With the 24.4 update the fx badges permanently show on every clip. When moving clips around the timeline I often accidentally click the fx badge on the top right which then opens the effects controls for that clip. I'd love to be able to turn the fx badge off like we used to be able to as this is a real pain when moving clips around the timeline.
IdeaNo status
Editing and playback
User experience or interface
Trent Happel • Adobe Employee, Jun 17, 2024Jun 17, 2024
Sorry about your frustrations and we do appreciate the feedback. You can disable the fx button by unchecking Show FX Badges in the Timeline Display Settings (wrench). Hope this helps.
The FX button on the video block is annoying because You can't grab the block at the spot of a button. This makes me mad because normally I'm juggling blocks on timeline and don't think where I'm grabbing them, now it's more difficult because I need to adjust zoom on timeline to either not seeing the button or zooming close enough to actually see a free spot. This is seriously annoying and such a button serves no purpose for editors, because normally You are easily drag and dropping effects from side tab or copy them from another clip. Is there a way to disable that button?
Sorry about your frustrations and we do appreciate the feedback. You can disable the fx button by unchecking Show FX Badges in the Timeline Display Settings (wrench). Hope this helps.
Since this option is missing a keyboard shortcut possibility, it now requires the user to move their move to the context menu, click to turn off FX badges, make their edit, then move the mouse again back to the context menu to reenable them. We keep those on in professional work so we know what clips have different effects on them, it doesn't make sense to permanently turn them off. Their new placement is both in the way of the work we do regularly, and the clicking behavior is problematic in that it now interrupts many other regular daily editing steps. A shortcut key possibility would save some time, but as other posts have mentioned the behavior of the FX badge needs to change either back to a right-click only context menu, or to only activate after a click is released and not when a click is pressed/held. I also have a similar post about this in the Beta forum.
Along the lines of a keyboard shortcut - maybe being able to have the FX badge present but needing to click with a modifer in order to open the effect window.
I am also finding that I clicked it by mistake and it took me until this morning to figure out what I was doing, thought it was a bug. I usually click it when I am zoomed out on a timeline with numerous clips and it's nearly impossible to miss it even when trying.
On the other hand, I love the ability to open the effect window this way. Up until now I would double-click the clip in the time line which loads it in the source window but with the video showing. You then need to click over to the Effect Controls. Sometimes you just want to see the settings....
There is no need for a double click to open up a clip in the effects controls, simply single clicking a clip with the effects controls open loads it up. Double clicking a clip literally loads it into the source, so you are doing yourself a disservice by doing that.
The FX Badge clickability has also been updated in the beta, so check that out. We've been petitioning for that change for a while and it looks like it just got added to the beta.
@BrianLevin that's exactly why I said I like having the FX badge vs. what I did before. I just don't like it being so easy to accidentally click on it when moving clips around