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Windows 11

Community Beginner ,
Oct 07, 2021 Oct 07, 2021

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Simple question I guess - but does Premier Pro (and other Adobe products)  "officially" work with  Windows 11?





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Dec 21, 2021 Dec 21, 2021

According to Adobe website, Premiere Pro is now compatible with Windows 11:


Premiere Pro versions 22.0 and later are compatible with Windows 11 operating systems. For systems with NVIDIA GPUs, Windows 11 requires NVIDIA driver version 472.12 or later.



Adobe Premiere Pro System Requirements



Community Beginner ,
Oct 16, 2021 Oct 16, 2021

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Hi Kevin --

I'm sure many Premier Pro users users would really apreciate it if Adobe could send out a proactive email to all users when Windows 11 is approved for use. Microsoft is starting to push Windows 11 to qualified users like me.  It will save time if we don't have to keep checking the forums to see if it's compatible yet.  Or you could put out a message on the Creative Cloud home page or on the Premiere Pro home screen when we launch it announcing compatibility.






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Community Beginner ,
Oct 08, 2021 Oct 08, 2021

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I install win 11. Photoshop 2021 runs correctly but Premiere pro 2021 stays in splash screen and nothing happens!




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Oct 08, 2021 Oct 08, 2021

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Oct 08, 2021 Oct 08, 2021

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Seems that I do not have the extra security enabled



Mine says "Standard hardware security not supported" and right now I am not going to go into BIOS to make any changes


If Microsoft someday FORCES me to move to Win11 I will investigate further




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New Here ,
Oct 13, 2021 Oct 13, 2021

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The BIOS setting is very straight-forward. You'd have to really go out of your way to mess anything up. Open your BIOS and, if your Motherboard has a TPM already on it, there will be a setting under the Security section of your BIOS that says something along the lines of "TPM - Disabled" change the setting to "Enabled" and if it gives you a choice, choose PTT (vs. DTPM). Save the changes and exit the BIOS. Your computer will power cycle a couple of times and you're good to go and ready to update whenever you're comfortable doing so.

If you don't see the setting, your motherboard probably doesn't have a TPM, but if it is a board that was manufactured within the past 5 years or so, there is probably an extention slot to add one.

Windows 10 will be supported by Microsoft until 2025.

Here is a link to instructions: https://kb.newegg.com/knowledge-base/how-to-enable-tpm-2-0-in-bios/ F2 is standard, but if your PC is custom built, that may differ (e.g. MSI motherboards typically use the Delete key by default). 




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New Here ,
Oct 13, 2021 Oct 13, 2021

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If you have an AMD processor, the options might be fTPM and DTPM (vs. PTT for Intel), choose fTPM in that case.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 13, 2021 Oct 13, 2021

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I just checked the user manuals for my AsusZ490 and my wife's MsiZ590 motherboards


Both have a TPM connector, with a note that the TPM module is purchased separately


When Win10 support is about to end I will look into buying modules for our motherboards




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Community Expert ,
Oct 14, 2021 Oct 14, 2021

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I did some more searching... seems that a TPM 'module' isn't needed, only BIOS changes... Mine is asus z490-p wife's is msi z590 gaming edge


In Windows 10 - Press [Windows] + [R] key and run "tpm.msc" - The "TPM Management" will show the TPM version of your system.


I don't have TPM enabled in my computer... solution on asus page is a BIOS update, or manual changes in my current BIOS (same options for wife's computer)


I'm still going to hold off on doing anything to either BIOS for now... I am certainly not going to upgrade to Win11 until there are more reports on how it works with older programs




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 24, 2021 Oct 24, 2021

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Actually, the correct answer is that Adobe got caught flat footed. You'd have to really work hard not to notice that Windows 11 was on it's way. New computers are already shipped with Windows 11.  I pay good money each month for Adobe to work. There's no excuse for it not working. The notion that "well, it's never a good idea to run a new OS until it's proven to work". That's absurd, what doesn't work here is Adobe who should have had their software ready to work upun the release.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 24, 2021 Oct 24, 2021

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Nothing new here. Remember when Adobe abruptly ended Dolby codec integration  & didn't tell anyone until users discovered it for themselves when they downloaded the new release?




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 24, 2021 Oct 24, 2021

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Hi Zeno,
Here's what's not working for me. And the worst of it is that I made these films last spring on the newest CC Premier Pro at the time. I usually create several component parts in separate sequences and put them into a main sequence. Then, I can easily change one scene or remove something else and export the main sequence again with the changes. I do it all the time.
I cannot now export my old main sequences in Windows 11. I can export a single component sequence from a project. but not the complete main sequence,  I have to entirely redo my main sequences, even if I only need to make a small change in a component sequence. That's nuts, it should just work. Everything else works fine in Windows 11, but not Premier Pro.
Best regards from Sweden.




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Enthusiast ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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I got a notice well in advance for Dolby EOL.  The root of that was a license issue with whom they licensed it from if I recall, but there was a significant notice period if I recall correctly.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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I think you got a notice after the fact.  The day the new version hit (18.0?) I downloaded it & discovered all my Dolby files were blank on all my projects. I was literally the first person to post in these forums "asking WTF just happened?" There was nothing about the change anywhere on the Adobe site or in the release notes. A lot of other people who were blind sided asked the same question . Much later Adobe responded. Luckily, at that point I was still able to download the previous version 17.x that still worked with the codecs and kept using that one for quite a while.




