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Program/Source monitor go black during R3D playback Premiere 15.4.1

Community Beginner ,
Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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I'll have my clips in the timeline and after about 15min of working or so, the screen goes black.  Sometimes when I stop and start again it comes back, or if I reduce to 1/2 playback it does, but it is inconsistent. Furthermore, when I pause, it will stay black, rendering it impossible to apply some color correction as I cannot see what I am doing.  Audio resumes no matter what during playback.

I have the latest version of Premiere 15.4.1 and it is still happening. Sometimes it will then freeze on an image and I'll never get playback until I close and restart the program.


I notice this with 6K r3d footage, I reduce to 1/2 and it still is happening sometimes


I don't know if there is a gfx setting I need or something but here are my specs, which seem like they should be more than enough.

Windows 10 Pro

CPU - AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor

3.50 GHz

RAM - 64GB

GFX - NVidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super with 8GB VRAM

OS/Apps drive - 500gb NVMe

Render/Cache drive - 1tb NVMe

Media Drive - 4tb SSD

Destination drive for exports - 2tb SSD

Display 1 DELL P2418HT 1080p 24" Touch Screen (use for timeline, tools panels, etc)

Display 2 DELL U2720Q 4K 27" (use for displaying program monitor)


I have gone into the NVIDIA Control Panel and based on recommendation I found applied the following settings in the attached screenshots.


I appreciate any help or advice I can get on this situation. I built this computer less than a year ago and do not understand what is causing this issue, other than Premiere not utilizing all of the machine's power.




Ross Kolton





Crash , Editing , Error or problem , Freeze or hang , Hardware or GPU , Performance




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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

Hi all! We have a potential fix available in the latest beta of Premiere Pro (version 24.0)

If you'd like, you can try your R3D footage in that version of Premiere. Please let us know if the issue is not fixed for you! 


Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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Are you getting this with anything other than 6K RED media? I know a few other folks working with high-K-count RED media are struggling some. One thing that seems common from what I've seen is less than 10-11GB of vRAM. Though more doesn't guarantee perfect playback.


Does it play back better in either 15.2 or the last 14.x PrPro?






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Community Beginner ,
Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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Hi Neil,  


It's only happening with the 6k footage.  I went ahead and opened the project in PPro14 and then reinstalled 15.2 per your suggestions and I played the footage back and forth, scrubbed, etc for a bit and the issue seems to not be happening there.  It looks like it is an issue with the latest version of premiere.  

My main camera is 6k so I'll be dealing with this footage quite often.  Do you think its worth it for me to replace the GPU with more vRAM?


I greatly appreciate your help with this.








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Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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For moving forward, you would want more vRAM, true.


Interesting that in 14 it does better than 15 ... this sort of thing intrigues me as much as it puzzles me. Some rigs will report better on 14, others on 15.


Why? No clue.






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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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Hi rosskolton,

Sorry to hear that you are having issues with the R3D clips in playback mode.
If the same R3D 6K clips are playing in Premiere Pro 14.x without issue, but not in Premiere 15.4.1, was the issue also present for you in release?

What version of driver are you running for your Nvidia RTX 2070 Super GPU?
Can you try upgrading to the latest studio driver from August 10th ( 471.68), clearing the media cache and see if that helps your playback issue in PR 15.4.1?







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Community Beginner ,
Aug 19, 2021 Aug 19, 2021

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Hi Martie,


So the clips are also playing ok in 15.2  However I do see the occasional interlace looking line popping up from time to time, which is not present in exported videos.

Yes the issue was present in the release, in fact when I saw that the 15.4.1 mentioned something about fixing flicker in playback I thought my problem would be solved by upgrading, but alas it was not.


I am running the latest studio driver 471.68 and I also had cleared the media cache. Those are always the first things I do when having playback issues.







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Community Beginner ,
Aug 19, 2021 Aug 19, 2021

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Hey Martie,




So I notice when the issue happens and it actually IS happening in BOTH 14.9 AND 15.2


When I go into the effects controls whether its the R3D metadata or in the Lumetri panel and I start adjusting levels, mainly luma curve, while making adjustments is when the screen goes black.  It will allow a few adjustments and then after about 30s to a min, it just goes black.  I trouble shooted both software versions and noticed it happening in both and it happens from both the lumetri controls AND the R3D metadata on the Source effects control panel.




