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When i adding Music (mp3 or wav) Premiere crashes without an Event in the Event Manager? Anyone else here with the same problems ?
Hey Everyone,
For those who haven't heard the news, we just released a new version of Premiere Pro (10.3) yesterday. This release does resolve this issue so we suggest you give it a try as soon as you can.
Sorry for the inconvenience with this one, folks..
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Hi MaverikMS‌,
Few steps to try:
- Check if the audio sample rate of the file matches that of the sequence
- Make sure Audio Hardware settings are correct
- Clean Media Cache
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All done put wehen i try to place the audio file in the timeline the premiere crashes. The hand with the circle appears and premiere dosen`t react anymore. File is a normal 44.100 HZ MP3 or Wav ? Media Cache cleaned, all drivers Up-toDate. ?
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Can you try importing the files into Adobe Audition (if you've Audition installed), export them as WAV files and re-import into Premiere Pro?
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This is extremely annoying and should be fixed. I downloaded the mp3 that is causing the problem for me from a major cover/background music company. Lost an hour of work. My own fault for not having my auto-save settings to be more frequent, but this is a silly thing to kill premiere. Please fix.
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Hi zebragoose‌,
I'm sorry to hear you lost an hour of work because of this. Please read my comment above as to the reason for the failure (for nothing more than an explanation and a workaround for now).
The problem is more about the duration of the asset you are attempting to add and the length of the sequence. Specific .mp3 files do not appear to be a part of the problem.
In any case, we're working on a fix for a future update.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Thanks Ron. I figured it out by the comments above. Thanks for your reply all the same. What a strange glitch.
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I've been having the same problem for the last 2 days as well, Adobe Premire Pro CC 2015 just freezes whenever I try to drag in any kind of audio file to the timeline. I've tried the above to see if it were to resolve the issues, but sadly it didn't. Hoping you guys could resolve this issue as soon as possible, because I cannot use premiere pro now.
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OS: Windows 10 Pro
Motherboard: MSI Z97 GAMING 5 (MS-7917)
Processor: Intel i7-4770 3.4GHZ
Memory: 20GB DDR3
GPU: AMD R9 295x2 8GB (Sapphire)
If you need more information let me know.
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While obviously the crashing should not be happening, as a work-around, try converting the clips to 48k .wav before importing, as most video sequence presets in Premiere are going to use 48k video standard, not 44.1k which is CD standard.
Jeff Pulera
Safe Harbor Computers
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I also have the same problem. I tried using 48k.wav converted from Adobe Audition. It still freezes when I try to drag the file to the timeline 😕
I am also using Windows 10.
Thank you.
Pradthana J.
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I did a reinstall on my windows 10 and Adobe, yet the problem still occurs whenever I drag in an wav or mp3 file of any sample rate, however it didn't occur when I dragged in an '.aac' file. So a work-around at the moment is coverting to .aac.
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I have the same problem. Also when putting video clips on my timeline.
I've found out, that this problem only occurs, in old project converted to new projects.
When starting an old project from scratch there is no problem.
Quick work arround, if you want to finnish an old project. It is possible to replace clips from the timeline with clips form bin. Also it is possible to copy clips on your timeline, so you have more clips to replace.
I know it is not optimal, but way better then starting over.
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If possible could you dropbox one of you 'faulty' clips
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steffenj2189437: Have you tried creating a completely new project, then importing the contents of your old project via the Media Browser and seeing if that helps?
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This worked for me ! Imported the Audi File to a new Project and importet this to the old Project. But this doesn`t resolve the "main" problem.
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What exact version of Premiere are you running? I'm assuming you're on PC? Are you able to share a screenshot of any error messages, or does the application literally just crash and disappear without any messages?
How are you bringing in the files? Have you tried using the 'File > Import> window instead? Dragging from Explorer directly into a bin? Importing via the Media Browser?
Obviously something is up. You could try Resetting Your Preferences to see if that helps?
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I've got this issue too, though not sure if mine is slightly different. A few things I've noticed:
Not sure what has triggered this, but it's very frustrating as I am close to finishing a project and just need to put a new audio master on! Hope this is resolved soon or a proper solution is found.
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Imprtaing as "plain" WAV fails. Importet to Auditon and exportet to serveral Formats. Same "error"
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I managed to find a workaround for myself. I still cannot drag the whole audio file to the timeline. Instead, if I select a part of the file with mark in and mark out, then drag the part to the timeline, everything works fine.
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Just to add another user's voice to this - I too am unable to import audio, it crashes Premiere. If I drag the file to the file browser, it crashes. If I import it using the menu, it's ok and loads in the source monitor. But it seems impossible to add to the timeline. I recorded it on windows 10 voice recorder. I tried converting it to mp3 using Audtion to no avail. This seems to be a a bug with the latest Premiere. My audio file is 48 kHz. I have tried clearing the media cache.
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Same problem here.
Cannot drag audio into the timline, no matter if it is 41.1Khz or 48, mp3 or wav.
Cursor with the crossed circle appears and premiere doesn't react anymore.
Also no right click context menu on items in project window in affected projetcs.
Build 9.1.0.(174)
How about testing your product or actually working with it yourself before releasing it to your paying customers and wasting their time and money?
And that is not just a phrase. Maybe you didn't realize, but people are actually trying to work professionally with your software. I am loosing money and time in this very moment because of this unneccesary bullsh**.
Fix this asap!
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Just to add my voice to this: fresh install of Premiere Pro CC on a new computer, running Windows 10. I can import audio files, through the import command or by dragging and dropping into the Project window; I can drag and drop or insert / overwrite parts of those audio files into the timeline if I've selected in out points; but if I try dragging and dropping a whole clip into the timeline (either because I have't set in and out points or because I'm dragging them directly in from Windows) then Premiere hangs.
For now I've only tried 44,100 Hz mp3 files, haven't tried other options since I'm mid-project and up against a deadline.
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Hi Forum,
A few moments ago I found a fast workaround for me.
I had an older Version of Premiere Pro CC installed at home and had just updated to the new version via the Manager. Then I opened a Project I had created with the newest Version at work.
Everything worked fine until I wanted to add music to the timeline.
When trying to add a music file into the timeline, Premiere "half-crashed" meaning that I could not interact with the interface per Mouse other then see hover info.
I created new Sequences in the same project with my desired settings and just copied the contents of the faulty sequence into the new one. Now I can add the very same music files into the timeline.