‎Jan 12, 2018
07:59 AM
1 Upvote
Ah nevermind. Had to use the Thumbnail object, not thumbnail.spec var xmp = new XMPMeta(thumb.synchronousMetadata.serialize());
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‎Jan 12, 2018
07:52 AM
Doesn't work. It throws an error of "undefined is not an object" with both RAW and JPEG source files. And the Object Model Viewer says that Thumbnail.synchronousMetadata returns undefined if the node doesn't support embedded metadata.
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‎Jan 12, 2018
06:01 AM
I'm writing a replacement JPEG export panel for Bridge, and currently working on copying metadata. I have it working for any source format with embedded metadata using the testing code stub below. But this doesn't work with RAW files, presumably due to using XMP sidecars. Note that the "SnpInspectMetadata.jsx" sample included in the Bridge CC SDK also fails, in fact it throws an exception when trying to run new XMPFile(). So how do I get metadata from RAW files? Do I have to test for sidecars? Looking at one with a text editor, there are lots of extra fields. My script works otherwise to export JPEG files, and copies metadata from image formats other than RAW. = JPEGExport(); function JPEGExport(){ var thumbs = app.document.getSelection("psd, jpg, png, tif, gif, CR2, nef"); if(thumbs.length != 0){ if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript"); for(var i = 0;i < thumbs.length;i++){ if(thumbs.spec instanceof File){ var thumb = thumbs; var selectedFile = thumb.spec; var oldXmpFile = new XMPFile(selectedFile.fsName, XMPConst.UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_READ); var oldXmp = oldXmpFile.getXMP(); var bm = new BitmapData(thumbs.spec); if(bm instanceof BitmapData){ var fullName =; var finalDotPosition = fullName.lastIndexOf("."); if(finalDotPosition > -1){ repname = fullName.substr(0 , finalDotPosition); } } var exportFilePath = thumbs.parent.spec + "/" + repname +"_new.jpg"; var exfile = new File(exportFilePath); bm.exportTo(exfile); var newthumb = exfile.spec; var myXmpFile = new XMPFile(exfile.fsName, XMPConst.UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_UPDATE); if (myXmpFile.canPutXMP(oldXmp)){ myXmpFile.putXMP(oldXmp); myXmpFile.closeFile(XMPConst.CLOSE_UPDATE_SAFELY); } } } } }
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‎Jan 09, 2018
01:49 PM
This is a normal part of developing software. APIs change and sometimes break your code. Sorry, JJ, but you come across as way too angry here. Use the sample code that was generously provided to deal with the API change and quit ranting.
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‎Dec 31, 2017
06:06 PM
I recommend reviewing Adobe's documentation...
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‎Dec 29, 2017
01:41 PM
This is nowhere near enough information. Where did the original file come from, what container format (AVI, MOV, WMV are examples) and codec (h.264, h.265, MPEG-1, AVCHD, among many) are used, and how large is it? Video is resource-intensive and an older MacBook Pro may not have enough memory to handle video editing. Or, it could be a format that Photoshop doesn't support. Does it play in QuickTime Player or VLC? You may need to convert it to another format before editing.
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‎Dec 29, 2017
12:02 PM
DNG is an open format. Why not pay a developer or start an Open Source project to create this tool?
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‎Dec 29, 2017
11:58 AM
You CAN'T save changes to RAW files (although the original camera vendor would have the RAW specs and could presumably do so if they wanted- but Adobe can't.) So your idea is impossible from a technical standpoint.
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‎Dec 12, 2017
07:28 AM
There is a script called DIY Metadata which reads metadata from a file and applies it in Bridge. You could add some glue to auto-generate a .csv or tab-delimited file and run it if you have programming skills.
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‎Dec 12, 2017
07:16 AM
The problem is still there in the latest Bridge CC 2018. I ALWAYS get it on large folders, but it sometimes even happens on folders with five or ten files too. Windows Explorer can list a 10000 JPEG folder in a few seconds. Cyberduck and cURL will get a 10000-file folder listing ACROSS THE INTERNET from a remote ftp server in just a few seconds. Meanwhile, Bridge takes several minutes to read a comparable sized folder. Bridge also reloads the entire file list if you delete or rename a file. I can't switch to Lightroom because I rely on a bunch of JavaScripts and Image Processor Pro, and none of it works in Lightroom.
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‎Dec 07, 2017
09:51 AM
So don't support layered files. Upon import, send the list of unsupported files to Photoshop and have Photoshop open and resave them (assuming Photoshop is installed.) See my feature idea below.
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‎Dec 07, 2017
09:10 AM
Lightroom Classic will throw an error if you try to import PSD files which were saved without a flattened layer (Maximize Compatibility unchecked.) Besides being a poor design decision (can't even read Adobe's own native file format), the program offers no help beyond giving a list of unsupported files. Fixing the problem is left to the user. Why not, if Photoshop is present on the system, have a preference to convert unsupported files in the background? Lightroom would send the list to Photoshop, Photoshop would open the files and save them with Maximize Compatibility, and Lightroom could then import them. This seems like a fairly easy idea to implement.
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‎Dec 07, 2017
08:31 AM
They don't even have support for non-flattened PSD files (without Maximize Compatibility) after all these years. I'm not holding my breath.
