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Premiere Pro 2022 BSOD regularly

Community Beginner ,
Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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I am increasingly experiencing BSOD (various stop codes but most common is: SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED) and freezes when using adobe Premiere Pro and Media Encoder. Worth noting I only experience these issues with Premiere and not with other apps such as Cinema4 4D/Redshift. But I am facing them with Premiere multiple times a day.


It seems almost anything can trigger it, but a few particular pain points are as follows:


- Exporting (via Pr or Encoder - mostly h.264 settings but I also use other formats where issues happen). Whilst the freeze/BSOD can happen when the computer is only exporting and doing nothing else. Opening any other Window/App/Browser seems to increase the risk of a crash.

- Changing window layout/size. This seems to be a constant risk in Pr for me. Whether just choosing a layout from the layout menu or manually adjusting windows within Pr it can trigger a freeze which sometimes goes to BSOD by itself and sometimes I have to manually power off the computer.

- Importing footage. (I mostly work with 4k mp4's from Sony A7s, and could be importing anywhere between 50gb-300gb at a time on a given project). Again  Pr does not like me clicking on anything else (eg browsers) whilst importing.

- General editing use. Less common but I have had the computer freeze whilst editing and not doing any of the above. 


My Spec:

Ryzen 9 5900x

RTX 3080Ti + GTX 1070 (I have 2 screens, both plugged into the 3080 via HDMI. I use the second GPU for assisted rendering speed in C4D/Redshift. And have tried removing it when using premiere but it doesn;t seem to effect the issues)

32gb DDR4 3200MHz

PSU Corsair 850w


SSD - Windows OS + Apps (inc adobe)

M.2 - Footage/Proxies/ Active Project files

2nd M.2 - Media Cache

Various HDD - Archive/Storage Not in use for projetcs

External NAS With HDDs and M.2 Cache - Now I have only started experimeting with this. Rendering from this did increase the risk of crashes, but I have also experienced many problems when not using this at all and before even having it.


Currently on Pr Version: 22.5

Media Encoder Version: 22.4

I try not to update in the middle of projects (which is often the situation)


Some things I have previously tried:

- Clearing Cache

- Fresh Windows Install

- Checked RAM

- Various Nvidia drivers (this is a juggling act with certain drivers causing issues in Redshift. But I am currently on the latest studio drivers) 

- I'm sure I have tried a variety of things within premiere and I cannot recall them all right now.


I know there are possibly 100s of variables at play here, and finding the cause of such issues is difficult. But in my mind it must be specifically adobe related as I use a variety of other intensive apps and games with no 'random' crashes or BSOD. So I'm really looking for any suggestions for things I could try before having to go through the laborious time-consuming task of yet another fresh Windows install only to find it doesn't fix the issue. If there are log files I can provide to provide insight please let me know.





Crash , Error or problem , Export , Freeze or hang , Hardware or GPU , Import , User interface or workspaces






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 23, 2022 Nov 23, 2022

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Hi, Jay!

Sorry for this horrible bug. Thank you for all the information on your system and media and the problems you are having trouble with.


These kinds of crashes are related to faulty drivers. The troubleshooting docs that address the issue show that you must find the faulty driver and remove it. Can you have a look at this article? How to fix System Thread Exception Not Handled.


Since you can't make the issue occur with repeatable steps, this bug may be harder to drill down on. I do not see BSOD on my Windows machine, so please let the team know if you can find specific steps to trigger the problem. Those kinds of bugs get the highest priority.


Please give the developers more information: How do I write a bug?

Use the template if you don't mind.


I hope we can assist you in fixing this problem.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 24, 2022 Nov 24, 2022

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I have been testing every NVidia driver under the sun with clean install each time. And still experience problems. Althought it very well still might be a Nvidia driver issue.  Today I also got the VIDEO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL BSOD error (whilst editing low-res footage and exporting via ME simulaniously). I am trying to do more research into these stop-codes. And as suspected, from reading forums users experiencing similar errors had no luck with a fresh Windows install.  I'm just hoping it isn't a hardware issue with the 3080ti as had it nearly a year now but don't recall as many problems before it back when using only the 1070. But it is only in Premiere I get these crashes.


As I don't have definte reproducable steps to trigger it, although it happens regularly for me. I'll hold off the bug report list you gave for now, as I already gave all the other info such as system spec, footage, what I was doing etc. Really just looking for things to try, or perhaps some advice on how to definetively tell if this is a hardware or software issue.







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Explorer ,
Feb 19, 2023 Feb 19, 2023

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I am having similar problems. Did you find a solution?





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 20, 2023 Feb 20, 2023

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Unfortunatley nope. Unlikely you'll recieve help from adobe, nvidia, gpu manufactures and the like on these issues. They can always point to eachother as the issue. Always tell you to update drivers that fix nothing. Clean install etc, still didn't help. Only have the issue with adobe apps though.





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Advocate ,
Feb 20, 2023 Feb 20, 2023

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Some suggestions:

1) Turn off NVidia MPO (Multiplane Overlay)  https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5157

2) Turn off  HAGS (Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling)  in driver control panel

3) Turn off G-Sync/Variable framerate

4) Try to limit GPU-power consumption while working in PPro. Just guessing here - weak/degraded because of age Power Supply could be a reason of BSODs too





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Advocate ,
Feb 21, 2023 Feb 21, 2023

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New Here ,
Mar 03, 2023 Mar 03, 2023

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If you have a dual or multiple monitor setup, it might be worth looking into disconnecting one/multiple monitors to see if it helps. I have a new build with Windows 11 and an RTX 3080 and it would BSOD while scrubbing through footage in Premiere and while rendering in AE. Previous drivers didn't help at all. I have a three monitor set up, one larger center primary monitor with two aux monitors. I pulled the two aux monitors off the RTX 3080 and that seemed to stabilize my issue. I haven't had a BSOD since. (Crossing fingers.) Fortunately, my motberboard (MSI X670-P) has a bulit-in GPU (AMD Radeon) and I was able to connect the two monitors up that way, freeing up the RTX 3080 for my primary monitor.





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Explorer ,
Mar 03, 2023 Mar 03, 2023

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My solution was found here: https://www.pugetsystems.com/support/guides/video-memory-bsod/

After installing the older Nvidia driver as explained in this article, all the problems disappeared.





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New Here ,
Apr 16, 2023 Apr 16, 2023

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Im having the EXACT same issues. mainly when i import footage. instant BSOD SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED.

Its a relatively new build, everything is plugged in as it should be, no OC, no overheating. all other programs run perfect with no lag or crashing. Resolve and Vegas both edit fine, PP instant BSOD on import making the program unusable.

I completely wiped the entire PC reinstalled Windows 10, updated BIOS, updated all drivers. Still instant BSOD.

Surely we cant all be doing something wrong.....

5900X 12 core
RTX 3070
64GB 3200mhz
C Drive - M.2 - OS/software
P Drive - M.2 - projects/media
External drives - SSD - other projects/media





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Contributor ,
Mar 08, 2023 Mar 08, 2023

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Explorer ,
Mar 08, 2023 Mar 08, 2023

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That is exactly what I said. It was the perfect solution for me.





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