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Enthusiast ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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@zeno303  you might be right, that was a while back, but I have a different recollection, I recall getting a letter, maybe 2 months in advance, with a notice that they intended to remove Dolby.  There were some notes in there about if you continue to use the software you may be legally liable, so they recommended the upgrade to remove the Dolby portion to avoid any potential legal issues.   In all honestly, it was a long time ago and my memory may be foggy, all I can say is at the time I felt like I had enough options and time and it manageable.  At the same time, I would not put it past adobe for maybe not getting that message out to everyone properly.




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Advisor ,
Nov 01, 2021 Nov 01, 2021

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Absolutely right. Absolutely. Absolutely.
I have already reported this to an Adobe employee. Already Win 11 is on the way and from the new year 2022 I'm going to switch to it. Therefore, do not look ahead, otherwise your product will not be in demand. This is the pace at which we will develop with Premier. Then you can switch to Win 7 and enjoy the 30 years of our century.




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Advisor ,
Nov 01, 2021 Nov 01, 2021

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Community Beginner ,
Oct 24, 2021 Oct 24, 2021

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It works, but poorly. I make films for church services and concerts. I routinely make component parts of a production in separate sequences then add them to a main sequence. NONE of my films can be exported in Windows 11. I can open and export the componet parts, but I cannot export the main sequence with the complete film. All other programs that I have installed in WIndows 11 work flawlessly. This is an Adobe problem. I shouldn't have to redo my main sequences for every film just becasue I need to change a component part of a production. I'm running a Ryzen 3800 with a clean install.
This is absurd. 
Best regards from Sweden




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Community Expert ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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I'm running a Ryzen 3800 with a clean install.

By @SES312


I use an Intel processor and have a clean install and Premiere Pro works as expected and i can export without issues. Show a screen dump of your Export Settings dialog so i can test your settings here.


Win 11+AMD Ryzen had issues but should be kind of sorted now.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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Just done the Puget test:

Windows 10 Extended overall score 659

Windows 11 Extended overall score 547

Live playback went from 103.2 in Windows 10 to 55.3 in Windows 11

Both Premiere 15.4.1




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Enthusiast ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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Richard, your results are typical (right now).  Windows 11 is running slower in many apps.  W11 appears to need further optimization for CPU scheduling.  They have adopted a big/little scheduler from what I read, and this modern design needs further tweaking.  The AMD fixes that came out were built with AMD+MS and improve their performance, but it's still not (widely) as fast across all applications as windows 10 was.


The good news, when this is working, and we are running big/little CPUs windows 11 should be particularly good performance.  I think the legacy CPU's the best to hope for us "same as before".




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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Regards from Sweden,
I've added a screen shot. I have a backup PC in which I store all my video and stills. It's running CS6 and never goes out on the Internet. I took a couple of projects from there which were done on CS6 and tried them on the Ryzen "Burk". Technically, that's Swedish for "jar", but TV's and Computers are refered to as "en burk" in slang. Notably in the case of television, it's often called "Dum burken" translated as "the idiot box..."
Anyway, I digress. The CS6 projects worked perfectly. They were done in the same way with several component sequences all placed in a main sequence. Now, they were some old SD video that I'm doing over, but they could be exported on my Ryzen 3800 with no problem. I used the same compression as you see in the screen shot.
But, the projecs done on CC 2021 with Wndows 10 do not work. It begins the export, but crashes and premier Pro is unreponsive. I don't understand it.
I do have one other question concerning the CS6 PC, which is a Ryzen 2700X. I know that Premier Pro CC must be out on the Internet. I think it can be offline for up to 6 months, then it must be connected. Is that the case also with the old CS6 or will it continue to run without the Internet?




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Community Expert ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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So since this is an issue in Windows 10 as well this is not an Windows 11-only issue. Maybe a moderator can branch this to a new thread?



Now, they were some old SD video that I'm doing over, but they could be exported on my Ryzen 3800 with no problem. I used the same compression as you see in the screen shot.

By @SES312


Are you using the SD video in this project? The Sequence Settings is set to 4K and not SD, hence the question.




It begins the export, but crashes and premier Pro is unreponsive. I don't understand it.

By @SES312


You are exporting a 3840x2160 sequence to 1920x1080, is that what you want?


I would not export with the Match Sequence Settings checked since what you get is HD instead of 4K and you are exporting to the preview version of the MPEG2 codec at a very low bitrate.


Uncheck that box and change the Exporter to H.264. H.264 is a better option than MPEG2.


Make sure that the disks have enough free space.




I know that Premier Pro CC must be out on the Internet. I think it can be offline for up to 6 months, then it must be connected. Is that the case also with the old CS6 or will it continue to run without the Internet?

By @SES312


Yes, you need an internet connection from time to time so Premiere Pro can phone home and verify that the subscription is active. If not, Premiere Pro will eventually stop working.


Off topic:

The text in the screen dump says "En gladjens dag". You missed the letter ä in the word glädjen. An extra  colon (:) is there as well between the word Text and Olof Jansson. 🙂




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Engaged ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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Adobe guru Jason Levine just did a livestream with Premiere Pro on Windows 11... and for him it worked...






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Enthusiast ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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I just watched his video, it seemed to go half decent, but there seems like there was some of the UI issues (his keyboard stopped working for example) and Prem Locked up also (he said he *might* be running some beta's).   Windows 11, something else.   but there were enough trivial things that probably explains why adobe doesn't have official support yet.


I was eager to jumped into windows 11, but I'm going to hold off for a bit, I would like to know if those nutty trivial things would come up with daily operations.  Currently my W10 install is screaming along with near perfection/stability.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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Do your self a favor and wait.

I would have had i known the headache if had.


Although I do see a pattern revealing that mostly Nvidia geforce Rtx and maybe even just 30xx series are hardest hit. But there are examples from various setups.




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