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 05, 2022 Jun 05, 2022

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Neil common man I've personally seen you respond to this exact problem several times now but with no good answer. There is clearly an issue with Pr leaking GPU memory. It's clearly related to Lumetri, masks and text. And oh boy does it ever hate R3D. 

I have dual RTX 3090ti ... yes dual.

128 gb ram 

An i97600k


and yet premier runs quite poorly. Never mind the black out monitor.


@Adobe what on earth is going on with your software? 




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 20, 2021 Aug 20, 2021

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Hey Ross – really sorry you're having to deal with this! I wonder if switching your renderer to Software Only mode would allow your images to appear!


In the meantime, would you be able to share a piece of .R3D footage so that we could test this on our end? I'd like to help find a permanent solution for you.

You could upload that test file to any share service like Dropbox or google Drive and link us here.


Thanks so much!





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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2021 Dec 11, 2021

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Yes... BUT Software only makes working in real time impossible so then you also could just restart the program.. does anyone already know what causes this problem with the r3d footage? Should I just upgrade my graphics card? (I am also using the rtx2080ti 




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Dec 11, 2021 Dec 11, 2021

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I work with some r3d from a Red Dragon at times, on a PC, with a 2080Ti ... and it works fine. So like Caroline (a staffer, note, who can get it directly to the devs) I would love to test a clip on my rig.


Additional data points ... does that media have mishaps on both our rigs, or just one ...






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New Here ,
Mar 16, 2022 Mar 16, 2022

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Reading through this entire thread, I'm having the same issue with R3D footage. I can just restart premiere and it works perfectly again for a while, but then eventually it will go black again and the cycle of restarting premiere continues. 


It has been doing this regularly now for a few months. I wonder if anyone has found a solution.






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Mar 16, 2022 Mar 16, 2022

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That's really a rough go ... @mattchristensen  ... are you folk aware of the issue?






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Explorer ,
Apr 19, 2022 Apr 19, 2022

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There is no solution. Nobody cares. They only care about grabbing your 52 dollars every month. This is a problem that has been going on for years. I have two machines with different video cards one RTX 2070 Super and the other is RX 5700 XT. 64 gb ram on each machine and both have powerful cpus one threadripper one intel i10. Also fast NVME hard drives with 2 tb space. On the amd video card I get "unscpecified drawing error" and then premiere crashes, on the rtx machine the screen goes black on pause after a few minutes every time i touch lumetri. Curves, basic, hsl doesn't matter. I have tried every single version out there and i get the same crash. Pathetic. If your crappy software cannot handle r3d footage just tell us instead of keeping quiet and milking our hard earned dollars. I know the problem is premiere pro and not my TWO different machines with different parts because I'm not having this issue on After Effects or DV Resolve. Same footage, same machines. 




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Apr 19, 2022 Apr 19, 2022

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Totally understood. Why not in Ae when Pr is a pain?


I've got a Ryzen 3960X with a 2080Ti, and no issues. Why does it suck so bad on yours? Drive us all crazy at times.






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Guide ,
Apr 22, 2022 Apr 22, 2022

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I don't doubt your system works fine but I have an RTX 2070 and Ross has an RTX 2070 Super. I know how to tweak out Premiere Pro. I just think Premiere Pro is getting worse and worse instead of better and better. I am posting to let Ross know he is not alone. 




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Apr 22, 2022 Apr 22, 2022

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Of course he's not alone, and nothing I said implies anything like that.


I want to know the differences in kit/media/effects, and how things work ... because that's part of troubleshooting 101. It's not bragging or dragging, it's simple troubleshooting.








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Guide ,
Apr 23, 2022 Apr 23, 2022

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I would never expect help in these forums.  I would be better of trouble shooting the system myself. The screens went blank and reboted with H.264, BRAW, Pro Res and R3D files. I stated that in my video. I could be playing a sequence or I could be adding a text. I could be searching for content in the bins. It could reboor after 3 minutes or after 8 minutes. It was a serious bug. I wiped and reloaded Windows and now the screens do not go blank and it no longer reboots. Is there still a bug when playing BRAW amd Pro Res? I will have to test that out soon.  

I can use my back up PC until I have time to wipe and reload Windows. Some people do not have a backup system. 


