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Whenever I try to export I'm given an MP4 with sound and the text layers are visible however the video layers are black? there is one video that makes it but it goes for a second.
Please help
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Hi Jaxon,
Thanks for writing in.
What's the exact version of Premiere Pro you're using? Is it happening with multiple projects? Also, what happens if you export to a different format?
Here's what you could try:
Let us know how it goes.
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Hey Nishu,
Premier Pro 2019.
I've exported other edits onto this drive as I have it all under this one client's folder. I've asked for the client to view it and I've copied the files from my desktop to mac and the results still remain the same.
Thanks Jaxon
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Hola, viendo tu linea de tiempo hay espacios vacios (lo que da por defecto una imagen en negro) si todo el video sale en negro intenta vaciar tu cache de medios y reiniciar el software y volver a exportar.
Quizas el error este alli,
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Excelente, buen dato
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I'm assuming your video shows up just fine in the Program monitor where you're actually editing? What happens if you export a different format like ProRes?
Also, Premiere 2019 is pretty old and there are tons of performance improvements and bux fixes in the latest versions. You can install Premiere 2021 alongside 2019 without an issue to try a copy of your project in the latest version. If you save in 2021 you won't be able to open it in 2019, but in general it's always good to be up-to-date (at least when your project is over). Also, if you do install 2021, make sure to read the prompts so you don't automatically uninstall 2019. This is the default option which I don't like, so be careful if you want to keep 2019 around.