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Warning, error, frame substitution???

Enthusiast ,
Apr 12, 2019 Apr 12, 2019

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Why did I get this?


Error or problem , Hardware or GPU




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Community Beginner , Apr 29, 2019 Apr 29, 2019

I switched the "video rendering and playback" to Mercury Playback Engine software only, like someone mentioned, and it worked!! YAY


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Enthusiast ,
Apr 27, 2019 Apr 27, 2019

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Thanks, I may try a different drive. I did notice, like in the last image of events, that "frame substitution recursion..." (whatever that really means) happened with assets from my G drive and my C drive. So, that makes me feel like it doesn't matter where the assets are, the issue's still going to happen...

I'll give it a try, at least that's something I'm not sure I really tried yet...




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Community Expert ,
Apr 27, 2019 Apr 27, 2019

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Maybe you can try Proxies?

I don't see these kind of errors, but I mostly use proxies as they work so well.

(And definitely try your footage on a different / local drive)




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Enthusiast ,
May 01, 2019 May 01, 2019

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there's no way my new build (about a $5K computer) needs proxies when my ten year old computer didn't. So, I'm not even trying that.




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Community Expert ,
Apr 28, 2019 Apr 28, 2019

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If it works when set to Software only it might mean there is an issue with the graphicscard or driver.




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Enthusiast ,
May 01, 2019 May 01, 2019

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If it is "media drive’s interface/controller/ or lane of connection to the computer" what can I do to resolve it?




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Enthusiast ,
Apr 27, 2019 Apr 27, 2019

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Can I get a stable version of PPRO that's like a year old maybe? Could that help? This is just horrible.




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Enthusiast ,
Apr 27, 2019 Apr 27, 2019

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As for trying software only, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of my having a $1,400 video card?




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 29, 2019 Apr 29, 2019

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I switched the "video rendering and playback" to Mercury Playback Engine software only, like someone mentioned, and it worked!! YAY




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 29, 2019 Apr 29, 2019

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Great! Glad that worked.

But that may mean you need to re-install new drivers for your graphics card, or possibly roll back drivers to an earlier version.





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Enthusiast ,
May 01, 2019 May 01, 2019

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wait, were you having the same exact issue and software only fixed it?

So far editing on my m.2 drive (a different drive for project and assets) has not resulted in this problem. However, I haven't edited enough and long enough to thoroughly say. I really don't want to do to much on that drive, don't want to use up my re-writes... But, I suppose I need to keep testing until this is totally resolved. If I don't have the problem on the m.2 I suppose I'll try the SSD where I was having the problem again and try software only. Or I'll try one of my other SSD's. I also want to contact the MOBO manufacturer to see what they think about the possibility of it being " media drive’s interface/controller/ or lane of connection" like meg the dog suggested top consider.




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New Here ,
Jun 22, 2019 Jun 22, 2019

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This doesn't work for me. I changed it, and still get these errors and replaced frames.

I've tried on different computers (Mac Pro, Macbook Pro and iMac Pro), different hard drives (Promise Pegasus and WD SSD), different projects (24fps and 25fps), and different media (h264 files HD and 4K, Prores HQ files HD and UHD, ...)

I use Adobe Premiere CC 13.1.2.




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Enthusiast ,
Jun 22, 2019 Jun 22, 2019

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It doesn't fix it. What is interesting is the scale to frame size feature does indeed cause problems. I had to turn it off because of 2 major problems I was having. But, it still did not resolve my frame substitution nightmare problem.

I think the biggest thing for me was the cache/scratch files getting corrupt. I had to complete remove them manually and through the software and recreate them. And that seemed to help. But I still get a similar error that creeps up from time to time after some time of editing.

If you're trying different computers and drives then you may be making the problem worse because the cache/scratch seems to be sensitive to the location. I was changing computers so that may have been part of the problem for me. It's still something adobe needs to fix because it causes such a huge issue. And it's a very common situation where a project may change locations.




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New Here ,
Jan 19, 2020 Jan 19, 2020

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Updated to PP 2020 at the end of 2019 and I just ran into this same issue. I first found a suggestion to switch video rendering and playback to "Mercury Playback Engine software only" and unfortunately that did not work. 

So, I found this suggestion, went over to cloudconvert, converted from .mov to .mp4 with the .264 codec, opened a new sequence, and dropped then converted file on and had no problems! 


Thank you for the suggestion




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New Here ,
Dec 24, 2020 Dec 24, 2020

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It is a solution, it might spare life when the deadline is close but if you switch playback to Mercury Playback Engine only it will take hours to render your project. Still need a permanent solution for this problem. 

For me I Premie Pro 2020 is causing the problem (I am lucky for particular videos only, 2020 somehow works well while editing), I downgrade the project to 2019, but the audio level gets messed up, I export audio from 2020 and export using 2019. 