The GTX 1060 has Nvenc to help edit and render 4K H.264 but can you edit 4K BRAW and 4K R3D files with an old mediocre computer using Premiere Pro? Watch the video to find out. Adobe Creative Cloud: https://amzn.to/33rTUTYAdobe CC 1 year https://amzn.to/3Da0qMN Link is monetized




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Apr 23, 2022 Apr 23, 2022

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Then work in say 22.2 until they replace this newer 22.3 version. It's easier to change versions than say Resolve, thankfully. Changing versions of Premiere is fast & easy.


Because clearly, on some gear with some media, this bug happens in 22.3.






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Guide ,
Apr 24, 2022 Apr 24, 2022

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I have had fears about upgrading Premiere Pro for the past 8 years (since CC). I think we are all beta testers. I did not feel that way 12 years ago. Having said that I have no fears about upgrading Avid Media Composer or Resolve. They are both free. 




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Apr 25, 2022 Apr 25, 2022

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Fears? What the ... they're tools! Where the heck does emotion come in?


An upgrade for any app may or may not work on your machine/media/workflow/effects. That's Life when working with computers ... has been since the '80's with all programs. And it was back in CS era too, I started then myself.


So one TESTS any upgrade for any software. If it works, cool. Keep working. If it doesn't, just as cool. Go back to the previous version.


It is simply a LOT easier to go back in Premiere than say Resolve ... and I've had to do both.






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Guide ,
Apr 25, 2022 Apr 25, 2022

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No emotions are involved only reality. 

The last time I upgraded Premiere Pro my CPU fan whined out at 100%. A few other people had the same problem. I had to wipe and reload Windows to fix the problem. This time when I upgraded the CPU and GPU utilization was acting funky, my screens would go blank and the computer would reboot. Was Windows to blame? Was it a bad GPU driver? Resolve and Media Composer worked just fine. Having said that 12 years ago I never had problems updating Premiere Pro. 




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Apr 26, 2022 Apr 26, 2022

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If you never had issues 12 years ago, you were pretty lucky. I don't know anyone else who never ever had an issue.


But everyone's mileage always varies.






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Explorer ,
Sep 06, 2022 Sep 06, 2022

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I'm just seeing this but to answer your question, I didn't do that because I was color grading a feature film, not an individual clip so it wouldn't make sense for me to move the entire timeline to AE.

I upgraded to 22.3.1 (cannot go any higher because Adobe won't install, it just stalls. Tried repairing, uninstalling and reinstalling creative cloud but still won't install a higher version) and now I'm not getting the black screen with this version. Now it just refuses to play instead of giving errors or a black screen lol. 

I have serious doubts that Premiere can handle heavy workflow like a feature film with lots of effects and plugins.


Even if the timeline is smooth, it crashes during export or stalls at a random percentage unless I render out without the audio. 

If I render out the audio separately, then it crashes if I try to export Wav file whether via Premiere or Audition. 

Rendering through ME works but this time Premiere stalls when I try to export 422 with the new rendered audio even though the effects are baked in and it's a brand new sequence and project file. Go figure.


So basically I'm stuck. I have a feature film and cannot have a master file. I already missed two festival deadlines because of this.


I'm so done with this software. As soon as I find a solution I will uninstall everything and move on to another platform. Davinci+Pro Tools combo works pretty well and it's kind of becoming an industry standard anyway. Premiere has just too many glitches/issues that I can't deal with. I need a stable and reliable NLE as I'm not a vlogger/Youtuber rendering 10 minute clips.





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Sep 06, 2022 Sep 06, 2022

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Have you been through their Adobe Long-form and Episodic Best Practices Guide  yet? Best info out their on how to do bigger projects ... well, any project really ... in Premiere.


One huge thing ... "long-form" massive projects do not work best in a single old-style project. It works far bettter in the Production mode, with project assets spread out between a bunch of the project structure, folders and projects. And works without duplication.


The stand-alone project has to load every bit of metadata on every clip and sequence into RAM/cache at launch. A Production only ever loads the sequence meta you're working on, basically, and grabs meta from other projects as it needs.


That's what they use with their Hollywood crowd, helmed by David Helmly and Karl Soule. And if the majority of fims at Sundance (as in, over 50%) can be cut in Premiere, well, yea, it can work if you know how.


It's been a lousy situation as far as how to use Premiere for larger projects, as they didn't have good information on it. out. They're finally starting to fix that.






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