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Top 15 Issues/Fixes Needed in the next Premiere Pro release/update (CS6.5 or CS7)

Enthusiast ,
Mar 27, 2013 Mar 27, 2013

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I’m excited for what’s coming next in Premiere Pro CS6.5 or CS7 (whichever update is next). As a former FCP7 user myself, Premiere CS6 was a quick and necessary switch (especially after changing the main keyboard shortcuts back to what I was used to). I’ve since gone back to FCP7 on occasion for certain things and I can tell you that I’m so glad I’ve switched. For all the headaches and serious errors that I still get daily/weekly with Premiere Pro CS6, it’s still definitely a big step up. I'm encouraged by staff members like Mitch W. that have expressed confidence that many of these issues will be resolved in the next release. Here is my personal list of “Top 15 issues/fixes” needed in the current Premiere Pro CS6…

(Adobe STAFF...feel free to print this out and hand it to the engineers responsible for making changes )

1) The infamous multicam FLAW. Needing no introduction…when you are editing your video in the multicam window and you hit pause or stop Premiere has decided that’s a great time to make a cut on your timeline and also switch angles back to the original angle whether you like it or not. You cannot stop ever while editing multicam without Premiere making these unwanted cuts and angle changes. Awful. Multicam in PPro is otherwise pretty nice, but this issue is terribly counter-productive especially when you are editing longer complex multicam sequences. Imagine if every time you hit pause or stop in the regular timeline it made a cut there and switched clips. Ugh. You get my point.

2) The audio meters/levels do not work while in the multicam window. A staff member in the forums (I think it was you) said this was a bug. Hope it will get fixed. The audio levels work in every other window and its essential to be able to keep an eye on the levels while editing multicam.

3) Ticktime.cpp-207 error. Ugh. What a nightmare. I have confidence that it will be fixed soon. Mitch W. from the forums is my new hero for taking on this error. How to replicate it?…simply have 6 (or 7) or more clips with the warp stabilizer effect added on the same timeline as a nested multicam clip and you get this error upon reopening your project. The more warp stabilizers you use, the more times you’ll have to hit “continue” to get through the error before you can open your project or export it to AME. I deal with this every single day because all my projects use these two elements. Most of my projects I have to hit “continue” on the error message upwards of 350-450 times to open my projects. Gets old fast.

4) Icon View order control. When you display all your clips in icon view instead of a list view (In the project window), there is no metadata to allow you to put the clips in order somehow (or at least maintain the order that you have in the list). There are roundabout workarounds, but c’mon.

5) Warp Stabilizer fixes…it is an AMAZING tool (far, far, far better than smoothcam in FCP7) BUT…it has it’s issues. Since I use hundreds of times/week (no exaggeration) I know it’s functions/flaws really well. The issues with Warp Stabilizer:
a) #3 above
b) Toggle OFF the effect after it’s applied and then hit Analyze again and PPro crashes. (easy to avoid but annoying bug)
c) If a clip is in the middle of stabilizing (not just analyzing…but the final step labeled “analyzing”) when Auto-save comes up…most of the time PPro freezes and crashes.
d) The DEFAULT “method” (in the settings for Warp Stabilizer) should NOT be “Subspace Warp”…it should be “Position, Scale, Rotation”. Why? It’s FAAAAARRRR better and more efficient. 95 out of 100 times it causes MUCH less “wobble” in the final stabilized clips AND most importantly 95 out of 100 times it scales the video less. Way better method.

6) The ability to open multiple projects simultaneously. As simple as FCP7 had it…or even better…as cool and efficient as FCPX does it would be nice.

7) The ability to mark a clip and not just a point on a timeline (because if you move the clip, the marker doesn’t go with it). I know you can use “Clip Marker” but it's very limiting, can't be moved, can't add notes, can't advance to the next marker (as far as I know). Also a marker list like FCPX has would be nice so you can see your markers all in a list at a glance and adjust them as needed.