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‎Dec 02, 2017
08:14 PM
I don’t have the settings handy, they are on my machine at work. And yes, I REALLY REALLY REALLY know EXACTLY what I need to do and why. No, a script won’t work for me. Now please, either provide a specific answer or don’t reply with something off-topic. I need to use Batch Rename to JUST remove file extensions. Not another tool or script, and not anything else.
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‎Nov 30, 2017
10:38 AM
1 Upvote
This is Adobe's job to fix. I don't know what problems might be caused by an unsupported hack and don't want to encourage anyone to start modifying things.
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‎Nov 30, 2017
10:35 AM
Thanks but I'm looking for an answer. I know EXACTLY what I need to do and why I am using Bridge.
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‎Nov 22, 2017
01:41 PM
How do I use Batch Rename to remove file extensions? Yes, I'm really sure that I want to do this. The closest I can get is the filename with a leading space.
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‎Nov 22, 2017
01:30 PM
After some testing, the CC 2017 output module can be made to work in CC 2018 and will generate the same web galleries as before. No, I'm not going to explain how, beyond it being fairly trivial. But if I could do it in a few minutes, Adobe certainly could. Adobe is deprecating Flash so this removal may be tied to that. I'm hoping for the promised major re-write of Bridge to fix a lot of other issues and maybe web output will be added back in. I suspect that the Bridge maintenance team is small and didn't have time to address things like that, which is why that feature is gone.
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‎Oct 30, 2017
09:57 AM
I don't regard serving WebP as best practice. Its not really supported outside of Google products.
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‎Aug 25, 2017
08:33 AM
1 Upvote
I don't believe that any non-Adobe software will read those edits. You need to export your RAW files before the subscription expires so you have TIFF/PSD/JPEG files to work with in another program.
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‎Apr 04, 2017
01:49 PM
Open your foreground image Canvas Size to 1728x960 Place the background image into a new layer above Swap the background and foreground layers (Layer Order) Optionally add text ("Susie's 2nd Birthday") Optionally save as PSD Flatten, save or save as, close You can batch this from Bridge easily. You could also do this with a JavaScript that cycled through a folder of images but there is no need.
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‎Feb 10, 2017
02:03 PM
I have some 150,000 images taken with an A100, A700, and A850. Unfortunately, my entire Sony system was stolen a few years ago. The insurance money bought me new Canon gear which is fantastic, but I have no way to generate lens profiles as i no longer have the lenses. I mostly used a Minolta 50mm f/1.7, Minolta 70-200 f/4 beercan, and Minolta 28-135 f/4-4.5. All of those were and are popular and good-quality lenses. Bottom line is that I have no way to correct any of my old RAW files. :sigh:
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‎Sep 22, 2016
01:51 PM
Generic advice would be delete the printers and add them back.
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‎Sep 22, 2016
07:33 AM
Compared to Aperture (and like a lot of the Lightroom UI compared to Aperture), badge numbers have always been almost impossible to see. How about really fixing this so they are useful?
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‎Aug 29, 2016
10:07 AM
On the Mac, its pretty easy to have a watched folder and an Automator action which would save out various sizes. Export (let's say) to full resolution JPEG and then resize those using Automator. You can also use Bridge and Image Processor Pro with Photoshop. I have not tested but I believe you can create a Photoshop action droplet and specify that as a post-export action in Lightroom, but for batch processing, Bridge is MUCH better.
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‎Aug 11, 2016
01:29 PM
Seriously? You are disabling Microsoft security updates so you can run 12 year old software? This is a TERRIBLE idea. There will be side-effects all right, sooner or later your computer will be pwned and either part of a botnet, have a cryptolocker on it, or just have data stolen. This situation is a message from God that its time to move on from CS2.
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‎Jul 05, 2016
08:19 AM
Just discovered this last night. Latest Photoshop CC, fully updated OS X, Intuos 3 tablet. If I have the Healing Brush selected and use another feature, switching back reverts to the Spot Healing Brush. I have the pen buttons on my Wacom mapped to J and S and Shift key is required to change tools. Usually I go back to Healing with the pen button, not keyboard. I've seen this using Frequency Separation, as an example. Have Healing Brush selected, switch to Lasso and select an area, apply the Median filter, deselect, then press the pen button and I'm switched to Spot Healing Brush. Expected to go to Healing Brush. Please test this and let me know if its a known issue. I can test it on Windows 7/PS CC at work if needed.
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‎Apr 11, 2016
01:40 PM
Apple had this figured out with Aperture. Granular zoom control, navigator and granular zoom level in full screen... LR zoom is close to worthless. You have to get out of full screen to fiddle with it if you guess wrong.
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‎Oct 14, 2015
12:09 PM
Bridge has a similar problem of not showing changes to a file (in my case, replacing a JPEG with another created by Save for Web from a PSD) until the cache updates. I suspect that caching issues might be to blame. Unfortunately there is not a way in LR to delete a file's cache like there is in Bridge.
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‎Aug 14, 2015
01:12 PM
Is there any word on fixing the data loss bug for PS CC on Windows 7?
I do a lot of batch processing and have to re-apply IPTC metadata numerous times in Bridge. This is a major PITA to say the least.
For those who haven't seen it, the current version of Photoshop CC on Windows 7 apparently has a bug when opening files. It doesn't properly read the IPTC XML tags and the result is that metadata, star ratings, and Bridge labels are deleted when the file is saved.
Adobe's suggested workarounds are: Windows 8 (not happening in a corp environment), reinstall the older PS CC (such requests make corp IT cranky) or open files with Camera RAW (not compatible with automated batch processing.)
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