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I'm getting incessant crashes when I move clips on my timeline. I can nudge them and I can scrub through. I can double click them and do everything else. But if I click and drag it crashes without fail.
I'm using PPro CC2014 latest update on a MacPro 6,1
6-Core Intel Xeon E5
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro D500
2 Correct answers
Hi Derek,
Do you have the Google Chrome "Pushbullet" app installed? If so, remove it.
NOTE: If your issue is crashing or freezing when dragging clips TO the timeline, then see this KB doc: Premiere Pro CC 2015 freezes when dragging a clip to the timeline
Hello @derekk16693795,
Is it possible to run an updated version alongside CC2014 to test your issues with? Which version of macOS are you running? I hope we can help.
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Hi Derek,
Do you have the Google Chrome "Pushbullet" app installed? If so, remove it.
NOTE: If your issue is crashing or freezing when dragging clips TO the timeline, then see this KB doc: Premiere Pro CC 2015 freezes when dragging a clip to the timeline
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Having the same problem, when I move large amount of clips at once on my timeline (via ripple delete or similiar) Premiere 2015 crashes and I need to hard boot my system - Don't have Google Chrome Pushbullet on my system...
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Hi MattyZ,
Was this a new project or one you updated from CC 2014?
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Hey Kevin - this is from a converted 2014 Project
Before you suggest that I just re-import everything this project is for a weekly television show that we produce. Because this project contains a few years of highlights we are looking at roughly 16,000 clips (all labeled logged and categorized) It would take days to re-import re-link all of that via an xml or similar.
But, while I have your attention, Premiere Pro crashes when:
-I try to import another large project
-I try to move large groups of clips around on a timeline (if I don't save first)
-I try to bring in a clip longer than two hours into my canvas
-I try and Import a .mp4 file longer than two hours
-I try to switch back and forth between AE and Premiere
-I try to playback 6K R3D's (even in a 1080 timline and regardless of program monitor resolution)
-I try to change more than on setting in my audio hardware preferences
Those are all the reasons PP is crashing (my system) right now.
I've been on the phone with AJA support about some of these problems (and other related to terrible audio playback and sync issues in my broadcast monitor) and since I can at least speak with a human being there I know that they are working on their issues and are trying to get out their next BETA version of the AJA KONA software to address some of the compatibly between themselves and PP
I'm sure my boss would appreciate any fixes to these bugs so he can stop paying me overtime to sit here and constantly watch my computer reboot while I try to make broadcast deadlines.
Thank you,
I'm running the latest version of CC
2x3.03GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
NVIDIA Quadro k5000
AJA KONA LHe+ (firmware 12.2.1)
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Yes!! This is exactly what's happening to me! On projects that are old and have worked just fine. I'm kinda freaking out about it actually...
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I am getting exactly the same issue in a project started from scratch in CC2015.
This is not good enough Adobe!! Deadline is looming and you are losing another (up until now) loyal customer...
Update: I have just looked closely (after screaming at the screen for the 25th time this morning...) and noticed that there were some of the new 'Morph Cut' transitions in the section I was trying to drag and drop... removed them from the clips and now there are no crashes... for now...
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Hi I am getting exactly the same issue...
Manly when selecting multiple clips on a timeline with track Select (A tool),The timeline includes: multicamera sequences, some morphcuts transitions, but no after effects comps
Never had such problems in cc 2014
Windows 7 pro
Intel core i7 CPU @3.2 ghz
Nvdia Quadro 4000
36 gb Ram
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I just started suffering the same issue.
Whenever I try and move multiple files on the Premiere time line it crashes.
This is causing a delay with an important job at a critical time.
Very frustrated and unhappy!
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Ok I think I've found my issue.
Morph Cut!
If I shift those clips with the Morph Cut transition to another layer and move everything else my project doesn't crash.
Now can you fix that Adobe as it's an awesome new feature.
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THANK YOU! deleting all the morph cut transitions from my sequence fixed this issue for me!!
Never trust things that seem too magical..
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Avoiding using the Morph Cut transition and Killing Chrome while working in Premiere stopped my crashing. Thanks for this thread!
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Same issue here - crashing when moving clips - absolutely killing me. Deleting morph cuts solved the problem.
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Correct Answer. Morph Cuts is the cuplrit. I avoid adding the morph cuts until I'm through with the timeline edits.
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Just want to add that we've been bit by this issue as well, and thanks to this thread we have a workaround. I can confirm that Deleting the Morph Cuts keeps it from locking up and pinwheeling on our OS X 10.9.5 systems while shifting footage down the timeline. We do also have Chrome installed as a browser choice but we do not use the PushBullet Plugin.
I'd like to know if Chrome in general is interfering with Morph Cut, or if Morph Cut is causing some issues or if it's a combination of both? Does chrome cause any other issues with premiere that warrant me as the Post Super of our shop to have Chrome removed from our edit suites, or is this a Premiere issue?
