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Question on Applying Presets On Multiple Clips Without Keys Changing On Preset

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Nov 08, 2021 Nov 08, 2021

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Hello, I've been using Premiere Pro for a little over 9 months so I am still pretty new to the mechanics and work arounds in the software. Recently I was subtexting a video using the caption mechanic, then exporting the caption as a SRT file and converting it on https://transcribefiles.net/ into a Final Cut xml file and putting it back into the video so the caption would be text tiles so I could apply effects to the text. However when I apply a simple motion preset to the text that tranforms the text from a small scale to a larger scale giving the text a sort of pop in effect the length of the keyframes changes for each text tile I apply the effect it too depending on the length of the tile. Causing some of the text to enlarge slowly while others enlarge rapidly. I dont know why this is happening whether its a issue with my preset or with the way I imported the text. I would rather not have to manually apply the affect to every text tile individually. So if anyone knows of a work around or another method it would greatly be appreciated.


My preset is a tranform effect that changes the scale from 0 to 125 in 5 frames back to 100 in the following 3 frames.

Editing , Effects and Titles , Formats






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Nov 08, 2021 Nov 08, 2021

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Is it possible that the preset you are using actually has 4th keyframe that it's putting at the end of the clip that is causing the text to enlarge?


If that is the case it would account for the speed of the enlargement being based on the length of the clip.

What you could try is: copy the first three keyframes from a clip that has the preset applied. Now select another clip (without the preset applied) in your sequence and position your playhead at the begining. With the clip selected 'paste' the 3 keyframes to this clip.


Alternatively apply the preset, open the clips 'Effect Controls" panel - find the keyframe at the end of the clip and delete it.


In the long term you want to save a modified version of the original preset but without the end keyframe.





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Nov 08, 2021 Nov 08, 2021

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Thank you for replying Steve Griffiths,


There isnt a fourth key frame at the end of the clip that I am seeing, the text isnt getting progressivley bigger as it plays its performing the effect as its suppossed to with the three keys but the amount of frames between the keyframes keeps changning based on which text tile I place it on. 


The orginal preset had 5 frames between the first key frame and the second keyframe, and then 3 frames between the second key frame and the third. But depending on the tile I place my preset on this distance either becomes greater for larger tiles being 10-15 frames between the first and second keyframes, or smaller on smaller tiles of 1-2 frames between first and second keyframes. 


Its as if the preset is scaling the distance between from for the text I imported and I dont know if theres a way to turn this off or create a new preset that doesnt have this happen. It could very well be how I made the preset, again I have limited experience using premeire pro mabey the sequence setting where I made the preset arent the same as I am using here. Thank you agian for responding.





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Nov 08, 2021 Nov 08, 2021

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Ok ... I've never done this with any presets (mogrts in my case) I've created but seem to recall that these can be created to adjust parameters based on the duration of the clip. So it still sounds like this may be the case for your preset. Sorry I don't have any further advice.

Did you try copy/pasting just the keyframes from one clip where it's working the way you want to another clip?


Hopefully others with more knowledge in this area will respond.





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New Here ,
Nov 08, 2021 Nov 08, 2021

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Thank you for your help, copying and pasting the frames does work in keeping the effect consistent for each text tile I have. But I have over a couple hundred tiles this needs to be applied to so if theres a way to make the presets work where I can highlight all the tiles and add it once and it work without getting distorted that would be awesome. Again thank you for your help if it comes to it I can always just copy and paste.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 22, 2022 Nov 22, 2022

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Hey. Right click the preset and select 'anchor in' instead of 'scale'. I could never find the answer because I could even think of what to search but I finally fixed it.






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