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I have opened Premiere Pro today to find all the label colours in my timeline appear to be inverted. The lighter colour is now the main body of the clip and the darker colour is now the waveform. I have tried to go through all the different label group styles. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application. Does anyone know how to get this back to the default colours.
I have attached an image of what it should look like and what it looks like now.
First, I want to thank you all again for your feedback and comments. We are actively listening and working to address the issues you've raised. I'd like to provide an overview of some of the concerns we've heard so far, to clarify what constitutes a bug and what does not.
Color Text Labels Inverted: Indeed, we've encountered a bug regarding the inversion of color text labels in this latest release. Our team is working diligently to address this issue promptly. In past releases, when a user picke
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"Is there any official response regarding offering a 'real' classic label color look like in 24.3 and earlier? Do we just need to accept the change and adapt somehow? I'm still on 24.3 because the new look really hurts my eyes. I don't want it inverted."
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If you pick the right color and brightness value for a custom audio label, it doesn't seem to "invert". I've seen a couple people post about figuring that out.
It's annoying we need to try and figure that out though.
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Thanks! I’d prefer to keep things simple and avoid the trial-and-error approach. It would be great if the tech team could just integrate what’s been working reliably for years and give users the option to choose. After all, as they say, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” 😊
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I know it's really tough, but you may have to "adapt somehow". Somehow mate, you can do it. It's not that much trial and error, just selected a few colors or a couple, or even one. Dark colors for the label product light waveforms, Light label colors use a dark waveform. Choosing "Classic" colors in the preferences bring it really close and then you can just tweek the audio label color. I know it's hard, but I have confidence in you, that you can "adapt somehow".
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One of the most powerful qualities of Premiere is the ability to customize UI, and a HUGE advantage over Resolve. I hope Adobe continues to embrace this advantage and allow us to revert the waveforms in a future build.
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I was turning over and over worried about how @alex82lu would 'adapt somehow', and his aversion to 'trial and error' OK, I like the Vibrant color scheme (and the rest) in the new update. But we can't have Big Al going thru trial and error, so here's how to get inverted/non-inverted waveforms. I changed one setting in the Label Color Preferences, from... hang on... Dark Green to... wait for it.... Green!!.
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@MyerPj Hey thanks for your comment. So did you manage to revert with "the manual color labeling" that the audio label is not inverted? This is how my waveforms look like - darker background, brigher foreground (the waveform) and currently it is the other way around which I feel hard to work with. I just feel it is better on the eyes this way or at least I would prefer this option but of course it is also a habit.
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Thanks for sending. I did notice that you could change it to light waveform on dark background by altering the colors but I still feel like this is a bandaid solution Adobe is forcing on us.
1) I already have a longstanding color scheme that I use to rapidly identify and differentiate things across projects both old and new. Global changes confuse an established workflow.
2) Though we have a workaround, it limits our palette we can choose from. I use these colors for things throughout the interface, changing them might help the audio, but make it harder to differentiate folders and clips elsewhere.
It's a good solution for people who aren't married to the colors they have been using but I feel like the best solution in the long run is for Adobe to just recode the interface to let it look the way it used to.
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I agree ... but I'm first and foremost practical. So ... posit for a better system, and fix your screen as you can now. Tis Life. Sigh.
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Well said.
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Is there any change to UI customization in 24.6?
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Selections being harder to discern, and inverted waveforms are the biggets issues for me. Any new customization of those in 24.6?
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I'd recommend actually reading the other posts here. Without assumptions?
Most of us posting do not like the new changes. Don't make up stuff saying we do. But read the rest of the post. I don't like them anymore than you do. OK?
That said ... first, there are several million daily users of Premiere. Most of whom seem to be ok with, or even like, the changes ... no, I don't undertand that, but then we are all different. In everything.
I'm on several forums, and on one for pro editors ... you have to have your credits & whatnot to get accepted ... a number of the totally outraged folks over this went to try the "vivid" option, as total proof of how flippin' awful and stuuuuupid this whole thing was.
And ... instead found they loved it. Kinda ticking me off because I don't, but then ... again, we're all different.
Would a good chunk of us, like you, want an option for the old look? Exactly ... especially the audio tracks?
Heck yes.
Can you make it not quite so bad, in the meantime?
So like I said above this, advocate for change, and try to set your own system so it's less objectionable. And ... be polite, and respect that all others will disagree with you on most things. As that's Life among humans.
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My main issue with the changes is the waveform height, which I don't see anyone else mentioning. As can be seen by comparing the red circles in the image below, the waveform used to go to the top of the track with any text covering the waveform. Now the text is given its own space at the top of the track, squashing the waveform below. This makes it
incredibly hard to see the waveform in detail at the same size it was previously.
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Yeah this is a good point too.
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It may not have been mentioned in this thread, but I'd bet if one carefully went through it, you'd find several mentions.
As yes, this is one of the majorly annoying things ... waveforms are smaller on many timelines even IF the track height is the same. I totally agree, an "unfortunate" choice, being polite in public.
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Hello, how can I create a new thread about this topic?
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Hello, I still have this problem too in the latest version which is 24.6.1.
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Full height waveforms are still available if you click the wrench icon in the timeline and turn off Show Audio Names.
Obviously audio names can be pretty useful so i've made it a shortcut.
EDIT : You also need Show FX Badges turned off as well.
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@DJP2014 Looks like and also Show Audio Type Badges.
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Since I updated from 24.3 to 24.4.1, the audio waveform label color is inverted and it looks darker. The problem is it is very hard to see and it is very annoying. I became too lazy to edit and did not want to use the Premiere Pro. This is a very big problem because it is still a bug in the 24.6.1 version and needs to be fixed immediately. Please Adobe team fix this bug/issue as fast as possible. Please see the screenshot that I sent below.
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you can revert back to Classic from Preferences