Our Suites are standardized as follows:
2013 Mac Pro 2.7ghz 12 Core / 64GB Ram / ATI D700 GFX
OSX 10.9.5
Sonnet Thunderbolt 2 PCIe Expansion Chassis
AJA Kona 3G - or - Blackmagic UltraStudio 4k BoB
ATTO 8GB PCIe Fiber connected to Multiple Facilis Terrablock 6.5 SANS
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Hi Matt,
Just want to add that we've been bit by this issue as well, and thanks to this thread we have a workaround. I can confirm that Deleting the Morph Cuts keeps it from locking up and pinwheeling on our OS X 10.9.5 systems while shifting footage down the timeline. We do also have Chrome installed as a browser choice.
In just some ad hoc testing with a bunch of morph cuts in a timeline with large format footage did seem to tax my Mac quite a bit. In fact, undoing the move seemed to take more time than moving the clips. I think you may have something here. However, I could not get Premiere Pro to crash. It would just get the SBOD for around 30 seconds. If anyone has experienced an actual crash, please copy/paste the crashed thread here.
We currently don't have any bugs written up against performance hits when moving multiple clips with morph cut, but the issue has my attention. Can you please file a bug? I will bring it up with my colleagues, as well.
I'd like to know if Chrome is interfering with Morph Cut, or if Morph Cut is causing some issues or if it's a combination of both? Does chrome cause any other issues with premiere that warrant me as the Post Super of our shop to have Chrome removed from our edit suites?
I just think that morph cut is probably at the heart of the issue. I'm not an engineer and don't know offhand the underlying tech, however, it's a transition that carries analysis data with it, so it may just need additional engineering to make it temporarily lightweight as it is moved around the Timeline. That's what a bug report could help with.
Regarding Chrome (or any browser, really) and Premiere Pro performance, install them, just don't run them while you're editing.
As far as Chrome goes, there are no current conflicts in our database. That said, Chrome does seem to grab system resources if it is running concurrently with Premiere Pro. This is more of an issue with MacBook Pros or legacy Mac Pros with NVIDIA GPUs.
My experience with Chrome, Spotify, and other GPU-centric applications is that if they are running concurrently with Premiere Pro, performance is subject to being degraded. You may want to let your staff know.
Hope that helps.
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Kevin, thanks for the reply. I had time to day to revisit with editor and have filed a bug report.
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Im also having this issue.
I have tried importing the project into a new project, moving all of files in the project and re linking them. Each time I select a number of clips and try to move them Premiere will crash. Sometimes Premiere will also crash when opening the project.
This is one of multiple things that are not working correctly for me in Premiere.
I would like to express my frustration towards the quality of the updates that have been rolled out since subscription started. Each time I update I am faces with numerous bugs which halt my workflow and as a consequence effect my business. Sick and tired of it! when I finish a project for a client I go through it with a fine tooth comb to ensure there are no errors in order to maintain a standard of quality and keep my brand's reputation. You guys should do this too.
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Hi Moja Reeves,
Can you try this with the same clips in a new Premiere Pro CC 2015 project rather than one you updated?
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I'm having the same problem using the track select tool on a cuts-only ProRes422 sequence with an external Thunderbolt SSD scratch disk.
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Agreed, I can confirm the issue is related to the Morph Cut transitions. I had 4 on a timeline. Lassoing the clips and trying to slide them on the timeline caused an instant crash EVERY time. I tried blowing out preview files, reimporting into a new project, unlinking all media. Project behaved normally until I tried to slide those clips. As soon as I deleted the 4 morph cut transitions (which were not rendered nor had I even played them yet, just dropped in as placeholders) everything is playing nice again.
Thanks for the heads up. Hoping this one can get squashed quickly. Thats a biggie.
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Still not fixed??????
Glad I found this thread - I'm in the middle of placing show host clips into a 1/2 hour show an every time I use the Track Select Forward tool an try to move clips around to adjust timing, Premiere crashes. Yes, I have morph cuts and I'll have to remove them but this has been a known issue for awhile, yes? I am working on the latest version of PP 2015.
FIX IT - time is money and I'm wasting a lot with this bug... I swear we should get refunds every time PP crashes.

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I, too, was having the click & drag crash on certain projects (not all) but found that if Chrome wasn't open at all, everything seemed to returned to normal. I don't have Pushbullet installed but there's definitely something amiss between having Chrome and Premiere (I'm on 2014) open at the same time.
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Having the same issue. Really frustrating because I have a LOT of morph cuts! Adobe - please patch this!
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I'm having this issue as well. I have a simple multicam sequence. One shot from a Nikon D7000 and one from a GoPro Hero 3 Black. The audio is a wav file recorded on an H4n. I've unlinked the video from the audio as that has caused problems for me before. I haven't applied any effects on any of the footage save for a a fill right with left for the H4n audio and raising the volume up a bit. When I go in and edit the multicam sequence and go to ripple delete, Premiere freezes and doesn't recover. I've created a new project and imported the multicam and it allows me to do a couple cuts before freezing up again. I have other multicam sequences in the same project file that have multiple color grades and effects that do not lock up when working on them.
My rig is a Intel Core i7-3930K CPU @3.20GHz, 32GB of RAM, with an Nvidia GTX 670 graphics card running Windows 10.

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