Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Nov 13, 2012
03:10 PM
1 Upvote
Gerry, Indeed, it appears that he alpha channel exists in FCP, but not in After Effects or Premeire Pro. How strange! I'll file be sending this to the teams right away. Thanks so much for sending me the files.
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‎Nov 12, 2012
12:48 PM
What exactly does the warning say? FYI: the Project Manager won't trim Long GOP footage, like the 5D footage. That is a limitation of the Project Manager. Are following all the recommendations from the Help article? Trim or copy your project. Also, check out the video tutorials at the bottom of the Help page for more details.
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‎Nov 12, 2012
11:17 AM
Thanks Jon. Everyone, please submit a bug report describing your problems in detail. Thanks!
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‎Nov 09, 2012
01:36 PM
So this is an exported file? Sorry if I made any rash assumptions. Typically, this problem stems from an alpha channel not being exported. I'd like to get my hands on that file to see if there's a bug we don't know about. Can you send to me? I'll PM you with my contact.
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‎Nov 09, 2012
09:52 AM
Yes, the Animation codec will also export with an alpha channel, as you found out. It's a much, much larger file size over ProRes 4444, however. I came to the conclusion when I saw your Motion project inside FCP7 with the alpha. I'm assuming it's not a rendered file, but the Motion file sitting on the Timeline. Yes? When viewed this way the alpha channel is interpreted automatically when used in a FCP project. When you export the file, the alpha is lost unless you do so with an alpha channel. That's all I'm saying. No matter, it looks like you fixed it. BTW, I was on the FCP team for FCS1 and FCS3 at Apple, so I'm very interested in these cross platform topics.
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‎Nov 09, 2012
09:21 AM
As I suspected, the graphic was not exported with an alpha channel. It appears that Apple has changed the export dialog box. For export, choose ProRes 4444. Then go to the render tab and choose Color > Color + Alpha as described in this video:
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‎Nov 08, 2012
04:56 PM
Are you sure that the very same file exhibits transparency in FCP but not Premiere Pro? It sounds like you don't have an alpha channel in that file. I just created a file with alpha, exported it from Premiere Pro CS6 with the ProRes 4444 codec and it works as expected when imported back into Premiere Pro or After Effects. Where was the file created? How was the file exported? If it was exported from AME, was it exported with 32bit color? Was the render at maximum bit depth checkbox checked? If exported from QuickTime did you have the Millions of Colors+ option enabled?
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‎Oct 23, 2012
03:39 PM
Check out this FAQ:
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‎Oct 11, 2012
11:04 AM
muzflowers wrote: 6.0.3 update does not fix this problem too. 6.0.3 was a Windows only update and only to solve a security certificate issue. No other features were added or bugs fixed. If you have the problem that preview files are not being used, please file a bug report: Thanks!
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‎Oct 11, 2012
10:38 AM
1 Upvote
That's a pretty complicated effect requiring rotoscoping. Typically, jobs like this are done in After Effects. Do you have After Effects? If so, see this introduction on rotoscoping:
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‎Oct 09, 2012
01:30 PM
A bug has been filed with engineering. They're looking at it right now. More news when I hear it. Thanks!
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‎Oct 02, 2012
12:24 PM
shooternz wrote: Interesting that Erik Naso is experiencing this on a MAC! Was there an update for MAC at same time? No, there wasn't. We're looking at the issue right now.
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‎Oct 01, 2012
11:46 AM
I'm looking into this right now.
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‎Sep 26, 2012
12:14 PM
Thanks for your report KGCW, I'll look into it. It would be great if you could submit a bug report:
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‎Sep 26, 2012
11:02 AM
Guys, I told you that the team knows about the issue. Nothing we can do about it unless you submit a feature request: Yesterday, I cut a simple multicam sequence and pressed the 0 key before the Space bar to pause playback. Seriously, it didn't take me long to get used to that. By all means, please try it. It's definitely the way to pause playback without introducing a cut. Until the interface is changed, we are going to have to live with it working this way. I'm going to look into why it won't work on certain combinations of Premiere Pro and Mac computers.
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‎Sep 25, 2012
03:09 PM
Bill, Sorry, I can't file a new bug as the team already knows about the issue. At least you now know they are aware of the problem. Have you tried the workaround? Tap the 0 key and then hit the Space Bar. I think this works OK for what you wish to do.
