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Premiere blew my macbook pro speakers

Community Beginner ,
Nov 25, 2018 Nov 25, 2018

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I have a new 2 month old 15" MBP. I Was working on a project, macbook volume was about on half, when suddenly an audio bug occurred with really loud screatching noise and not letting me pause it. After it stopped, the speakers were really quiet, and after the next restart they're clearly blown. Initially I blamed the hardware, though the same thing happened a day later with my Sony 1000X-M3 headphones, luckily the headphones are ok, but that did give me a heart attack.

The situation is not ok, I am not happy. Adobe customer care chat is ridiculous.

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)

Processor: 2,6 GHz Intel Core i7

Memory: 16 GB 2400 MHz DDR4

Graphics: Radeon Pro 560X 4096 MB; Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB

Hardware or GPU






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Feb 21, 2019 Feb 21, 2019

Hi Adobe Community,

UPDATE: Adobe had a small number of user reports about an issue in Premiere Pro that could affect the speakers in the latest MacBook Pro. Adobe has released a patch via the Creative Cloud app to help address this issue. Please update to 13.0.3. 

Thank you,

- CM



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Contributor ,
Feb 07, 2019 Feb 07, 2019

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@ Neil

could you please post some links here, about this exact audio-distortion problem in resolve !

I, as a full-time user of resolve15, would immediately disable this software on all of our computers, because I'm not willing to risk the loss  of 6000.- bucks  expensive machines .

I've searched, based on your assumption, all the internet , especially the bm-forum, creative cow a.s.o , but unfortunately found nothing about it.

But that doesn't mean the you could not have some more in-depth information.

So , please , share it with us...





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Feb 07, 2019 Feb 07, 2019

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...heard that sound the first time in the video from Isaak T.

Yes that is clearly not a feedbacknoise. So, disabling the mic-in cannot help.

But it is also clearly the pure digital-audiostream send directly to the digital/analog-converter of the amplifier, instead of decoding first.

So it is absolutely clear a software issue.

But, if everyone affected by this is uses Macs from Proseries like MacBookPro or ImacPro..and 10.13 or 10.14 , then it could be a problem with the newly added encryption chips T1 / T2 .

These have caused (since late 2017) several issues , if softwaredevolpers have not taken care of the new sdk, and the fact, that everything related to "rights" is now handled through these chips in realtime, especially "media".

Well that doesn't help us, but if adobe cannot officially solve it , then.....what else can one do to avoid the multiple loss of working gear....else, then switching to another solution/software.

Maybe , others have problems too, but I'm waiting for information on the "the exact same audio bug in resolve".

and btw, when can we expect the next , hopefully bigfixing, release without glorious new features ... only regain lost confidence.





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Explorer ,
Feb 07, 2019 Feb 07, 2019

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@megacinn: thanks for your comments, but trying to stay focused on affected Premiere users.

Affected Users: keep posting your About This Mac screenshots. Also, the version of Premiere you were using at time-of-incident along with what led up to it. Thanks!





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Participant ,
Feb 06, 2019 Feb 06, 2019

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The durability of the speakers in Macbook Pro's has been a problem since the unibody design change.

But my blown speaker case from 2016 posted above, as well as this current case, are caused by Adobe bugs.

I would say both Apple and Adobe (and BlackMagic too if that Resolve audio pop is really confirmed) are liable for not having audio output safety measures in place to prevent this problem though.





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New Here ,
Jan 31, 2019 Jan 31, 2019

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I’m going to jump back in here. Apple repaired my speakers under warranty for the second time (I doubt they’d be willing to do it a third) and then they suggested if possible not to use premiere until the issue was resolved. Fortunately I have the ability to choose between Premiere and FCPX so went back to the latter. I’m afraid there may be no end in sight for this issue, and I may never be able to use Premiere on the laptop I bought specifically for the program.

This is not an issue of inexperience as some have suggested, it’s an issue between hardware and software. Personally everything was running perfectly until I made a small adjustment in the audio tab, then the audio became distorted and blew out the speakers. The audio had perfect levels between -3 and -9 dB up until that point. I‘ve been editing professional projects for the last four years, and editing in total for the past decade of my life. Across five separate editing programs, and six different computers, I’ve never had this happen.





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Explorer ,
Jan 31, 2019 Jan 31, 2019

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Considering we are not overdriving the speakers and its only happening on 2018 models, it makes you wonder if its an Apple problem.  I’ve edited pro video on Macs for 20 years and never had this happen on other systems.  I am not sure if I should get my speakers fixed yet, but I’d need to before warranty runs out.  After it runs out and the speakers blow again, then what?   Thank you Adobe for looking into it intead of just pointing fingers.   Sure seems like it could become a legal issue for someone.  Ears are getting blown.





