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Program monitor keeps going black in Premiere Pro CC

New Here ,
Jul 06, 2013 Jul 06, 2013

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PC - Premiere Pro CC - AMD Fire Pro (13.101-130604a-158071E-ATI)

I'm working on a project and the program monitor keeps going black in Premiere Pro CC while I am working on the timeline. I've got like 28 GB of memory alocated to the program and just updated the latest driver for my video card. No clue why this keeps happening, but the only way I can get around it is to restart. When I go to close down the program freezes and I have to shut it down in the system preferences.

Under a crazy deadline if you can help? Thanks

Hardware or GPU




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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Adobe Employee , Oct 29, 2015 Oct 29, 2015

Hi Jonathan,

We haven't seen a response from you since you created this thread. Please do let us know if you fully solved the issue. For others on this thread, a few things have been helpful in solving the "black screen" issue.


  • Reboot the computer: try to do this a few times a day.
    • This helps reset, refresh hardware items, especially the RAM cache, which you need for intense timelines.
  • Perform regular system and program maintenance:
    • update drivers
    • make sure you meet system requirments
    • run


Explorer , Feb 10, 2022 Feb 10, 2022



Thank you so much for your tip! PROBLEM SOLVED. I updated my Nvidia drives and everything is running smoothly. Windows "said' they were fine but when I went to the Nvidia site I was SO far behind! Thank you so much for such a great suggestion. 


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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 07, 2013 Jul 07, 2013

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Let's start by determining how widespread the problem is--whether it's limited to this sequence or project...

  • Does this happen throughout the timeline or only in particular places?
  • Was this project that created in CC or an earlier version?
  • What happens if you create a new project and create a very simple sequence--say just a Universal Counting Leader?




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New Here ,
Jul 08, 2013 Jul 08, 2013

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I'm experiencing the same issue in CS6 on Win8 64-bit.

- Happens in no particular place, and across projects (have run into this 3-4 times across 2 projects. Have not tested others).

- Created in CS6.

- Have not tried a new project.

I can't seem to reproduce it intentionally - it just happens when moving back and forth in the timeline, but doesn't seem related. In my case, the files in the sequence are a mix of high-res JPG and h.264 4k mp4 files. The Program monitor goes from showing the sequence to black, and won't come back. Restarting the program fixes it temporarily, but that's a speed-bump in my editing highway.

Premiere Pro CS6 6.0.3 (GPU accel is on)

AMD FX8320


eVGA nVidia GTX 570 

I do have the Magic Bullet suite, but it's not being used in this project. The only other program running at the time is Chrome.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 08, 2013 Jul 08, 2013

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What Nvidia driver are you running? If it's 320.xx, try rolling back to 311.50.




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New Here ,
Nov 26, 2020 Nov 26, 2020

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Whenever I insert a premier effect, I do the render in to our, then I get an error and set a black screen.
When I want to enter the project again, everything is normal, the image appears until I insert an additiona
l effect, after that there is a black screen again.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 07, 2013 Jul 07, 2013

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If you provided the information asked for in http://forums.adobe.com/message/4200840 it will go a long way toward people being able to help




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 07, 2013 Jul 07, 2013

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Same sort of issue. When laying video in the time line it's fine. But when i stop the preview goes black. Going back to CS6 for now.




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New Here ,
Aug 13, 2013 Aug 13, 2013

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Also having the same issue.

Everything was working fine. Then one day I turned on Prmiere Pro and I could see nothing in the program monitor. Just black. Luckily I had just finished a video and was just trying to make a final few tweaks. Audio is working fine. Have tried udating, restarting PP, closing the sequence and opening again, etc etc. Nothing has worked so far.

Permiere Pro CC 7.0

Windows 7 Professional V6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601

664bit System

Lenovo T430 Laptop


Intel core i5 processor

NVIDEO NVM 5200M - Adapter RAM = 1GB.




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New Here ,
Aug 20, 2013 Aug 20, 2013

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here's my story. I'm also having this problem with video appearing in the Program monitor. The only thing I did differently is that yesterday when I was editing, I pulled the Program monitor out of the main Premiere interface and dragged it over to my second desktop monitor. that worked just dandy.

when I opened Premiere today, and opened an entierly different project, there was no video in the output window (and it was locked back into the main interface). I also can't select clips on the TL. The software locks up, and I have to restart.

I am able to create a new project and render the countdown leader. I was also able to import the project that wasn't displaying correctly, and have it work just like normal. So I think I'm back in business for now.

I'm deeply concerned though. I'm doing a webinar about Premiere very soon (with rehearsals tomorrow!). A failure like this looks bad for everybody. Also, I don't relish having to re-import all of my old projects in this way to get the basics working again. Any idea what went wrong? Right now I feel like I'd better never drag the program window to a second monitor to enjoy a larger program monitor while editing.

Premiere Pro CS6 - Mighty Kilt

Win 7 home premium SP1 - 64 bit OS

Gateway dx4870

intel core i7-3779 @3.40GHz

16gigs ram

GeForce GTX560

driver 320.49 (just reinstalled to be sure)

I haven't installed any new software that I know of between the last time I edited with the Program on monitor #2 and right now.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 20, 2013 Aug 20, 2013

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>driver 320.49

Did you read message #5 to see what Mark said?




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New Here ,
Aug 20, 2013 Aug 20, 2013

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I did. When I tried to install that specific version of the driver, there was some hardware clas and it wouldn't go.

I got in touch with Adobe via their chat system, and their amazing tech support pro took care of me. In my case, it seems to have been a plug-in that was hanging up the project for whatever reason. To all appearances it was the problem you guys were running into on this thread, but in reality in my case it was just a non-working project going kablooey.

