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Sony XAVC stuterring playback (not other 4k files)

Community Beginner ,
Feb 07, 2020 Feb 07, 2020

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Hi everyone,

So here is my problem : i mainly edit Sony a7iii xavc files that are .mp4 , and they are laggy on playback. I mean by that , that every time that I move the playhead and hit play, the playback stutters a lot, and a lot of frames are skipped (I did put on the option to see if there is missing frames).

Changing the playback resolution to 1/4 or 1/8 do not change ANYTHING.

The 4k files have more problems than the 1080p files, but they still not work well.

I have a i7 from 2017, 16 GB of Ram.... i thought maybe my computer was not powerful enough and I will have to change.


But then, I had to edit Blackmagic RAW from the BMPCC 6K.

They did not stutter. At all. Maybe if I put on some effect on them, but then it's not even the same "lag" it's not the same thing I can just bring down the playback resolution and it work really well.

I also was able to try some Red Footage, 4k from the Red One : no stutter , no lag as well, works perfectly.

Here is a list of thing I did , that did not improve my situation

-Checking if the Cuda accelration was on, IT IS

-Delete unusued cache files,

-Changing my audio hardware/ checking if it was working / not use any audio hardware

-Reinstall Premiere pro


For now, i'm working with proxy from the a7iii itself, i'm content with this solve but i'm kind of furious that the BRAW 6k files have no problem during playback, when they are much bigger files, with a greater resolution....

So Am i Doomed ? Is the Sony files just bad in general and I have to work with that ? Is upgrading to a better computer will change anything ????


Thanks a lot


Freeze or hang , Hardware or GPU , Performance






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Dec 05, 2020 Dec 05, 2020

SO a little update on this thread.
For me, same computer and same camera, the udate from october 2020 of Premiere that add GPU decoding had fixed the problem. Consider update. No more stutters and I only have a 1050 Ti

My old2014 computer with a i5 4670 and gtx 770 can even edit (really not smoothly) a7iii files now ! it always crashed when i tried to put them on the timeline before.

Anyway I'm happy about this update LMAO this is the first time



Community Expert ,
Feb 07, 2020 Feb 07, 2020

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I'm guessing that RAW files are uncompressed that is each frame of video is discreet.  MP4 files are a variant of mpeg in which for example the 1st frame is discreet and the 15th frame is discreet and the frames in between are just represented by the data the differs between the 1st and/or 15th frame.  These files require much less disk space but require much more processing power.  As you've discovered, the proxy workflow is a workaround.


It's possible a better graphics card will help with this but that's beyond my limited expertise.





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Engaged ,
Feb 07, 2020 Feb 07, 2020

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I have had similar issues with PP2020. I don't know if you can do this,but try going back to 13.1.5 as it plays back these types of files much better. 





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Contributor ,
Nov 23, 2020 Nov 23, 2020

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Yes this seems to be an issue that premiere has with Sony footage. Workaround on a 16 core Mac Pro with dual Vega II gpus: edit in davinci resolve. Buttery smooth playback even with 6k Sony footage, whereas premiere can't even playback HD smoothly. It's just awful.





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Nov 23, 2020 Nov 23, 2020

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Andy's vid is good on this with Premiere. That XAVC is of course a form of H.264, it's long-GOP, nasty media to edit. You don't have complete frames. There's a complete frame every 9-30-odd "frames", but in-between only data sets of pixels that 1) have changed since the previous i-frame, 2) will change before the next i-frame, or 3) both.


Your computer needs to find and decompress one or two i-frames, then find the data matrix of changes for the current frame, and compute the current frame, rinse & repeat.


For say BRAW or RED, it simply decodes/decompresses each frame as it comes in, as those format/codecs are intraframe ... every frame is complete.


And every app works with hardware differently. If you don't have the gear, setup correctly for Premiere, you get less performance than if you do, and many of us don't know how to set the options correctly for our systems. This is where Andy's vid is excellent help.







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Guide ,
Nov 23, 2020 Nov 23, 2020

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I have a Sony A7 III and my system works great. That being said CUDA is not the same thing as GPU encoding and decoding. The video below might be worth watching.





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New Here ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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I have a MacBook pro 64gb ram 8gb graf card ------ it still stutters..... 





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Community Expert ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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either transcode to a format that's all iframes like the appropriate prores format or use a proxy workflow.  both will work.  Neil's post should help you understand what's going on.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 05, 2020 Dec 05, 2020

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SO a little update on this thread.
For me, same computer and same camera, the udate from october 2020 of Premiere that add GPU decoding had fixed the problem. Consider update. No more stutters and I only have a 1050 Ti

My old2014 computer with a i5 4670 and gtx 770 can even edit (really not smoothly) a7iii files now ! it always crashed when i tried to put them on the timeline before.

Anyway I'm happy about this update LMAO this is the first time





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 26, 2023 Jun 26, 2023

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I assume you have the same problem with xavc, as I do:

it is encoded and decoded within the rosetta 2 layer- so its not arm native code and needs to be translated. You can check in activity monitoring- if there is a intel process that uses a lot of performance- it is probably the same problem. I am not shure but I think Sony should provide decoding code for Arm- in Davinci Resolve it is the same problem.





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