Hi Luke, In production one wants to limit the steps and programs used to the minimum, which will give him the results required. Ideally all artwork should be created in Flash. This is often not possible and it is common to import backgrounds created in other software. As for characters, creating them outside of Flash and then importing, in my opinion, makes the use of Flash pointless. There are three brushes in Animate - the Classic Brush, the Fluid Brush and the Paint Brush. The last one is rather flexible, but also quite heavy if the textured strokes are left as such and not converted to fills. Traditionally, in TV animation, the Classic Brush was only used for rough sketches and then the clean up was done using the line tool. This produces consistent clean linework, with few points, which is easily editable. The choice of tools depends on the desired outcome, stylistic preferences and effectiveness. Personally, I wouldn't attempt cleaning up frame-by-frame animation with the brush as this will make any future edits quite problematic. But then, at this stage, I mostly create designs without outlines as this is what works best in digital cutouts. There is no straight forward answer to your question. You need to experiment to find what feels comfortable and produces good-looking results and then polish this to become a style of sorts.
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