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I have opened Premiere Pro today to find all the label colours in my timeline appear to be inverted. The lighter colour is now the main body of the clip and the darker colour is now the waveform. I have tried to go through all the different label group styles. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application. Does anyone know how to get this back to the default colours.
I have attached an image of what it should look like and what it looks like now.
First, I want to thank you all again for your feedback and comments. We are actively listening and working to address the issues you've raised. I'd like to provide an overview of some of the concerns we've heard so far, to clarify what constitutes a bug and what does not.
Color Text Labels Inverted: Indeed, we've encountered a bug regarding the inversion of color text labels in this latest release. Our team is working diligently to address this issue promptly. In past releases, when a user picke
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At least on the forum post, it pretty much looks the same to me.
Here's a Couple of screen shots using the 'Classic colors from Preferences->Labels'
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Sorry I used a bad example because I had to screenshot an old youtube video.
My premiere pro used to look like yours, where the audio was green and the video label was a different color. Now they are exactly the same and I can't seem to fix it. But even if I change everything to PINK it both the audio and video come out blue.
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For getting the audio track color labels different from the video tracks, go to the Timeline panel.
Any sequence tab, click on the 3-bar menu.
Deselect "Audio Waveforms Use Video Color" and you should have the green audio tracks back.
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Cool, thanks Neil! 🙂
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The user interface is absolutely terrible please change it back its that bad i feel like using another program
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I wish they'd included an option to change to the brand new, far more user-controllable label system's "default" setup, but they didn't.
Go to the Preferences/Labels dialog, lower right select "Classic".
You may need to click on the video track color swatch to bring up the color picker, and set the hue/sat/luma to your wishes.
If you are getting same color on audio and video, go to the Timeline panel, and the Sequence 3-bar menu to the right of any sequence name ... click, and deselect the option for same label for audio/video tracks.
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Venting the new colors in our timelines....which fancy executive that hasn't editied a day in their life who had the final say on changing and picking these horrible new highly saturated, dark colors exactly? What is the rational behind this, not even giving us the option to revert back to the original color pallette.
Yah, let's just change everything without no consultation whatsoever and let people deal with it. I just spent 2 hours of my day triying to find a solution to changing this back and you just can't. I litterally can't edit with this, I need very specific tones and I feel like I can't do anything.
I'm massively OCD when it comes to layourt, placement and especially colors and this just doesn't work. I have no idea what I'm going to do. PLEASE REVERT BACK TO WHAT IT WAS NOW!
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@Jean-Freancoi2740338808rs The Premiere Pro engineering team has people with backgrounds from all parts of the post-production and entertainment industries, and we chose these new default colors to go hand in hand with a new design for the clips in the timeline including the draggable audio fade handles.
As part of this update we also added Label Color Presets, found in Preferences > Labels. There you'll find the new ability to easily save and switch between any presets you create as well as a preset called Classic which has the previous colors.
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My apologies...thanks for this. I was in a major crunch and in a panic I just didn't see that under labels initially. My bad, thanks again Matt.
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The draggable audio fade handles look way too much like cuts, and they are also now much more difficult to grab and drag. I have a very diffcult time getting the icon to change so i can drag their length. Whoever thought this was bettter than how they worked and looked previously needs to reconsider their opinion.
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There weren't audio fade handles in PrPro before, only Audition.
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Yes, there were. If you hovered your mouse over the end of the audio fade, your cursor would turn into the red bracket and you could drag it.
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Without first applying an audio transition? I don't think so ...
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Moving the goal post to defend Adobe I see. Okay.
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Moving what goalpost?
The audio crossfades as a built-in thing is new. Wasn't there before, was my point. I don't see how that's "moving the goal post to defend Adobe" ... and please, people who waste emotions on Corporations are to me ... well, nuts.
The crossfades are a new thing, and LOVED by many. But they also have an issue for many users that it makes for a smaller 'landing point' for doing other trimming work.
Like so many things, there is a strong plus for some, a major irritant for others. Personally, I love that we have them, but they are making it a bit slower to do other trimming for me. Mixed blessing at best.
Leave your emotions at the door. Use what works. Save the emotions for people.
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@Jean-Freancoi2740338808rs unless there has been a fix, also at issue here is that the "Classic" preset doesn't look or act anything like the previous colors. There have been lots of people menting this preset as a solution. It currently is not.
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I'll add my complaint. The colour scheme is atrocious. Classic or not. I only managed about 10 mins and had to revert. Asking us to manually adjust all the colours is ridiculous. How in the world are those colours meant to reduce eye strain? It's literally the exact opposite. We don't pay a premium to fix problems, we're busy and want to get work done without suffering a migraine afterwards. If this doesn't get fixed I'm learning Davinci.
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We're all different, and feel free to opine here. The more the better. I didn't need the changes, but after taking the entire time of five minutes to mod things more to my liking, it's fine. I don't like the "inverted" brightly saturated waveform, and understand the objections of those who don't like the flat top due to space for the icons top right of each track.
I know plenty of others who love the new options. Including quite a few "old-school" editors who's first reaction to this was what the ...? ... along with anger. Who then tried "Vibrant" just to show how gosh awful it was ... and .. um ... they love it. They now work with the "Vibrant" preset.
As a daily user of both, I find the Resolve UI stiff and totally incapable of any customization. I've got friends who LOVE the Resolve UI, but that's great, there's options.
If you prefer the UI over there, and having no ability as a user to change anything, feel free. These are tools. Complicated hammers. Use what floats your boat.
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You hit the nail on the head with the hammer analogy. Premiere is a tool, and as with any trade a tool should do it job well, improve over time, and improve efficiency. What it shouldn't do it suddenly turn a ghasty colour and expect the user to give it a paint job before they can start work. Adobe have been doing great but the general consensus is this is a bad update. And they should be called out for it.
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Sorry, but you are totally wrong on the 'general consensus' ... because the general consensus of those who don't like it is they don't like it.
That is not how the wider user base has reacted, not even close. A ton of users have been exploring the colors they can now work with, and the added flexibility, and are thrilled.. And they're not posting 'here' because why would they?
Thee & me have our 'druthers how we'd prefer it to be. But I gotta tell you, some of the most curmudgeonly editors I know were initially outraged, and as I've commented, went to "Vibrant" just to get more justification for howling in RAGE.
And ... um ... loved it.
So even a lot of curmudgeonly editors love themselves the new look. Ah ... well.
I'm a realist. The vast majority of users either aren't bothered or love the new look. Thee & me ... well, we can try to get some adjustments as our best hope. So push for the adjustments you need, but as always, pushing politely is more effective to get humans to change something.
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@R Neil Haugen I'm not here to get drawn into pointless arguments. I'm here to show actual adobe employees my complaint about the update.
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Unfortunately, it wasn't in all a very usefully constructed complaint. I understand the frustrations, sure. Just trying to facilitate actual forward movement on these things.
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And the devs have released a New Project Dialog panel in the public beta. So they do make changes as requested here, though it may take some time.
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Very good @R Neil Haugen
"they're not posting 'here' because why would they"
"pushing politely is more effective to get humans to change something"
Emphasis mine.
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Bonjour, j'ai un problème concernant la couleur de mes clips , ceux-ci n'ont plus la même couleur par défaut. Je travaillais sur mon portable, et puis je m'étais connecté sur une grande télé OLED pour mieux travailler, Depuis que je me suis débranché de celle-ci. La couleur bleu - de base de mes clips et même toute les couleurs libellés de mes clips de sont plus les mêmes. Que devrais-je faire ?