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Premiere Pro (CC) has encountered an error. (Mac)

Guide ,
Jul 07, 2013 Jul 07, 2013

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Darn, this is bad.  I'm having flashbacks to Pr CS6.0.0.  I keep getting this error, which leads to a crash:

Premiere Pro has encountered an error.



Pr CC has been working pretty well on older CS6 projects and new projects started in CC. 

For the record, I'm a professional Premiere Pro power user; not a novice.

This recurring problem happens when I just click on audio or video certain clips in a timeline.  I exported this project from FCP7 via XML and into Pr CC.  All the sync clips are double system; video from a Canon transcoded to ProRes; audio files are .WAV from a Zoom recorder.

{Sidebar:  I have an ongoing project in CC I started in CS6 with Canon H264 video, and Zoom audio.  I'm not having the same problems.}

I exported this problem project to XML from Pr CC, opened it in Pr CS6, and I don't get the crashes when clicking on clips. 

This is a new issue with PrCC, and apparently projects imported via XML.

I did all the usual maintanence: Trashed prefs, previews and Media Cache.  Ran Disk Warrior.  Problem persists.

Workaround is, once I locate a clip that causes the crash, use In and Out around the clip to lift it, then replace manually.  Slow going.  LOTS of crashing.  Every few minutes.  Once the media is replaced, the crashing stops.  So, this rules out corrupt media.  Besides, I ran Digital Rebellion's Corrupt Clip Finder, and all media on this project passes as not corrupted.  I save about every minute now, so as not to lose too much work.

Silver lining: Pr CC launches about ten times faster than Pr CS6, so getting back to work after a crash is faster.

If anybody has a clue on how to stop this, please chime in.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

Thanks for the sample file.  With it I was able to reproduce the failure and we are working on a fix.  The failure is happening during the audio level keyframe translation.

As a not very pretty work around: If you delete the audio level keyframes the import will succeed.




Guide ,
Jul 07, 2013 Jul 07, 2013

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If anybody speaks Crash Report, here are the lines up to the end of the Adobe citations.

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff87dfdce2 __pthread_kill + 10

1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff93fcb7d2 pthread_kill + 95

2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff93fbcb4a __abort + 159

3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff93fbcaab abort + 192

4   com.adobe.Frontend.framework            0x000000010006728a FE::ApplicationErrorManager::ThrowError(dvacore::config::ErrorLevel, char const*, unsigned int, int, bool, dvacore::config::ReplacementValue const&, dvacore::config::ReplacementValue const&, dvacore::config::ReplacementValue const&, dvacore::config::ReplacementValue const&) const + 202

5   com.adobe.dvacore.framework             0x00000001002a1962 dvacore::config::ThrowError(dvacore::config::ErrorLevel, char const*, unsigned int, int, bool, dvacore::config::ReplacementValue const&, dvacore::config::ReplacementValue const&, dvacore::config::ReplacementValue const&, dvacore::config::ReplacementValue const&) + 226

6   com.adobe.Mezzanine.framework           0x0000000105e30a9d MZ::Utilities::GetAudioClipFrameRate(ASL::InterfaceRef<BE::IAudioClip, BE::IAudioClip>) + 189

7   com.adobe.Mezzanine.framework           0x0000000105a85290 MZ::CreateAudioInfoString(ASL::InterfaceRef<BE::IMasterClip, BE::IMasterClip>) + 304

8   com.adobe.HandlerInfo.framework          0x000000010a8ba5b7 HandlerInfo::AudioContextLineRender::AsString() const + 39

9   com.adobe.HandlerInfo.framework          0x000000010a8b9a28 HandlerInfo::ContextLineRender<HandlerInfo::AudioContextLineRender>::DrawLineItem(UIF::DC&, unsigned int, unsigned int&, int, bool) + 72

10  com.adobe.HandlerInfo.framework          0x000000010a8bb1a9 HandlerInfo::AVClipInfoContext::PaintSelf(UIF::DC&, int) + 105

11  com.adobe.HandlerInfo.framework          0x000000010a8b374c HandlerInfo::InfoView::PaintSelf(UIF::DC&) + 748

12  com.adobe.UIFramework.framework          0x0000000104671499 UIF::TabViewImpl::UI_Draw(dvaui::drawbot::Drawbot*) const + 489

