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Motion Graphics template is corrupt

New Here ,
Mar 03, 2019 Mar 03, 2019

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Good day, I have a problem with graphics, for two months when you add purchased or free graphic designs I pop up the window "Motion Graphics template is corrupt" what should I do, I have the latest version of Premiere Pro CC 13.0.3




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 16, 2019 Nov 16, 2019

Alright! We finally got an in-house repro!! Whew! I've been chasing this ghost in the machine for quite awhile! It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media



Advocate ,
Mar 03, 2019 Mar 03, 2019

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Can you tell us where you got the MOGRTs from? Or is it literally ALL MOGRTs?




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Explorer ,
Apr 11, 2019 Apr 11, 2019

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I'm having the exact same problem. I've downloaded MOGRTs from these places:




none of them work.

they import into the essential graphics panel in premiere, but when I drag them into the timeline I get the "Motion graphic template is corrupt" message.




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Adobe Employee ,
May 10, 2019 May 10, 2019

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I'm sorry that you're seeing this issue. Thats super frustrating. I'm a QE on the Motion Graphics team and would love to help diagnose the issue for you. If you could please share some of your corrupt Mogrts with me via a WeTransfer link I'd be super grateful to deep dive and see if we can get this resolved.

Were they working correctly at one point and then became corrupted?

If so, can you tell me what version of PR you are using and if you updated between the time they opened and when they got corrupted?
Would you also mind sharing your system specks?

Thanks so much,


- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




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Explorer ,
May 14, 2019 May 14, 2019

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I'm using Premiere Pro CC, latest update.

I've never been able to use .mogrt files. It's always been sayin "corrupted" when I import.

Also, the templates in Essential Graphics panels aren't wokring, most of them just turn up as an empty text field with no animation or content. No error sign, though. Am I using them incorrect?

this is how I use them: drag template from essentail grpahics panel into sequence timeline > nothing appears on screen > click the T (typing)-tool > click program monitor > empty text field without animation appears.

I'm using a MSI GS73VR Laptop

Windows 10 home

Intel i7 2.80GHz

16 Gb RAM

Two 1TB SSD:s, one for storage and one for apps

Geforce GTX 1060 graphics

I'm inboxing the corrupted MOGRT, but as I said, also the essentail grphics templates aren't working correctly.




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Adobe Employee ,
May 20, 2019 May 20, 2019

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Hi Richard,

Thanks for sending these files along. So far they are working as expected for me, which is a good sign that the Mogrt itself isn't corrupted but not very helpful for getting to the bottom of your issues. If you go into the Project Settings > Scratch Disks, do you have your Motion Graphics Template Media folder set up to target a folder or the root level of the drive? Sometimes if that scratch disk is set to the root level, it can cause issues. It might be helpful to verify that your permissions for this folder are set to read/write.

Have you tried uninstalling and re-installing PR and AE?

So using Cmd + T to pull up the Type tool is creating a native PR Graphic (you'll notice a new track item in your sequence).

In order to edit a Mogrt you've pulled into a sequence, you've got to select it on the timeline which will switch your view from the Browser to Edit tab in the Essential Graphics Panel. If it is a Mogrt that was made in AE natively, you will see a text edit box where you can customize your text, as well as any other controls the Mogrt author has exposed.

Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at 9.31.37 AM.png

We're actively investigating this issue and I will update these channels as soon as we have more information. Thank you for bringing it to our attention and for taking the time to send your files along.

We appreciate you and apologies for the interruptions to your workflow,


- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




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New Here ,
Jun 13, 2019 Jun 13, 2019

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Hello there,

I'm having precisely the same problem vis a vis , the templates in Essential Graphics panels aren't working.  Like the OP, I'm dragging thumbnails from the essential graphics panel into the timeline which was working just fine before!!!  No image, animation or anything else gets instantiated in the program monitor.  Nor does anything end up in a motion graphics folder in the project bin (nor does a folder get created).   Instead, I'm pulling my hair out, which is messy and a lot less productive

My scratch disk folders are not in my root, permissions are fine and I've un and re-installed Premiere Pro.

Please, please help.  I have work stacking up and anxiety going through the roof.

Acer Aspire V17 Laptop

Windows 10 home

Intel i7 2.60GHz

8 Gb RAM

Geforce GTX 960M Graphics




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Contributor ,
Aug 04, 2019 Aug 04, 2019

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I'm in Premiere 13.1.4 and a .mogrt file that I made in AE. I can install the .mogrt file into Premiere, but the animation doesn't show in the program monitor when the timeline is played!! I can change parameters in the essential graphics panel that update in the program monitor, but the animation for the lower thirds (Animating in and out with a Matte reveal) does not work...