8) Ability to select a clip in the Project window and find out where it’s used in the timeline. I LOVE how you can do the reverse and take a clip in the timeline and “Reveal in Project Window” but it would really help to go the other way around. Dealing with several hundred clips for every project I’ve missed this feature from time to time (FCPX handles this really well).

9) Add a through-edit indicator in timeline and “re-join clips” option. If you cut a clip but keep both clips together it’s just one continuous clip. But I really hope Premiere adds the not only an indicator of some sort (like FCP7s way of having two small red triangles facing each other on that cut) so you know it’s one continuous clip BUT ALSO the ability to right-click and “re-join” the two clips into one.

10) When clip is double-clicked in timeline, CTI position in source viewer should match location in timeline. This one is pretty annoying and a fix would be incredibly helpful. The way it is now is very counter-productive. Definitely hope this gets fixed ASAP.

11) Better border controls for images/videos. Can’t do much with images right now in PPro. At least allow to customize the color and size/strength of it’s borders and shadows.

12) Better support for Mac/Apple's top end computers/GPU's. I'm still surprised that 2011 top of the line iMac cards (AMD 6970M) that have 2gb of ram are not supported. I’m sure/I hope 2012 iMac’s will be supported with their new Nvidia GPU’s…but I’ll hold out hope that the top iMac (up until 3 months ago) is supported at least at it’s full power. All around better Mac support would be great considering the wave of new users coming over from FCP.

13) Opacity/Transparency issues with EXPORTED videos with Cross Dissolves, etc. For some odd reason videos exported from Premiere CS6 have issues with cross dissolves or minor transparency. I’ll try to explain…in the program window of PPro CS6 cross dissolves look fine. Also, if you take a clip and stack it on top of another clip and put the top clip at say 99% opacity instead of 100 it looks like it should in PPro. But, if you export the clips you’ll quickly see that there are issues. It’s almost like the exported videos dissolve from 5 to 95. They skip the subtle beginning (0-5%) and subtle end (95-100%) of any fade. A clip in PPro as described above that is on top of another but set at 99% will look more like 90-95% in the exported file ESPECIALLY if the two clips are contrasting (eg. top layer dark, bottom layer with bright elements). It’s like the opposit of ease-in/ease-out. I have to ease-in/ease-out of every dissolve to avoid this issue…and even then, it’s not THAT much of an “ease” as one would hope. Another user in a forum once posted a video that shows how abruptly exported videos end their transparency changes…see: THIS SAMPLE VIDEO  Perhaps this is a GPU/processing issue with AME vs. Premiere Pro but whatever it is, it should be fixed so videos you export look like the videos you edited!

14) Better control in Creative Cloud over which devices are “activated/deactivated”  We have 3 computers and it would be nice if one could log in to their Creative Cloud account and see a list of which devices they have and just toggle on/off which one’s are activated/deactivated. This is especially helpful when you are mobile and forget to deactivate one of your two home/office devices so you’re stuck now until you get back to the home/office to deactivate it. This is not a Premiere thing, but just a general wish.

15) Ability to sync multicam clips automatically using the audio. Plural eyes apparently does this well. Would be nice to have it built into Premiere like FCPX does. Select all the shots you want to sync, One button click, wait a few seconds, done.

That’s my top 15. Everything else is awesome in my opinion for what I do 10 hours a day 6-7 days a week. I’ve included bug reports/feature requests for all of these at one point but if you are someone else reading this go to the following link and ask for these issues to be fixed: FEATURE REQUEST/BUG REPORT

I wish Adobe did smaller updates more often. Because even if they were smaller updates, we’d at least know you are working on fixing some of these issues that have plagued this NLE for years. Holding off fixes for one or two big “updates” every year is tough to deal with in a world of the ever updating apps we live and play with daily on our phones. I realize Premiere is a much larger scale and far more professional than a phone app, but hopefully you get my point. Here’s to hoping the next release (NAB 2013?) resolves all my top 15 issues. Here’s to hoping that these issues will be resolved sooner than later so I can stop raising hell in various forums. I’m honestly ready to start praising and defending Premiere Pro instead of griping about it’s bugs and flaws. It’s a fantastic program “on the way” to being the best. I hope.






