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Premiere Pro Community Digest — June 2023

Adobe Employee ,
Jul 13, 2023 Jul 13, 2023

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Adobe Premiere Pro Community Digest - June 2023


Hello again, and welcome to the Premiere Pro Community Digest. In this issue, we'll be taking a look back at the events that shaped the Premiere Pro community in June 2023. We begin with the community news, and then we can get down to our usual features. I'll let you know about some new things happening with Premiere Pro Beta and the most recent version of Premiere Pro, 23.5!

Latest Adobe Premiere Pro Community News

Small SQ GIF_13.gifNews from the Premiere Pro community!

Welcome again to the Premiere Pro Community Digest. The Premiere Pro Community Digest is the monthly newsletter for the Premiere Pro community. Here are some of the events that happened in June 2023.


Adobe Creative Cloud Empowers The 2023 Tribeca Film Festival

Image source: Tribeca Film Festival, The Good Half starring Nick JonasImage source: Tribeca Film Festival, The Good Half starring Nick JonasThe 2023 Tribeca Film Festival witnessed the power of Adobe Creative Cloud as over 30 films chose Adobe's creative tools to bring their stories to life. Premiere Pro, Frame.io, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Substance 3D from Adobe's creative suite facilitated collaborative storytelling and streamlined editing. Listed below are blog posts featuring the notable films that utilized Adobe Creative Cloud at Tribeca and highlight recent innovations that are revolutionizing the film industry.

Premiere Pro, Adobe's renowned video editing software, played a pivotal role in crafting remarkable films featured at Tribeca. Noteworthy titles like "The Good Half," "The Line," "Kiss the Future," and "Blood for Dust" were expertly edited using Premiere Pro. Its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities have made it the go-to choice for filmmakers to realize their visions.

The Tribeca Film Festival serves as a vital platform for new voices and stories, and Adobe is excited to witness the creative brilliance of this year's event. Congratulations to all the projects premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival 2023! Adobe Creative Cloud continues to empower filmmakers worldwide, pushing boundaries and reshaping cinema. With ongoing innovation and collaboration, Adobe remains at the forefront of revolutionizing the film industry.


Meagan Keane's comprehensive blog post about Adobe at the Tribeca Film Festival is here.

Scroll down for a comprehensive list of blog posts written about the Tribeca Film Festival by Meagan Keane and Kylee Peña.

Adobe Video and Audio Community Mixers

Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 3.38.22 PM.pngJoin Adobe for industry mixers bringing together post-production professionals from film, TV, news, sports, social, events, ads, and more.


Connect with peers, experience demos and Q&A with Premiere Pro and After Effects experts, and engage with creativity and community leaders. Don't miss out on these inspiring events!

  • Networking with Peers: Meet professionals from diverse backgrounds and expand your network in post-production.
  • Demos and Q&A with Experts: Learn from the masters behind Premiere Pro and After Effects through live demos and real-time Q&A sessions.
  • Connect with Leaders: Engage with creativity and community leaders who are making waves in the industry.
  • Sips, Snacks, and Inspiring Projects: Enjoy refreshments while exploring captivating projects that showcase post-production excellence.
  • Limited Space, Register Now: Secure your spot at Adobe's Industry Mixers by registering early. Here are registration links to the upcoming events


I will keep you posted as the team adds more events. Let me know if you have questions and thanks as always. Hope to see you on the road!

Memphis on July 13 → https://event.adobe.com/videomemphismixer
San Francisco on July 20 → https://event.adobe.com/videosfmixer

Premiere Pro Team News and Blog Posts

Latest Release: Adobe Premiere Pro 23.5

Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 3.42.00 PM.pngPremiere Pro 23.5 has been out for a few weeks now. If you have not already done so, check out Adobe Premiere Pro 23.5. Here is the documentation summarizing the features. There is a community post about it here, as well.


Highlighted features of version 23.5 include the following:


Complete List of New Features in Adobe Premiere Pro 23.5


Please have a look and let the community know how you like the new features. If you are experiencing any issues, please create a new post explaining your problem so that the community can help. If you have a bug to report or any complaint, please do that on our Bugs forum.


Premiere Pro Team Blogs

There were a few blog posts by Team Adobe that may be of interest to editors and filmmakers in the Premiere Pro community. Here are links to those blog posts.


Filmmakers Georden West and Russell Sheaffer discuss their inspirations for Tribeca’s “Playland” and its creation using Adobe Creative Cloud

Image source: “Playland”/Georden West, Russell SheafferImage source: “Playland”/Georden West, Russell Sheaffer


Check out this blog post featuring filmmakers Georden West and Russell Sheaffer discussing their film entitled, “Playland” from the 2023 Tribeca Film Festival.


Related Adobe and Video and Audio Blog Posts, most of which feature filmmakers from the 2023 Tribeca Film Festival include the following:

What's new in Premiere Pro Beta?

Small SQ GIF_08.gifPremiere Pro Beta

Check out the latest Beta to discover what's next for Premiere Pro. More info about the Beta program is here

Currently, there are five new features in Premiere Pro Beta you can have a look at.

View other recent discussions on the Premiere Beta forum. You can also upvote features or file bugs in the Premiere Pro Beta there.


Premiere Pro Beta documentation is here


Small SQ GIF_12.gifTop troubleshooting articles

Are there issues with any of your projects? Check the list of known issues to see if the issue is known. Here are some of the current known issues. Listed are the following known issues for 23.5, so far.

ARRIRAW files playback issue

Issue: ARRIRAW files from the ALEXA 35, using Software Update Package 1.1 or later, cannot be played in any version of Premiere Pro.

