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I have opened Premiere Pro today to find all the label colours in my timeline appear to be inverted. The lighter colour is now the main body of the clip and the darker colour is now the waveform. I have tried to go through all the different label group styles. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application. Does anyone know how to get this back to the default colours.
I have attached an image of what it should look like and what it looks like now.
First, I want to thank you all again for your feedback and comments. We are actively listening and working to address the issues you've raised. I'd like to provide an overview of some of the concerns we've heard so far, to clarify what constitutes a bug and what does not.
Color Text Labels Inverted: Indeed, we've encountered a bug regarding the inversion of color text labels in this latest release. Our team is working diligently to address this issue promptly. In past releases, when a user picke
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You can pretty quickly set it to get back yourself, as noted here and elsewhere. Including simply selecting the 'Default' option in the Preferences/Labels panel.
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Sometimes you guys fix things that aren't broken. Please add old colors back as an option. I've gone back to older PPro version until this is fixed. Thanks.
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"The new colors offer improved contrast, enhancing intelligibility and making waveform analysis easier ( faster identification of clicks or other audio artifacts)."
I fully understand the intention and would appreciate the update if this were the case; but the reality is, the colors do not reduce eye strain or improve contrast. On my setup (Mac Pro, Pro Monitors, etc.), the new labels are muddy and barely differentiated from one another. 😞
Also, the new effects labels on the timeline clips are difficult to see at a glance. At least the yellow ones were instantly recognizable.
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Hi @RandBass we just adjusted all the brown colors, and we have log the suggestion for the classic colors without the waveform inversion. Thanks again for your feedback.
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To add my voice to the chorus, I would prefer the old version for displaying waveform/clip background. I've set this back to classic, but the current look and contrast is still unwelcome. The older version was more legible.
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Will someone from Adobe please, urgently update us when we are going to be able to revert to the original label color / waveform color scheme? The change is making it extremely difficult to work. It's unfathomable that Adobe would make this update without a user being able to stick to the original setting.
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I'm wondering how you're able to get your waveforms in a light color palette? Mine are really dark and it's making it really difficult to edit, and especially see the muted clips from the unmuted ones. Ex: A3 Green on the left is muted, but on the right is unmuted.
If anyone knows a work around this, would be super helpful, thank you!
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It looks like you may have "Rectified Audio Waveforms" unchecked in your timeline hamburger menu. The waveforms might be easier to understand if you check that option.
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Hey Myer Pj!
Thanks for replying so quickly, I tried your suggestion but that actually doesn't bother me! It's really how dark the waveform is that is bothersome. Adolfo H. from adobe mentioned above that they changed the colours to lighter but I cant seem to figure out how to toggle that on.
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I just played around with the beta and 24.5. In Prefrence->Label, you can set the audio track color to a 'dark' color, most of them work to show the waveform in the bright color. For instance set that to 'dark red', just try a bunch of different ones till you see the one you like.
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It's a crime not to add an actual option to go back to the original colors (without the inverted waveform colors)
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What is your suggestion?
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Having the same issue how do I fix this bs? You find anything to revert back to old?
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I've wasted half an hr changing label color preferences. Horrible update, shame on you for releasing it
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If ain't broke........ I agree that you should give us at least a preset for the old look..
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Thank you @Xhr1stt . I already logged this. I'll keep you all updated.
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Updated today and very frustrated that the palette that I've used for literally almost 2 decades has changed. Can't see my audio waveforms, even with the classic update. Insane.
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This is an eye sore that i'd like reverted. Please dont tell me im out of luck.
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Latest release of Premiere Pro, new features summary
You can revert to previous version 24.3 if you wish.
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UPDATE (with Instructions) - for anyone who wants the old look:
On mac - click 'Premiere Pro' (top left next to apple logo) > 'Settings' > 'Labels' > Bottom right of the pop up box: 'Label Colour Presets': Change to CLASSIC
Upvote to help others see? (Does that push it to the top? I have no idea...)
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Please try and test your tip before posting it here as a solution. This below as you suggest is not the old look.
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