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Whenever I try to export the video I've created, despite showing the proper resolution in the player when editing the video, Premier Pro cuts off some clips in the preview player. However, some of the clips are completely fine and come out the same way they look in the player. It is only some of the clips that are cut off like this. What can I do to fix this?
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I have already tried "set to frame size" on all my clips and I have tried dragging the clips into an empty timeline but neither of these fixes the problem.
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Why are you using that preset? I'm not sure why you would choose the AVI format, but that particular preset, notice the non-square pixels it has? That bit in parenthesis, 0.9091?
I would expect a format more of say H.264 or QuickTime, for starters. Matching your sequence properly.
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I didnt export using AVI. I used Match Sequence settings and had the same problem. I also tried H.264 and same issue (using Square pixels 1.00)
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You have AVI chosen as the output format.
You're also significantly lowering the resolution as well as the Aspect ratio.
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Ok, not sure why you showed the Avi image if that's not the settings you used. Huh.
What are the framesizes of the clips? What is the framesize of your sequence, and of your final export?
Set to Framesize tends to not crop into an image ... it will size the image normally to the smaller of the two dimensions to match the framesize of the sequence. So if my clip is wider than the sequence I get top/bottom black borders. If its narrower, I get black borders on the sides of the image. And I then need to manually scale the image to fit the entire frame.
But after doing so, when I export at my sequence settings for framesize (most typically) ... all images come out as expected. So it is important to get all the data for the settings of your media, sequence, and export to try and figure out what's going wrong.
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Apologies, here are the settings I used to export the video. I also tried using Match Sequence settings. Neither of these fixed the issue. The problem is the issue does not appear when editing or assembling the video, it ONLY appears during the export/preview
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Well, that's a different sequence framesize than the above image.
What's the file framesize of the clips that are exported correctly, and of those that aren't?
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Can you change this to Match Source?
Also, is the resolution of your game footage 1680x1050?
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Hi Jeff
I tried that. And yes the game footage is 1680 x 1050. Not only that but the file I am importing is also 1680x1050. As far as the clips are concerned, the first 2 minutes or so are all from the same file. Despite this, certain clips within that are cut off and other ones arent. Very strange.
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Do you have any scaling on those clips on the timeline?
Also, in that export window, if you toggle between Source and Output, does the resolution change? If so, then you have a setting on your timeline that is affecting this.
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Hey Jeff
How do I check if I have scaling on the clips?
When I toggle between source and output the resolution stays the same.
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Wait, when i toggle between source and output the resolution does change. What settings could I have on the timeline that could change this?
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Select the clip that is experiencing the scaling and make sure it's set to 100
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Hey Jeff.
The scale of all the clips is set to 100. The resolution changes when I change between source and output. If you can help me get it to look like the first image (source) I will be so happy!
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In your Export window, under Output Source Scaling, if you change that to Stretch to Fill, does that show the whole window?
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Can you screenshot your Effect Controls with this clip selected? Something is being scaled.
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As you can see it's one big file. In the preview player you can see the image is at the full resolution.
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You said some of the clips are fine, can you compare attributes of the ones that don't show correctly to the ones that do?
A screenshot of your sequence settings as well as the file properties of a clip (showing resolution, etc) would be useful too.