13  com.adobe.dvaui.framework               0x0000000103df42c6 void dvaui::drawbot::InvokeDrawbotFromRegionT<dvaui::ui::OS_View, std::const_mem_fun1_ref_t<void, dvaui::ui::OS_View, dvaui::drawbot::Drawbot*>, NSView*>(dvaui::ui::OS_View const&, std::const_mem_fun1_ref_t<void, dvaui::ui::OS_View, dvaui::drawbot::Drawbot*> const&, dvaui::drawbot::SupplierInterface const&, NSView*, __HIShape const*, dvaui::drawbot::SurfaceInterface*, bool) + 198

14  com.adobe.dvaui.framework               0x0000000103df0a71 void dvaui::drawbot::InvokeDrawbot<dvaui::ui::OS_View, std::const_mem_fun1_ref_t<void, dvaui::ui::OS_View, dvaui::drawbot::Drawbot*>, NSView*>(dvaui::ui::OS_View const&, std::const_mem_fun1_ref_t<void, dvaui::ui::OS_View, dvaui::drawbot::Drawbot*> const&, dvaui::drawbot::SupplierInterface const&, NSView*, __HIShape const*, dvaui::drawbot::SurfaceInterface*, std::vector<dvacore::geom::RectT<int>, std::allocator<dvacore::geom::RectT<int> > >*, bool) + 577

15  com.adobe.dvaui.framework               0x0000000103de07d2 dvaui::ui::OS_View::UI_HandlePlatformDrawEvent(dvaui::drawbot::SurfaceInterface*) + 402

16  com.adobe.dvacore.framework             0x00000001002a1a24 int dvacore::config::ErrorManager::ExecuteFunction<void>(boost::function0<void>*, void*) + 68

17  com.adobe.Frontend.framework            0x000000010006713c FE::ApplicationErrorManager::ExecuteFunctionWithTopLevelExceptionHandler(boost::function0<int>) + 76

18  com.adobe.dvacore.framework             0x00000001002a1abc void dvacore::config::ErrorManager::ExecuteFunctionWithTopLevelExceptionHandler<void>(boost::function0<void>, bool*) + 140

19  com.adobe.dvacore.framework             0x00000001002a362d void dvacore::config::ExecuteTopLevelFunction<void>(boost::function0<void>, bool*) + 125

20  com.adobe.dvaui.framework               0x0000000103deaba6 -[DVAMacContainerView drawRect:] + 118

21  com.apple.AppKit                        0x00007fff8dd903bb -[NSView _drawRect:clip:] + 3995





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2013 Jul 08, 2013

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Having the same problem. I take it you're running on a Mac; I'm running on a PC.  Working with PPro CS6 files that have been converted to CC. Happens when I click on previousely disabled audio clips linked to a video clip that isn't disabled.  I can select them (but not do anything with them) by alt-clicking.  But if I simply click on them ---  the blahblahblaUtilities.cpp-780 error. 

Adobe -- I hope you're monitoring this.  This needs to be fixed PRONTO!





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2013 Jul 08, 2013

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Further clarification.  The clips that are problematic in my situation are audio clips from one clip linked to video from a different clip.  IE: I had a clip on the timeline; video and audio. (This was done in CS6 where it worked fine): In CS6, I had delinked the video from its accompanying audio, and replaced the video with a color-corrected version, and linked the audio to the replacement video clip. In CS6 this worked fine.

Once the project was imported to CC, the problem reared its ugly head.  Clicking on any of the relinked clips, either the video portion or the audio portion, triggers the code mentioned above, and shuts down PP.






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Guide ,
Jul 08, 2013 Jul 08, 2013

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On a positive note, PlannedR, if more than one person is having this issue, it suggests that operator error or corrupt media may be implicated slightly less.  I take it, you weren't having this happen on the same project in CS6?

I'll add to my list of things that make Pr crash (in this FCP7>PrCC Sequence):

Adding an audio effect to a clip

Adding a transition (which triggers a similar error message):

Premiere Pro has encountered an error.




BTW, I've tried Removing Effects>Volume (previous automation), which I suspected was the offending state.  That worked fine on a few clips.  I was encouraged.  But, then I encountered some clips that even crashed Pr with no effects at all. 

You've given me an idea to Unlink my clips, and see if that helps.  I'll let you know.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2013 Jul 08, 2013

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It definitely doesn't happen in CS6 -- I went back to the CS6 version of the project (I hadn't changed anything in the CC version) and unlinked the audio and video clips that were in question and then saved that CS6 file.  Then I opened it in CC (it went through the conversion-to-CC process). Clicking on the files then, in CC, didn't cause the error to occur anymore -- but, on that same timeline, the audio/video clips that I had not unlinked in the step above? The second I clicked on any one of them -- error code and shutdown.