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Guide ,
Jan 31, 2019 Jan 31, 2019

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The Touchbar MBPs have great sound but it is a very common problem for the speakers to start distorting and then become damaged after a while. I have seen this on at least 3 of them. Apparently the casing is so thin that the sound pressure levels cause the cones to either split or the rubber surrounds to break loose.

Apple won't admit to this at all and will just say that sound levels should be played at "reasonable" levels. Lol as though these speakers were somehow capable of 500W RMS.

Take your MBP back and ask them to replace the speakers






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Explorer ,
Jan 31, 2019 Jan 31, 2019

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wouldn’t surprise me if the physical speaker design is flawed, but it doesn’t explain why Premiere is sending out an incredibly loud noise.





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Jan 31, 2019 Jan 31, 2019

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It must be something about the combination of the two, but then if it was a major flaw with 2018 MBPs you'd think this would be an issue for more people, especially considering how horrendous the sound is.





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Explorer ,
Feb 01, 2019 Feb 01, 2019

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It has also happened to me while editing my video. It happened 4-5 times. And scared the living crpa out of me. Is this considered accidental damage tho?





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Explorer ,
Feb 01, 2019 Feb 01, 2019

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It would be dishonest for Adobe or Apple to call it "accidental" damage.  Unless they are taking responsibility for the accident.





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Explorer ,
Feb 01, 2019 Feb 01, 2019

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Just stopped by the Apple Store. They are replacing the top case of the computer. My computer isn’t even a month old. $628 Repair, all beckase of an audio bug.





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Explorer ,
Feb 02, 2019 Feb 02, 2019

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Are they covering the repair?  Or charging you $628?





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Explorer ,
Feb 02, 2019 Feb 02, 2019

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Sorry. Yes covered under warranty.





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Feb 02, 2019 Feb 02, 2019

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This is interesting and distressing. The thing is, software shouldn't be able to do that. The sound is digital, and part of that is a volume. The volume has a max, and the speakers should be sized for that. Has everyone been using a Macbook Pro 2018? Seems like a problem specific to that hardware. Since it's also blown headphones it isn't a speaker issue, it's a volume issue, where the sound out of the speaker is much louder than the max a piece of software can ask for.

If on the other hand external speakers are used there is the potential for an amp to be too loud for the speakers, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

So, Premiere might send weird stuff to the speakers, but it's a fault in the Mac hardware or software if that is played too loud and breaks the Mac speakers. Equally, the trigger for the sound might not be trying to talk to the speakers at all

but something quite unrelated like using the graphics card a particular way. Or it might not even be the sound system, but a nearby cable leaking signals into the sound system.

I did some research and found some interesting things.


reports that Macbook Pro 2018 has a "speaker crackling problem". This might be related. Article from August

2018, no solution noted.

https://bgr.com/2016/11/30/macbook-speakers-not-working-popping-bootcamp/ is definitely a different problem

(different mac, different system), but shows how a fault in something destroyed speakers, and was fixed by



Speakers blown three times on Macbook Pro 2017 (no mention of Premiere)

Let's hope Apple sorts it out. I doubt anyone else can.





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Explorer ,
Feb 02, 2019 Feb 02, 2019

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New Here ,
Feb 02, 2019 Feb 02, 2019

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same problem today with 2 month old mbp 2018, sound from speakers is very very bad now...





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 05, 2019 Feb 05, 2019

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Same thing happened to me today on my one month old machine. Scared the living crap out of me!!!!

Any updates about this???





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Explorer ,
Feb 05, 2019 Feb 05, 2019

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Right now the only solution is get a PC, or get Final Cut.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 05, 2019 Feb 05, 2019

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To the Adobe staff member who seems to be working on this and trying to get more information. The issue for me seems to occur when I select "Dialogue" in "Essential Sound", and can happen when I select one of the "Reduce___" options under "Repair" or when I select "EQ".

That's the basic idea for now, maybe I can post more about it later. I appreciate you as an individual and your effort to help, and I will try to be helpful and provide more info if/when I can. But this should be Apple and Adobe's concern not mine. So please ask for more people on your team at Adobe to help you get to the bottom of this. Also ask Apple to get involved too.

Which leads me to my rant of the decade...

Dear Apple and Adobe... get your act together!

I just got and started using my MacBook Pro 2 weeks ago. I have been having this same exact audio issue, first the horrible noise, then the speakers sounding muffled and after restarting it seemed to go back to normal. But then it happened again and restarting did not help anymore, the speakers were officially muffled.

The Apple Store employee was very nice and helpful, I am supposed to be getting a new replacement lap top shortly since it's only 2 weeks old. However I do not have a good feeling about that. My concern is the same as others on this forum, that I will get the new one and this issue will happen again and waste more of my time and at some point Apple will say they replaced it and I'm out of warranty and I'll be stuck with a lap top with no speakers and a hole in my pocket.