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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 08, 2013 Apr 08, 2013

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The best way to stay on top of the adobe-specifc announcements coming out of NAB this week is probably here:


So if you want to bookmark that and check it throughout the week, you will have all the latest public information about the new version od PrPro.





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Enthusiast ,
Apr 08, 2013 Apr 08, 2013

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Thank you. I'll definitely do that. I haven't been around Adobe long enough to know how long after these "sneak peaks" users should expect to see the new version. I'm sure the kinks are being worked out but I'm curious if there's a ballpark release time? Just excited is all

Thanks again jstrawn for the tv.adobe.com link!





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Advocate ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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jstrawn wrote:

The best way to stay on top of the adobe-specifc announcements coming out of NAB this week is probably here:

No offense meant to you at all, but you didn't answer Zach's question.  In fact, it seems as though Adobe is dodging it for some oddball reason.

You guys have to realize you're going to have a hard sell for this newer version if the rest of us CS6/AVCHD guys aren't thrown a bone of some sort...





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Explorer ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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Jason Van Patten wrote:

You guys have to realize you're going to have a hard sell for this newer version if the rest of us CS6/AVCHD guys aren't thrown a bone of some sort...

Thank you Jason. If you look at that thread, Adobe has known about this bug since shortly after CS6 was released. That's almost a year ago. Those of us who purchased the software and work with long AVCHD clips have been largely unable to use the software since that time, but kept it on the hopes that it was a simple bug that would get taken care of--especially since we've had no problems since CS5. That is clearly not the case, and make many of us wonder why we should ever trust them with our money again.

Not only are they not giving us any feedback regarding this for CS6, but no one will comment on the situation for this next version.





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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No offense meant to you at all, but you didn't answer Zach's question.  In fact, it seems as though Adobe is dodging it for some oddball reason.

You guys have to realize you're going to have a hard sell for this newer version if the rest of us CS6/AVCHD guys aren't thrown a bone of some sort...

The reason is not oddball or conspiratory in some way. Simply put, it is not appropriate for individual staff members to discuss features publicly before they are publicly announced. I also can't accurately speak about the prioritization of AVCHD spanning or other specifc bug fixes and/or feature requests, because it's not a decision I have personally been part of. But the good news is that this is NAB week, which is typically when most things get announced for Adobe's Digital Video/Audio product line. I only chimed in on this thread to provide that link, which is probaby the best way to stay up do date this week, unless of course you happen to be in Vegas right now.

One thing I can say is that these forums do get looked at by people who make those decisions and announcements and that your concerns have been and will continue to be heard whether everyone's top requests are imminently addressed or not.





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Explorer ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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I respect that you Jason may not have knowledge to comment on this subject. When can we expect *someone* from Adobe to comment on it? I'm not interested in a paid upgrade to the newest version of CS to fix a known serious bug that kept me from using the current version.

This whole thing makes me wonder why I should ever trust Adobe with my money ever again. What's the next feature to break and not be addressed?





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Advocate ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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Zach seems to be the only person voicing dissatisfaction with Adobe for their policy of failing to correct faults in their software, and then expecting their customers to pay a high price for the next newest, greatest ever version - particularly now this has become an annual pick-pocketing exercise!

I can assure any Adobe employee who reads this thread that there will be a great many more dissatisfied customers out there, of which I am one.

My particular concern is the bug in the Warp Stabilizer which results in grotesque project file sizes.  Again this was trumpeted a year ago as the new wonder of the age.





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People's Champ ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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My observations:

Firewire output worked in CS4.

Firewire output was broken in CS5 / CS5.5.

Firewire output is fixed in CS6.

Firewire output will not be back-ported to CS5 / CS5.5.

CS5 can not output MPE to external DV device


CS5.5 & External Monitoring - is there anything new?


Firewire output of Hardware MPE - I give up






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Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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Firewire output was broken in CS5 / CS5.5.

