Scrambled video problem
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Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can help, I've looked on google about this but I'm getting inconclusive answers. I keep getting this weird 'scrambled' problem (see attachment) with my video playback and exports. I've tried clearing the cache and sometimes it helps other times it doesn't.
Sometimes if I just re copy a segment that seems to get rid of it, other times it will only look like that in the source monitor and be fine when I export it.
Any ideas? It's driving me nuts.
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I've never seen that before, so 2 ideas
1st idea
Do not count on Windows to be fully up to date when it comes to device drivers
Go to the vendor site to be sure you have an updated driver for your graphic adapter
nVidia Driver Downloads
-for Premiere Pro (and MAYBE Premiere Elements) use the STUDIO driver, not the GAMING driver
-such as (this MAY not be the latest)
If you have a laptop you MAY also need to check for a laptop specific nVidia driver
ATI Driver
There are also intermittent reports that the newest driver is not always the best driver due to driver bugs or compatibility issues, so you MAY need to try an earlier driver version
2nd idea
Some things to do, and more information needed for someone to help...
-PPro Editing Information FAQ
-Mac only
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I downloaded the latest Nvidia driver from their site, there was a new one despite device manager telling me the latest one was already installed. Still having the same issue, I'll have a look at the links you gave me later.
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Hi there!
Could you share your system details (OS, CPU, RAM, GPU)? What's the source of the media files?
Let us know.
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Win 10 64 bit,
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz
32 gb RAM
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 video card
Source videos are mp4s.
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Are any of your source clips from a smartphone or a screen recording? If so the problem may be variable frame rate sources which can cause intermittent and unpredictable problems.
Here's how to confirm the issue and workaround it
use mediainfo to determine whether your source is variable or constant frame rate
if it's variable use handbrake to convert to constant frame rate setting the quality slider in the video panel to maximum
and here's a tutorial on how to use handbrake
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No neither of those. I also get the issue intermittently while watching all sorts of videos on VLC player that have nothing to do with Premiere, but I'm getting the issue more frequently with Premiere.
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try transocding to a more robust format that's all i-frames like prores and see if that solves the problem... Not ideal, but mp4's are heavily compressed which may be the source of the issue.
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But then it'll compress it further, so it'll be double compressed and I'll lose picture quality. It would help if there was a video converter application that would give you the option to not compress it. All videos naturally have to be compressed due to raw data size but if your video is already compressed why would you need to be compressed further?
I've tried dozens of different video converter apps and even the ones that have a tick box 'original picture quality' or along those lines when it gets converted it's bloody compressed with horrid pixelation, so frustrating!!
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there will be some "loss" in any digital copy, the important question is will it noticable and prores422hq will preserve the detail... without any noticeable loss... I'm just wondering if there's a problem with your hard drive failing... or if there's some corruption in the original file...
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I've got a large number of source video files, it would be far too time consuming to have to convert them all. The problem is that I get this intermittent problem outside Premiere watching videos on VLC player as well.
The problem seems to come and go, like as I mentioned previously the clip can look scrambled in the source monitor in Premiere and then be fine when I export it sometimes, other times it's there as well, which leads me to believe the source footage is fine but it's some sort of GPU glitch.
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>some sort of GPU glitch
Did you install the STUDIO driver, or the game driver?
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Is there really a difference though? It's the game one as that is the only search result that came back when I went to the Nvidia site and put in my GPU model number.
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there have been reports that the game driver causes problems. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to install the studio driver...
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Ok so I found the studio driver for my card, I've installed it I went back to my Premiere project and found a clip that had my unwanted scambled effect, so unfortunately still there. I exported that clip and once again the problem went away I went back into Premiere and the problem has disappeared there as well.
It's like I just have to wait for it to go away, computers really are a mystery sometimes, no rhyme or reason here.
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Just bumping this up to see if anyone has any new ideas? My footage is youtube videos I've downloaded from a couple of sites that download them as mp4s.
I tried downloading the same video from a different site and replaced my source footage with the new one but had the exact same glitches. This is like the world's most impossible bug to fix it keeps appearing and then disappearing for no reason.
I'll see the scrambled problem on a segment on my timeline so I'll export just that part and then the scambled problem is gone. I will then export a slightly longer segment which includes that part and yay it's back again.
I uploaded the segment to Youtube and watched it on a different device and problem still there so it's not unique to my PC. I also downloaded yet another studio game driver (latest one) and nothing's changed. The issue clearly isn't with the source footage because the issue keeps disappearing and reappearing in the same segment, I'm nearly ready to give up here but I've worked hard and long on this video and I don't want this irritating bug ruining my hard work.
Any ideas anyone?
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Did you ever resolve this? I am having the same problem.
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It kind of resolved itself, it just went away after a while, I can't quite remember but I believe the problem was mainly with VLC player not the video file itself so it was just a weird display glitch.
You could try updating the video app you're using, try a different one, update windows and graphics driver. Sorry to be a bit vague.