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Premiere Pro Media Offline and linking media not working

New Here ,
Apr 04, 2018 Apr 04, 2018

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I updated to the new version of Premiere and it's saying a majority of my media is offline. When I link the media it then says "the selected file does not contain media used by clip references in one or more sequences. These video clip references will be deleted, and cannot be undone. do you want to continue?" If we click yes it deletes the clip. This makes no sense when the clip we are linking IS the correct clip. Looking in the forum seems that this update has messed up a lot. We have to deliver a final draft to a client- Please send help.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Apr 26, 2018 Apr 26, 2018

Well that helps validate the current solution we are investigating: Updating your macOS to a newer version (anything later than 10.11) then deleting the media cache (see below) seems to resolve the issue. We are investigating internally to see what we can do about fixing the source of the issue but at least this will give some users a viable solution.

The media cache can be found here:

  • Mac: /Users/%username%/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common
  • Win: \Users\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\

More deta




Community Beginner ,
May 04, 2018 May 04, 2018

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I called Adobe tech and the answer was that my offline videos were 32 bit, and the new version of PP is 64 bit, as is everything from now on, so all old footage has to be encoded to that. Then I guess replaced in timeline, but I have not figured out how yet.

If someone knows how to, I'd love to know! This is going to take a lot of time... or stay with earlier version of PP but eventually will have to update  😞





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New Here ,
May 05, 2018 May 05, 2018

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The problem is deeper than that.

At 12.1.0 and 12.1.1 it would only read an import SOME XDCAM files; even within the same project.

Using the Media Browser as an import window, you can see that some files appeared as normal video/audio files that you could scrub through. Others showed up as QT icons only, and were identified an imported as "audio only".

Adobe clearly lists XDCAM files on their "protected" list of codecs.

What a mess.





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New Here ,
Feb 17, 2021 Feb 17, 2021

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I've been facing kind of a similar issue. I work with a lot of PSD files on Premiere Pro. When I start the project, certain PSD files (which are usually nested) show offline. The program monitor read media offline even though the clips in the timeline are perfectly fine (contrary to the condition where clips are highlighted in red when media is offline and then you can right-click and link media anytime). A solution that I've been offered is to remove the clip from the sequence and the project bin, then proceed to re-import it.  This solution works but isn't very practically when you have to do this nearly 100 times every day. Does anyone know what might be causing this problem? Any practical, simpler and faster solution to this maybe? 





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