This is a bug.  The fact that it's happening across platforms (Mac/Pc) indicates to me that it's in the code, not in our machines (I could be wrong; I'm no programmer).

But it is something Adobe needs to look at and get right -- it's killing my ability to edit for my clients!

Pete Vogt  (aka PlannedR)





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Guide ,
Jul 08, 2013 Jul 08, 2013

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Pete, I agree this needs to be fixed pronto.  Since one of the selling points Adobe is employing is bragging that that we can bring older Pr projects and projects from MC and FCP into Pr CC, it's going to frustrate a lot of editors if this functionality is a minefield.

Fortunately, this sequence that's killing me is an indy film I'm cutting on my own time.  I think if I had clients present, it wouldn't take long for word to get around that Pr CC isn't ready for prime time.

Thanks for trying my unlink gambit.  Reinstalling the app didn't fix it either for me.





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Guide ,
Jul 08, 2013 Jul 08, 2013

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I'm also noticing, in the Events tab, numerous (40-ish) instances of this:

"Couldn't load kPFColorParamSuite."

Might be related.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 08, 2013 Jul 08, 2013

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Hi PlannedR,

Have you filed a bug report yet? That would be most helpful. The link is: http://www.adobe.com/go/wish







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Community Beginner ,
Jul 09, 2013 Jul 09, 2013

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Filed a report last night.

By the way, I think what's happening, not from a technical programming sense, but from what I'm observing, is that in PPCC, the audio clips expect to be linked to their original video, and when they're clicked, or the replaced video they're now linked to is clicked, all hell breaks loose.  If I remove the audio clips by alt-clicking them (the only way they can be touched) and deleting them individually, the video left behind can be clicked without any problem.  If I go back to the original PPC6 version of the project and unlink the audio from the video, and then open up the project in PPCC, the audio and video can be clicked without any problems.  I haven't tried relinking them at that point, because I'm in the middle of a project, and don't want to take any chances on screwing it up any further.

In all the PP upgrades I've gone through over the years, this has never happened.





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Guide ,
Jul 10, 2013 Jul 10, 2013

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I think I may have figured a way to stop the endless crashes in one of this type of problem Sequence. 

Set an in and out on the clip or clips that clicking on causes a crash (or all the clips in the Sequence). 

Goto the Mark In point on the Timeline.  Lift the clip, and then paste it right back in. 

This unlinks all the clips, but I don't get the crashing now when I click on a clip.

Trying to relink a video and audio clip causes a crash. 

So, it appears that Linking is definitely causing the crashes for me, and perhaps you as well, Pete.





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Jul 10, 2013 Jul 10, 2013

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Jim Curtis wrote:

Premiere Pro has encountered an error.




This is also barfing on trying to work with a clip that doesn't exist.  So it is the clip itself that is the issue.  Are you coming in from FCP XML as well?





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Guide ,
Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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This is also barfing on trying to work with a clip that doesn't exist.  So it is the clip itself that is the issue.  Are you coming in from FCP XML as well?

Yes, Charles.  Both of the error messages I posted were from the same project. 

When you say "a clip that doesn't exist," what does that mean?  Is Pr trying to link to the camera's audio track, but not finding it?  Clearly, the separate double system audio and video clips exist, because I'm seeing and hearing them, and they're the cause of the crashing.

I tried Saving As, and that didn't help. 

I moved my media and reopened a project copy, and Pr found the video, but the audio was off-line.  I clicked an off-line audio clip in the timeline, and Pr crashed.

I then reopened the project, and relinked the off-line audio.  Clicked a clip, and Pr crashed.

So, I still have my fallback off unlinking all my clips, as I described earlier.  But, perhaps now that you've tracked down the issue to a problem in the XML translation from FCP, that Adobe can work on a fix.

I'll repeat that I can import the same XML into Pr CS6 and not have the same crashing issue.  So, hopefully that's enough information for the software engineers to fix this.

BTW, I tried reporting this bug on the Adobe bug link, but the site gave me an error message after i clicked the Submit button.  I'm cursed.





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Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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Jim Curtis wrote:

When you say "a clip that doesn't exist," what does that mean?  Is Pr trying to link to the camera's audio track, but not finding it?  Clearly, the separate double system audio and video clips exist, because I'm seeing and hearing them, and they're the cause of the crashing.

It's an under-the-hood problem.  When the clip object is created, it is only partially created.  There's a reference (aka pointer) to an audio clip object, but the memory address of that object is NULL or at address 0x0 (zero).  Meaning it doesn't exist.  So we're trying to access or use memory that is supposed to be for an audio clip (the under-the-hood representation of it) but it isn't there.  It is sort of like having an entry in your address book for someone, you have a name in the entry, but no phone number or home address.  There's no way to contact that person.

