Cursor Frame Behavior (Affecting In Out, Ripple Edits).
Ok team, I know you had some guy complain about how the Cursor works in the timeline, and now you changed how it works, which completely screwed over the Ripple Trim to Previous Edit.
What WORKED before yesterday was if you were on the front of a clip in the timeline, and you hit the Ripple Trim to Previous Edit, it would remove the first frame and obviously move the entire timeline up a frame to compensate.
THIS WAS INSANELY HANDY because if you're trimming a clip, you could just hit that button a few times and make it work right.
Now, because you guys changed how the cursor works, I have to hit Right on my keypad, and then hit the Ripple edit button, and it'll remove that first frame.
Guys, you seriously screwed over an entire generation of editos who know how editing works. I know some people complain about how the cursor works, but this sucks.
Why not just create a preference option where you can make the Cursor act like FILM or act like it is now. All NLEs were based on film editing, which lots of people expect and relied upon. Now, I have to hit an extra keystroke all the time which is massively time consuming.
Can you please just put in a preference option to revert back or not? That would solve this issue for everyone instead of bowing to people that don't understand NLE history.