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Contributor ,
Jan 03, 2021 Jan 03, 2021

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Hey Juliom,


I know your post goes back to April, 2019. But I just started encountering this error myself. I did what you did and the problem went away for me too. I'm using a GTX1070 in my rig, which granted isn't the most expensive card, but it does pretty well when apps actually use it. Doesn't "software only" leave the card out in the cold during the render process? Or is Adobe still ignoring GPUs to the point it doesn't matter? Thanks for your insight.


- DK




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Community Expert ,
Jan 03, 2021 Jan 03, 2021

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Download the latest Studio Driver for the GTX 1070 from NVIDIA and do a clean install:






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Explorer ,
Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021

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Hi. Unfortunately. It didn't work for me. I'm using Sony MXF footage on Premiere Pro 2021. Any other solution ?




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Explorer ,
Oct 19, 2021 Oct 19, 2021

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i didnt work with MXF files when i had this problem, i worked with MOV files and i had this problem on my MP4 files. What worked for me is to work on the 12.0 version.




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Explorer ,
Oct 21, 2021 Oct 21, 2021

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Hi. Following the Adobe staff instrucutions on the chat (actually very nice people), I downgraded back from the 2021 version to the 2020 (14.0). Now it seems to be working. My MXF files are on a Thunderbold 3 external drive and I work with proxies stored on the computer. Crossing my fingers. It's just amazing to pay every month for the latest version and have to use a previous one... If the problem occurs again, I'll forget Adobe and return to AVID Mediacomposer at the same price and more stability.




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Enthusiast ,
May 02, 2019 May 02, 2019

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Now, this is on a project that is still on the same, pretty new, SSD drive. I'm not about to move this to my m.2 because it's a huge project. I've had warning/crashes with other projects, so it's not just this project. But, this issue is something new. I haven't really needed to render the timeline for a while and when I did I just got a compiling error simply trying to render the timeline. I switched from CUDA to Software only and I was able to render the timeline for a bit, however, I didn't continue because doing this required the entire timeline to be rendered and I really didn't want to. I WANT TO USE CUDA! That's why I have this $1,400 2080 Ti video card!





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Explorer ,
May 07, 2019 May 07, 2019

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This is causing so much trouble in my post facility. Can this new feature be disabled? It clearly doesn't work properly and needs fixing.

Clips will randomly show this error while editing, making it impossible to work and export a master. The exact same files may have worked properly 10 minutes earlier, or be fixed by re-opening the project, using a different computer or just sometimes switching between Metal and OpenCL. There is no consistency to the errors or workarounds, we just have to keep re-opening projects until it stops. I'm rolling back to an older version until this is rectified.

Errors are detected at random on:

ProRes 422HQ

ProRes 4444

DNxHD 185x MXF

Photoshop files

We have 6 Macs all suffering from the same problem.

4x MacPro Trash cans - all 64GB - High Sierra 10.13.6

1x iMac 5k - High Sierra 10.13.6

1x MacPro 2010 - Nvidia TitanV - High Sierra 10.13.6




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Enthusiast ,
May 07, 2019 May 07, 2019

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Thank you for acknowledging this. I've lost enough time trying to resolve/prevent this that if I was paid my hourly wage I would have a lifetime subscription easily paid up for all of Adobe cloud easily and beyond. Adobe is too often a — nightmare. I can't wait to get to a point in my life to try and hopefully move to something better, like DaVinci Resolve.


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Explorer ,
May 15, 2019 May 15, 2019

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I have this problem as well...with PROXY FILES!!! It starts about 30 to 60 minutes into editing and then I have to restart or Premiere will just crash.  Once I restart I can edit again for a time until it starts happening again. I know there is no issue with the files because...well, they were made by the ingester inside of Premiere!  That and they don't have a problem until Premiere gets warmed up. Pathetic. On a high end HP Z series workstation that is connected to a NAS via Fiber...we have another workstation connected to this NAS that does not have this issue with the same media "pool" (though it has other issues that are much worse). Thinking about getting back into Resolve.




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Explorer ,
May 16, 2019 May 16, 2019

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I had this problem. Also have a whizz bang new build.... I have found that sequences don't like blank spaces - which I have for 20 years used as black. Now I use 'black video' instead.

Also, with the dreaded error - 'frame recursion' - my project was crashing (although it was a few years old and being opened in the new update). Here's what I did to fix it....

Create a new project

Select 'mercury playback software only' in the project settings

Import the old project (I selected only the sequences that I needed)

Create a new sequence

Drag the old sequence into the new sequence **make sure you have the sequence button selected that allows for all tracks - not just a merged sequence




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Enthusiast ,
May 17, 2019 May 17, 2019

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It seems like there's no way this has anything to do with resolving why my issue was happening. It was doing it with new projects too. I may have found what was wrong. It'll be easier to explain in a video. Once I make sure for a fact it's not happening anymore, which thus far it is not, then I will whip up a quick video on what it was....




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