Can you post your FCPXML anywhere, and more importantly, have you tried this with the 7.0.1 update that came out yesterday?





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Guide ,
Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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Thanks for the explanation, Charles.

I did open this project into 7.0.1, which I started in 7.0, but I haven't tried re-importing the XML, since I've already done a fair amount of work on the project since bringing it into 7.0. 

I did try just importing the XML into a clean install of Pr 7.0 (The installer doesn't install the current version.), and no crashes!!!  Weird.  But, all my clips came in unlinked, too.

And I updated Pr to 7.0.1, and got the same thing: no crashes, but no linked clips either.  It's possible I did a Select-All and Command-L and linked the clips after I imported the XML the first time, but I'm not sure about that.  Now, I'm really confused.

Anyway, thanks for staying with me on this, Charles.  I hope this has been of some help.

Here's a link to the XML in question:






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Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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Jim, I'm going to try later today to see if the problem has stopped in my project, with the new update.  I updated last night, but haven't had a chance to try it out and won't until this evening.  I'll let you know if the update stopped the crashing on my end. I sure hope so.

Pete Vogt (aka Planned)





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Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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That didn't help me, Pete, but maybe you'll have better luck.  Fingers crossed.





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Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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Just tried it. Crashed beautifully.


I've been evangelizing Premiere for years, even when it was a really questionable choice.  I've converted three Final Cut users in the last two years alone.

But this crap has GOT TO GET FIXED -- NOW!!  It didn't happen in any previous versions of PP; it's purely a CC problem. GET THE DAMN THING FIXED!!!

Peter Vogt

CCO, Planned Reaction Inc.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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Thanks for the sample file.  With it I was able to reproduce the failure and we are working on a fix.  The failure is happening during the audio level keyframe translation.

As a not very pretty work around: If you delete the audio level keyframes the import will succeed.






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Guide ,
Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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You're welcome.

And thank you for watching over and being responsive to your customers.  Four days after my original post and we have both an acknowledgement that a problem exists, and a fix is in the pipeline.  This is encouraging and most appreciated.

Stay with us, Pete.  I too, have been a volunteer evangelist for Pr, but only since CS6 when Adobe improved their external monitor support.  I've gotten a few diehard FCP7 users at least on the fence and considering a defection.  I got handed off a FCP7 project last week, and it was frustrating going back.







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Community Beginner ,
Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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I'm converting an FCP7 editor right now, and he's going to be working on the projects I'm having this problem with. He paid for CC last week and downloaded the whole shebang. I gave him a drive with the same projects I've got on my system.  I've been telling him for months how far advanced PP is over what's out there (and it is; leaps and bounds beyond anything else -- I've had 5K, SD, and HD all on the same timeline with tons of graphics layers, effects, and transitions all over the place, and it doesn't even hiccup when you hit play).

But I doubt that he's going to share my awe when he clicks on a clip and PP crashes every time. I'm expecting phone calls.

-- Pete





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Guide ,
Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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Pete, did you try my cut & paste workaround?  I haven't had a crash on this project since I did it, except for once when I tried relinking a double system video and audio clip.  So, I'm going to have to live with unlinked clips on this project until I finish.  But, I will be able to finish it, which I didn't think I could say with confidence a few days ago.

Read up on this thread.  Adobe is aware of this, and working on a fix.  It probably won't help any existing projects, as Pr seems to be damaging the project on import.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 18, 2013 Jul 18, 2013

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Been buried for a few days, but just now I tried selecting all the clips in a converted project and unlinking them, and it appears that that may have stopped the problem. I have to check and see if it works on any of the other projects I've had the problem with (this one hadn't been touched yet -- kind of stupid of me; I should have tried to see if it had the crashing problem before I tried the fix, but I assume it did, because it went through the same conversion process the other spots did).

Have you heard anything from Adobe, as to whether they've got a fix/update/patch for developed yet?

-- Pete





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Guide ,
Jul 18, 2013 Jul 18, 2013

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No, but, like you, since I unlinked my clips, my crashing stopped, too.

Except for one time when I tried to relink a couple of clips on the Timeline, which resulted in an instant crash.  So, that taught me that I'm going to have to live with unlinked clips until a fix is available.

I've discovered a couple other bugs, which I've mentioned elsewhere.  So, I expect a 7.0.2 is forthcoming at some point. 





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 27, 2013 Jul 27, 2013

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Jesse -- any news on the progress on fixing this bug?

Pete Vogt





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