What's the latest on this?? Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong??




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 15, 2019 Aug 15, 2019

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Hi WillBartlett​,

That sounds really frustrating. Is the Mogrt you made using the Cinema 4D renderer by chance?
I'm also curious if the sequence settings are a mismatch, i.e. are you seeing a red stripe above the Mogrt in the timeline?

Do you get real-time playback if you select the Mogrt and Render Selection?

- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




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Contributor ,
Aug 15, 2019 Aug 15, 2019

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The Mogrt is not using Cinema 4D. The sequence settings are not a mix match, and yes, there's a red stripe, which is always the case.

The issue after digging is that Mogrt files made in AE do not support keyframes with that same layer with the keyframes is brought into the essental graphics panel to be used within the Mogrt template.

If I remove it from the Mogrt template (but keep the keyframes on that layer), the animation works perfectly in Premiere.

So it works perfectly in After Effects, but not in Premiere. I don't think it's a bug, it's just a new feature that doesn't have that support yet unfortunately.




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 20, 2019 Aug 20, 2019

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Hi Will,

Keyframed properties lose their keyframes on export to Mogrt land because then the control would be a dud on the PR end. If you have a opacity parameter keyframed from 50-100, changing the value in PR to 10 would be meaningless since its value is changing over time.
Same for an expression controlled value. If I have I pickwhip the scale parameter to get its values from the Opacity, I can't change the hot text value of the scale in AE. Its being overridden by the expression-driven values from the Opacity layer.

There is a way to add controls to each keyframe via expressions though! So you can make an Expression Control for Keyframe 1 of the opacity which in our example above is set to 50, and then add an Expression Control to Keyframe 2 which corresponds to 100.
Then when you get to PR, you can adjust both values independently.

Its a tricky workaround but I can share a JSX file that has the expressions laid out to also preserve easing and curves if you want to message me directly.

- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




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Contributor ,
Aug 20, 2019 Aug 20, 2019

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Hey, thank you for the information! I'd love to get a copy of the expression(s)! If you don't mind, could you share a copy/paste of the text version of the expression(s) here? If not, all good.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 03, 2019 Oct 03, 2019

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Adobe is frustrating as a whole. Unfortunately I had to edit this project in Premiere, it's a big reminder as to why I switched to resolve in the first place. In fact, everyone I know has switched and wants nothing to do with your buggy garbage editor that costs hours of wasted time just trying to make it work. GARBAGE!!




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New Here ,
Oct 16, 2019 Oct 16, 2019

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Was there nothing that fixed this issue? Im having the same issue and it doesnt look like there is a solution for this.. My work is stacking up too and this is not good




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Oct 16, 2019 Oct 16, 2019

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Um ... which issue? There were several issues discussed on that long old thread. I would recommend starting a new thread, and posting the details of the specific problem you are having. You do X, expect Y, but Z happens instead ...








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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2019 Nov 16, 2019

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Alright! We finally got an in-house repro!! Whew! I've been chasing this ghost in the machine for quite awhile! It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media folder inside of folders with a Unique ID that also has a really long string of characters. It throws Windows over the edge to where it doesn't recognize the file path as valid.

We are looking into a workaround on our end but in the meantime, I found this article that shows where you can go in Win 10 to change this limitation. https://mspoweruser.com/ntfs-260-character-windows-10/ 

You can also open Project Settings and change the Motion Graphics Template Media Scratch Disk to a new location with fewer nested folders or closer to the root.


I have not been able to reproduce this issue on a Mac though. It looks to be specific to Windows. But if you are experiencing this issue on Mac please reach out 🙂 
Hope this is helpful! 


- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 21, 2021 Jun 21, 2021

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Ah wow. The project setting thing did the trick for me! Thanks!




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New Here ,
Jun 03, 2022 Jun 03, 2022

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Hi Dacia, 


I am using a mac and may have encounterd this issue. I downloaded a template from adobe stock and it says "After Effects error: file is damaged. (. 33:: 7 )" Do you happen to know what the issue might be?




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 21, 2022 Jun 21, 2022

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Same here. MOGRT issues with latest Premiere Pro CC and After Effects.




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New Here ,
Jun 25, 2022 Jun 25, 2022

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I'm using a macbook and having this issue. I get a template from adobe stock and when I'm trying to open it says "After Effects error: file is damaged. (. 33:: 7 )" or "Premiere Pro: File Import Failure", how do I fix it?









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