It wasn't 'broken'.  It just wasn't made compatible with the new hardware acceleration capabilities until CS6.  That's a very different viewpoint.





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People's Champ ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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Okay... inoperable with MPE.

The point is nobody is planning to retroactively make

IEEE1394 output of MPE possible in CS5 or CS5.5.





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Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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That's probably true.  Adobe doesn't often go back and add new features to older versions.

That's not the same as not correcting a fairly significant bug in the previous version, though.  I think the AVCHD spanning issue qualifies as a fairly significant bug.  The problem is probably one of economics.  Assuming a fix is available in the new version, what would it cost to retrofit the 'fix' into CS6?  As a publicly traded company, Adobe is required by law to put it's investors and their profit shares ahead of it's customers.

Capitalism at it's finest.





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Advocate ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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If Adobe has developed fixes for some of the problems with CS6 during the lifetime of CS6, then it is surely unethical, and possibly a breach of consumer protection legislation, to fail to provide this to purchasers of CS6.  This is especially so if they include these fixes in CS6+ and require their customers to pay for the fix.

We have yet to see if this is the case with this new release, but I should be surprised if some at least of the several problems are not fixed in the new release..





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Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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The point is nobody is planning to retroactively make IEEE1394 output of MPE possible in CS5 or CS5.5.

That's for the safety sake: if fireware gets fixed in CS5/CS5.5, spanned AVCHD clips get broken.





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People's Champ ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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My particular concern is the bug in the Warp Stabilizer which results in grotesque project file sizes.

I'm not sure that's a bug.  The analysis data is stored in the project file, and it's that data which causes the project file size to grow.





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Advocate ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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Jim Simon wrote:

My particular concern is the bug in the Warp Stabilizer which results in grotesque project file sizes.

I'm not sure that's a bug.  The analysis data is stored in the project file, and it's that data which causes the project file size to grow.

Bug or not, the Warp Stabilizer is un-usable in its present form, unless each clip to which it is applied is exported as an intermediarte and re-imported.





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Apr 10, 2013 Apr 10, 2013

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Warp Stabilizer is un-usable in its present form

Well, a new version of Warp Stabilizer that didn't require the analysis data would be a new feature, found in a new version.  That's something I think Adobe can expect people to pay for, and very different from leaving genuine bugs (AVCHD) uncorrected.





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Advocate ,
Apr 10, 2013 Apr 10, 2013

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Jim Simon wrote:

Warp Stabilizer is un-usable in its present form

Well, a new version of Warp Stabilizer that didn't require the analysis data would be a new feature, found in a new version.  That's something I think Adobe can expect people to pay for, and very different from leaving genuine bugs (AVCHD) uncorrected.

I do not want a new version of the Stabilizer - I want the one I paid for which was an advertised feature of CS6.  The one I have needs work-arounds to use, that was not part of the CS6 deal.

I shall not comment further on this.  It is a waste of time given your obvious commitment to Adobe.





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Apr 10, 2013 Apr 10, 2013

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I do not want a new version of the Stabilizer

You seem to want it to work without storing the data in the project file.  That would be a new version.





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Enthusiast ,
Apr 10, 2013 Apr 10, 2013

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Alan Craven wrote:

Jim Simon wrote:

Warp Stabilizer is un-usable in its present form

Well, a new version of Warp Stabilizer that didn't require the analysis data would be a new feature, found in a new version.  That's something I think Adobe can expect people to pay for, and very different from leaving genuine bugs (AVCHD) uncorrected.

I do not want a new version of the Stabilizer - I want the one I paid for which was an advertised feature of CS6.  The one I have needs work-arounds to use, that was not part of the CS6 deal.

I shall not comment further on this.  It is a waste of time given your obvious commitment to Adobe.