I saved a while to get a 2018 MacBook Pro with 2.6 GHz, 32GB RAM, Redeon Pro 560X and a 512GB SSD. I got it so I can work, not to review, restart, research, return, repair, and replace. Clearly, I am not getting work done 'cuz instead of exporting, I'm posting to a forum and joining a group of people who have been complaining about this specific issue for months now. I spent over $3000 and I'm locked in for a year now with Adobe paying $$ monthly for software that will break my $3000 lap top.

While I am waiting to get my replacement, I attempted to work again. It went nutty once more and this time it blew my right speaker. So that's fun.

I do not know who's to blame but you guys are giant companies and you work closely together when developing hardware and software. It's should be your headache not mine. Apple regularly has Adobe on stage saying "we gave Adobe our new hardware and here's what they were able to do, in just a few weeks, using our our new___". It seems you forgot to mention "check out these new audio tools from Adobe, it will magically blow your built in speakers so you'll have a reason to visit our newly renovated Apple stores - sorry "Town Squares" - see, I pay attention. Apple's claim was "it just works", well it does until it doesn't. That's when you should apologize and take responsibility to fix the issue.

It could very well be that this is an Adobe's issue, and this audio feature is wrecking other brand computers as well. Or it works great on other brand computers and it is Apple's issue or it's a bad combination of hardware and software and you both have work ahead. But I am attempting to work and get paid to use Adobe software not to write it, so I cannot help you there. I do not know how to build computers either, I just want to use them to get a task done. It's been months.. there's no excuse for it not to be resolved already.

I will not trust Adobe Premiere again until Apple and or Adobe release a statement/software update that specifically mentions that this issue has been resolved.

Yes, this makes me strongly reconsider my loyalty to Apple and Adobe. There are other hardware and software makers out there, maybe you guys are too big to care at this point.

If I sound grumpy, it's because I am. I added in some snarky remarks for levity but the truth is, it's late at night and I did not get to export 1 of 4 projects I wanted to today. I have been following Apple and watching every keynote since my first, when Apple switched to Intel in 2005. But this is how you get the Kool-Aid to wear off.

This is currently my headache and problem but that should not be the case at all. I already wasted hours on this and there will be more wasted hours ahead going back to the store etc. Apple. Adobe. Get your S--- together!

Thank you, good morning!





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Feb 06, 2019 Feb 06, 2019

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It keeps doing it on mine. Had two sessions with adobe support, neither fixed it, although on the latest one I was able to recreate the issue with the guy on screen share. Said he had seen nothing like it and everyone there was super confused and that it was going to be passed onto the development team - at least they had seen it I guess. Although they also said no one else has reported a similar issue, and that as it stands there is no fix as they don't actually know the source of the issue. They suggested I try on another computer the same files and I was like I don't think so (although it does seem like the issue is specifically with 2018 MBPs).

One interesting thing I have noticed is that when it does make the sound, it limits the volume output of my speakers until I restart, which actually stops a lot of the terrible sounds that come out of the now blown speakers, so the MBP must know that something has happened otherwise why would it limit audio output across the system?

Great someone has mentioned it to 9to5Mac etc, as it does seem a little like we are being slightly ignored. Like ZAdobe said this is now seriously damaging my ability to complete work, and I definitely cannot do work in environments where I need headphones cause I don't fancy deafening myself.  No point getting the speakers replaced until the issue is fixed, because what is the point in waisting all that time only for it to happen again.

Adobe need to to sort this.





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Explorer ,
Feb 05, 2019 Feb 05, 2019

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I’m surprised this isnt on MacRumors front page or 9 to 5 mac





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 05, 2019 Feb 05, 2019

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I agree 100% and I hope to get those sites talking about it. I want my replacement lap top in my hands and honestly maybe even - if possible at this point - a refund first.

But I think I can push it forward before I get that in my hand, I’m just a bit weary since I don’t have an email of what the Apple employee said I should expect, I barely have a case number, just going on the employee‘s word to wait for a call or email about my replacemt...

I have some short video clips of the horrible sounds emanating from my MacBook Pro speakers, maybe that can help jolt people into action, the way it jolted me when I first heard/felt it. The video does not show the specifc action/“click“ that causes it since it’s somewhat unpredictable and I just had my phone ready to capture it when it happened.  As I was recording, leaving the noise going, I could tell it was so bad that it was causing physical/internal damage and sure enough, when it was over - it literally sounded like it was giving a last “huff“ - my right speaker stopped working completely.





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Explorer ,
Feb 05, 2019 Feb 05, 2019

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What the. Did you get it on camera? It shakes you up that sound. But it wakes me up.  Lol. The trick with this is one you do add an effect or make changes. Give it 10 seconds before playing it back or render in to Out.





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Explorer ,
Feb 05, 2019 Feb 05, 2019

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I’ve shared this with MacRumors and 9to5 Mac. This is absolutely insane at this point.





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