time I delete your files, then unzipped them into a renamed folder, the only thing I did in AE is give it a new mogrt name (the upper most field). I created the mg and it was in PP, and I dropped it on the timeline and it worked. This time on the same machine again, but this is mostly for you to test. Here it is: Very Original Mogrt
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Hello there, i had the same issue.
My AE project was quite basic, but had 2 MOV files in there used for matte a solid.
My worflow is a workaround that i find to share the files im premiere with multiple editors, so they can share premiere projects between them.
After export the mgrt to premiere, in there i use project manager to create a similar thing to "collect files" in AE. Then that premiere project serves as a template for the editor's team, with this they can share premiere projects with this mgrt, withut having missing files (when imported as mgrt in premiere, what happens is that premiere create a temporary folder for it, but is native for each machine, so each time a premiere files is open in another machine missing file appear).
I've done various projects with this workflow using MOV files (cineform and prores), but recently i started to have the same issue that everybody, the workaround that i find is to use PNG files instead of MOV, and it worked as before.
Using AE 24.2.1 for create the mgrt and Premiere 24.2.1 for reading the mgrt.
Windows 11 23H2 and also Sonoma 14.4
Hope it helps
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And simply exporting the mogrt to a shared library doesn't work for your team?
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hello, this workflow was created before we had library available, but gonna try, thanks
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Cineform is no longer supported via the Apple Silicon native versions of Premiere Pro and After Effects. Use ProRes instead.
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After wrestling with this for hours, rolling back versions, clearing caches etc. I tried renaming the comp and then exporting the MOGRT and it worked. No idea why, there were no wacky characters in there. Worth a try if you're struggling with this
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Because it is all on your computer. It will find the files via the path's.
But try giving it to a friend and let him open the mogrt?