Actually, Alan I'd love to hear your thoughts on Warp Stabilizer. Its one of the top 1 or 2 features that's essential to my personal workflow. I use it several hundred times a week actually (no exaggeration) so I know it pretty well. I voiced my issues with it both in bug reports and feature requests as well as in my "Top 15" list at the start of this thread (#3 and #5 on the list). It has it's issues for sure. I've found it to be very effective however. Especially compared to FCP7's smoothcam where it would have to analyze the whole clip and not just the portion you are using. I'd love to see the end of the error messages and freezes that Warp Stabilizer causes as well as I have personally found the default "method" (in the settings) to be much less efficient than another option (which I stated in #5 on my list). I'm crossing my fingers and we'll just have to wait and see I guess.

Since it's something I use more than 100 times per project my project sizes are genrally in the 100-200mb range. Never bothered me much I guess because I just figured that's cuz the data is stored there. What was a pain is every time I open a project I get an error (see #3 on the list) and have to hit continue between 300-450 times (on average). I like how Adobe is "enhancing" the feature within After Effects, however I do hope the issues with Premiere Pro's version of Warp Stabilizer are resolved in the new release. If you had a hard copy of CS6 instead of Creative Cloud, and they charge for the update, I can see how that would be frustrating. Bug fixes related to the current version "should" be free IMO. Creative Cloud takes care of both bug fixes and feature upgrades which is really nice...although even Creative Cloud has room to improve in my opinion (see #14 on my list). 





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Advocate ,
Apr 10, 2013 Apr 10, 2013

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Warp is the most effective of the seven or so Windows/Premiere Stabilizers that I have used over the past decade or more.  I currently have Mercalli 2, and before that Steadymove Pro, but Warp can achieve what none of the others has ever managed for me and that is to have a stable rocky shoreline in front of a moving sea.  All the others had jello rocks!

Lke you, I can live with the bloated project files, up to a point.  But if the file gets too big then saving becomes very slow - you can have a coffee while Premiere does an autosave, and then as you say in 5c, you come back and find Premiere frozen in the Autosave!

The ticktime.cpp-207 error I have only seen a couple of times - but I do not use multi-cam.  5b, the toggle error is an irritant, when you forget to avoid it as you say.

Your 5d was a revelation to me - I had not discovered that you could improve the already really good performance by so much until I tried it.

As I have said elsewhere, I tend to export a stabilized clip using Lagarith or Avid DNxHD when I am happy with it, and then import that as a replacement for the original.  This shows up another problem - the time taken for Premiere to react to a cut command on the clip to which the Stabilizer has been applied can seem interminable.

Despite the problem, I find I am using it much more in preference to Mercalli 2, simply because the results are so good

Creative Cloud would be expensive for me as I do not live in the USA, and in Europe we pay premium prices compared with USA users.  Adobe once told me that this was due to the inevitable costs of translation!  Time was when you could run Premiere in UK English but recent versions are US English only.  Also I have no interest in any other Adobe software than Premiere, Encore, Audition and Photoshop.





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Participant ,
Apr 11, 2013 Apr 11, 2013

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I think Warp stabilizer might deserve a thread of its own about how to yeld best results with it. It's incrediby powerfull if you dig into the parameters.





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Participant ,
Apr 11, 2013 Apr 11, 2013

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Regarding prices in Europe : annual cloud subscription here (in France) is 61,5 € / month, roughly 80,5 $. My cloud subscription is 61% more expensive because of language packs that I never ever used or will use, without any possibility given to me of getting the english only version of the softwares. I work with english versions because :

- 90% of the learning content for Adobe softwares is in english, with english UI.

- 99,9% of all the technical audio and video stuff I personally read / watch is in english.

- Creative softwares use loads of technical terms and a lot of them just don't translate well at all in french.

Even if cloud subscription is way cheaper and more versatile than paying the whole license up front, I still don't like being left with no choice but to pay for stuff I don't use because I'm on the wrong side of the Atlantic ocean.





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Engaged ,
Apr 11, 2013 Apr 11, 2013

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So basically if we can sync with the waveform that means Plural eyes is no longer worth paying for!





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Engaged ,
Apr 11, 2013 Apr 11, 2013

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Is Speedgrade intergrated into Adobe Premier with the dynamic link in the upcoming version?





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