It had nothing to do with the prior project having a different desktop setup. I was afraid that I'd let out some of the blue smoke when I made those changes in my Premiere workspace. Since each project saves its own workspace prefs, my choices weren't going to affect other projects.

My solve was to create a fresh poject, and just import the non-working one... and then everything was fine. I'm still not happy about it, because I feel like this problem could happen at any time again in the future. I jsut hope this workaround keeps working when I need it again someday.

Thanks for the zippy answer, and thanks to Adobe's excellent tech support. I'm really impressed.




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Participant ,
Nov 12, 2013 Nov 12, 2013

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Hi everybody,

I have the same problem - program monitor just stops working randomly. It happens in all timelines, not just one specific one. I think I maybe can see some kind of pattern; if there is a large psd-file in the TL or if there are several psd-files in it, but I am not sure about this.
I have to close the project and reopen it  several times.

I run latest CC versions of Premiere

W7 64-bit
GeForce GTX 570 (320.49)

IntelCore i7 920 @2.67


Greatful to know if and how this issue was solved.





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New Here ,
Aug 15, 2014 Aug 15, 2014

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I'm having a similar problem - on Premiere Pro CC (not 2014 version), on a new iMac 27". The programme window just goes blank.  No black video, just blank!  It's happened several times now.  The only way I can fix it is to make a new project and import the broken one into it, which really sucks because if there is footage not used in a sequence, then it's gone and I have to reimport them all- when there's hundreds of clips I then have duplicates. URGH.  Anyway, I can't tell why this is happening, but I have a feeling it's when I'm using the titler.  This last time it happened after I alt-dragged a title to duplicate it.  This is causing so many problems with our workflow right now, it's very frustrating.  I can't go to CC 2014 to check it because we still have to make on2 VP6 FLV files for our client and Adobe have very annoyingly removed the ability to encode that.




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New Here ,
Dec 27, 2014 Dec 27, 2014

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Adobe can't fix this huge problem?




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New Here ,
Jan 19, 2015 Jan 19, 2015

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Got the solution guys. keep Play and Pause resolution same then it won't go black.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 02, 2015 Mar 02, 2015

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salmana58967539's "keep Play and Pause resolution same then it won't go black" temporarily solved the problem for me......but then the freezing and crashing came back.




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New Here ,
Apr 13, 2015 Apr 13, 2015

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I have the same problem, but if I set the zoom level for 100% it's working. I know it's a temporary solution, but more than nothing.




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New Here ,
Apr 13, 2015 Apr 13, 2015

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I found the final solution: Just right click in the Program window and chhose Paused resolution / 1/2 or 1/4.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 09, 2015 Jul 09, 2015

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I got a solution from the Adobe Chat. It works for me, so perhaps someone else...

Check the Preferences -> Project settings: and choose for "Renderer" -> Software only





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 13, 2015 Jul 13, 2015

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That is not a solution at all, that's a work around and for those of us who have invested $$ in video cards, this basically renders them useless. What your doing is disabling mercury Playback which is the feature that allows your GPU to be used for playback. This is not a solution and needs to be fixed by adobe.    




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New Here ,
Jun 17, 2021 Jun 17, 2021

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Adobe! Fix this please!





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Explorer ,
Jul 29, 2015 Jul 29, 2015

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Bumping this as I am having the same problem while using CUDA mode. I had been just restarting Premiere but instead I switched to OpenCL a couple hours ago and the problem has not re-occurred yet. As visivopro‌ mentioned that is not a solution, but it is a stopgap for the time being. The other reported solutions of changing the playback/paused resolutions did not work for me. I am reporting this issue in the other huge thread about graphical glitches which we've tracked down to being an nVidia issue.

Mac Pro 2012 with nVidia Graphics

Mavericks (10.9.5)

CUDA Version 7.0.52

Premiere CC 2015.0.1

I'll report back if I get the drop to black in OpenCL. Edit: Worked for the rest of the day in CL and had no blackouts. Went back to CUDA to test and the blackouts came right back. So, seems to be a CUDA issue on my system.




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Explorer ,
Sep 14, 2015 Sep 14, 2015

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Anyone fixed this problem?  We are 2 years later with Adobe CC 2015, and this issue still arises.  Black screens out of nowhere in program monitor.  Can someone from Adobe adress this and explain possible issues, and possible test/setting we cold try to fix this.

  • Using Quadro 2000 driver 353.82 (enable video editing mode activated)
  • Windows 10 64bit
  • Intel Xeon E5-1620 3.6Ghz
  • 32Gb RAM





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 14, 2015 Sep 14, 2015

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Hi Ntchi,

Sorry for this frustrating issue. We are starting to see a lot of issues with Windows 10 and certain GPUs. While I'm still investigating the root cause of the issues, something tells me that the video drivers you have installed are not working well under Windows 10. That said, at some point, video drivers for your NVIDIA card will no longer be able to keep up with your OS. It may be that the NVIDIA GPU (and its required drivers) is incompatible with Windows 10. That is the issue I'm concerned about.

I also wrote up this blog after engineering told me that certain NVIDIA drivers will no longer support older NVIDIA GPUS: New NVIDIA drivers will no longer support older CUDA GPUs

I hope this info provides a basis on which to troubleshoot your system.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 15, 2015 Sep 15, 2015

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I'm having this issue too, Program monitor goes black and have to restart - new Mac Pro running Yosemite 10.10.4 with Premiere Pro 2014.2




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