Workaround: This issue will be fixed in Premiere Pro v22.6. A temporary workaround is to convert the ARRIRAW files to ProRes using ARRI’s free ARRI Reference Tool application.

HEVC issue where the exported clip cannot be scrubbed

Issue: When an HEVC file is exported, it can be played but faces issues when scrubbed forward to any point in the video.

Workaround: We'll let you know when a fix is available. But if you're experiencing this issue, you can test the fix in the v 23.6 Beta version.


Dynamic Link Issue

Issue: Using Dynamic Link between app versions of 23.5 with lower versions of 23.x causes rendering issues.

Resolution: If using Dynamic Link in version 23.x, we recommend that all app versions (Premiere Pro, After Effects, or AME) have 23.5 or higher installed. Since there is no version of Character Animator 23.5, this is a special case. If you're using Dynamic Link with Character Animator 23.1, ensure the other apps are not at version 23.5. Instead, they must be at 23.0, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, or 23.4.


Prevent Known Crash Issues:

  • On macOS versions before 13 (Ventura), Premiere Pro crashes at startup: The first time Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Media Encoder are launched after installing on older macOS operating systems (earlier than macOS 13 Ventura), a message stating Display surface initialization failed is presented, and the application then crashes. This failure will not happen again in subsequent launches of each application. Apple resolved this issue in macOS 13.
  • Windows: We recommend that Windows users download and use NVIDIA drivers (version 531.41 or higher). This will resolve any crashing issues that June have been present with older drivers. For more information, see the NVIDIA documentation.


If you need assistance addressing any of these known issues, please create a new post. The community will assist you.


NEW! Troubleshooting using "Safe Mode": You can now press any key on launch to perform key troubleshooting steps from the new Reset Options dialog box (sometimes referred to as "Safe Mode"), like resetting preferences, removing media cache, reset plug-in loading cache, and temporarily disabling third-party plug-ins. It's a great first step in triaging your own issues related to Premiere Pro.


Bug fixes in the release are listed here. Thanks to the team, who provided an extensive list of those issues that are fixed.

Featured Adobe Community Expert

 Adobe Community Expert - Joost van der HoevenAdobe Community Expert - Joost van der HoevenOur featured Adobe Community Expert this month is Joost van der Hoeven. Joost has been assisting professional editors on the forum for years now (since 2009!) and has over 1069 posts with a bunch of accepted solutions, as well. He's also a prolific instructor for all the Adobe digital video applications and runs "Animotion," an Amsterdam-based graphic design agency for moving pictures: animation, video, film, television, and new media. I've known Joost for many years now and always enjoy spending time with him. He's really a great guy and a true professional. I feel lucky to call him a friend and colleague, as well. I asked Joost to let us know more info about himself, and here's what he wrote:


"I graduated from the art academy specializing in computer animation. After graduation, I started my career as a designer. I have been working as an independent motion graphic designer for over fifteen years now.

Besides working as a designer, I teach software programs I use daily. I'm an Apple Certified Pro and Adobe Certified Instructor. Being a Master Trainer for Adobe, I also develop Adobe manuals, like tutorial videos about specific software tools.


I run a company called Animotion which includes training programs focusing on the know-why rather than the know-how. For example, my students learn why headers sometimes work better when they’re not animated or why they would decide to cut a film to one minute instead of seven. After the know-why, the know-how will automatically follow. This efficiency is critical in Animotion’s training programs.


Teaching software and working with it simultaneously is a perfect combination. I say, “Coming across the same difficulties and problems as my students make it easier to explain the challenges of software functionalities.”


I am a creative designer and a passionate teacher. Students often refer to me as ‘a living, breathing software manual’. I'm proud of this, of course, but I’d never advise students to become a "manual" themselves unless their dream is to become a software trainer too. I've found that most of my students benefit more from custom-made, efficient training programs focused on expanding and strengthening their core business.


In my spare time, I am passionate about traveling. Sailing, both for competitions and for pleasure, is also something I'm very involved with. I feel quite at home being on the water! Above all, I love spending time with my lovely family and friends. "


Thank you so much for your help on the forums and throughout the community, Joost. If Joost has ever helped you, please send him a note of thanks on his profile page here.

Learn Something New

Small SQ GIF_09.gifRecommended how-to content

Here are some great "How To" technique threads, videos, and other tidbits you might find compelling. Please let me know if you have a handy tutorial or technique to share with the community.


This A.I. Takes Every Transition To The Next Level
Channel: Premiere Basics


Text Based Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro
Channel: Video Revealed


5 Ways to Spice up Your Video Edits
Channel: Premiere Gal


How AI Helps to Speed Up Video Editing in Premiere Pro
By Adobe Creative Cloud


How To ADD Text Behind Objects in Premiere Pro 2023

Channel: Vince Opra



For reference: The Premiere Pro Best Practices Guide for TV and Episodic Post-Production, a bible of sorts for pro editors, can be downloaded here: https://adobe.ly/PremiereProGuide.







Handy Links

Small SQ GIF_11.gifNew 23.5 Features (in brief)

Complete documentation for Premiere Pro 23.5 (complete set of features)

Fixed Issues
Known Issues

Past Community Digests

Small SQ GIF_14.gifPrevious Monthly Digests

Last month's digest: Premiere Pro Community Digest — May 2023.

See the Premiere Pro Community Digest Home Page to see digests from 2020 to present.


Thanks for reading the month's digest. We hope to see you again next month.


Newsletters for Other Adobe Applications

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Premiere Pro Community Digest — June 2023


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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