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‎Sep 25, 2012
01:04 PM
DMH79 wrote: That seems like a very honest and revealing statement about the disconnect of this product and its users if there is no middle men to relay the issues. I'm the middle man. I relay the top issues to the team. I write bugs that have repeatable behavior. The engineers writing code do not usually have time to check out the forums, that's why I'm here. Sometimes we get the quality engineers to participate, but the content lead (me) and tech support folks are the ones on the forums most. DMH79 wrote: So just being nice about it doesn't seem to get anything accomplished. Granted, I'm glad you all are nice (thank you for that), but man, I hope you figure out a way to bridge that "gap" between those that address the users and those that fix the issues. The idea of it being added to some sort of abstract wish list is a joke. Before I got into the software biz, I was an editor just like you. Back then, I found it hard to understand why fixes couldn't be made more quickly by companies like Apple or Avid. For example, some things about FCP never "got fixed" through seven full versions, and will forever remain broken, despite me being very vocal about those problems in forums like this. I found that an enhancement like the one you're requesting, might break several other things, or might require a full rewrite of the code for that interface. There are also priorities based on user feedback. We, as editors, can't know about these difficulties, but should be aware of them. Creating software is complex and time consuming. To change an interface feature, like the multicamera monitor, might take more than a few versions to satisfy editors. The "wishlist" is not a joke. In fact, we read and consider every single feature request. Please don't think we don't care because a certain feature has not been changed according to your needs. DMH79 wrote: Well, I hope that changes quickly. One day you'll google search "Premiere Pro Multicam" and this post will pop up first and I'm guessing it would be a bad way to introduce people to the program if it doesn't have a big green SOLVED on the top. Trust me, like I said before, I'll be the first one to come in here and put it up there. In the mean time, tap the 0 key before you hit the Space bar to pause playback. That should work for you while you wait for changes to the software.
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‎Sep 25, 2012
12:45 PM
KGCW wrote: zuccon123 wrote: I hate this issue too. It needs a fix soon. In any case there's a workaround. Before to stop the playback press the key 0 (zero) of the keyboard and then you can stop the play without the cut in the timeline. Ivan It used to work for me too but moving to OSX Lion or PP 6.0.2 (can't tell exactly wich one is responsible) have killed this workaround, now stop record create an edit when pressed too. Really? That's no good. It's working on my Mac running Snow Leopard. I'll try to find out what's going on.
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‎Sep 25, 2012
12:42 PM
Have you tried what a user suggested earlier in the thread? Although it takes a little getting used to, it works for me perfectly. "Before to stop the playback press the key 0 (zero) of the keyboard and then you can stop the play (with the Space bar) without the cut in the timeline."
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‎Sep 21, 2012
10:47 AM
1 Upvote
DMH79 wrote: Regarding the "numbers" reference...I know full well that making the wish request is the best way to get things done. I've done that. So have others as you see in the first thread on this topic. But, I also know that these topics are one of the first things that are referenced when people search online about different programs. Using a title that catches attention of other people will encourage more people to respond and send forth their "feature requests" as you mentioned. I also know that the first thing Adobe doesn't want when people google "Premiere Pro Multicam" is to see a post at the top that it's broken. If I saw this thread two months ago when I started I might have gone to FCPX first and never come back. So hopefully that motivates the change to happen sooner than later. So sorry that this is such a dealbreaker for you and others on this thread. I wish I could snap my fingers and make the fix for you, but I can't. However, I'll do my best for you regarding pointing more attention to this issue. If there are others on the thread that have not filed a bug, please do so right now: Thanks.
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‎Sep 20, 2012
03:48 PM
Premiere Pro CS6 (and CS5, and CS5.5) has serious issues/problems with the multicam feature that is broken as of right now (version 6.0.2) in Premiere CS6 and makes editing multicam a VERY frustrating experience and much less efficient compared to other NLE's. If its a design, then its flawed as yes, you can get around it and fix what you've done, but why should you have to keep wasting valuble time "fixing" things like this anyway? Just doesn't make sense. This is exactly the way I edited multicam in FCP and Avid, I live switched the multicam edit and then went back with the roll tool. It's not broken, it just doesn't work the way you want it to. File a feature request to request a change in behavior: DMH79 wrote: This issue has been known by Adobe for over two years but they push it aside, call it a design quirk, and ultimately avoid fixing the issue as noted in this thread: We never called it a quirk. One of our moderators did. We made lots of updates to multicamera editing in CS6, unfortunately, not the ones you wanted. Keep making feature requests if you wish to see it operate differently. DMH79 wrote: 1) Start a thread with as many keywords as possible so that this issue gets "the numbers" both in this forum and in Google searches. Hopefully soon when you google "Premiere Pro multicam" this will be the first topic on the first page. My hope is that I can put a nice "SOLVED" or "FIXED" label on this thread one day soon (and I will for sure!). If that's the case, its a testament to the squeeky wheel theory combined with a little web analytics. 2) Make this a new thread rather than continue in the old thread because it's time to ask a new question: how long will it take for Adobe to fix an issue when its design is essentially broken causing all users to have to do a "fix" every time? Right now it's going on two years! This isn't a feature request...its a broken function within Premiere. A design...flaw. I do know Adobe listens and that they care about certain things, but how fast do they act? That's my real question. Please, do respond...we apparently need the numbers. The "numbers" refer to feature requests, not amount of threads, keywords, Google searches, or whatever. We count feature requests from this form only: No need to create new threads, or take other actions. Thanks.
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‎Aug 23, 2012
11:51 AM
If you want CinemaDNG supported in future versions of Premiere Pro, please make a feature request:
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‎Aug 16, 2012
12:27 PM
What you are looking for is a global command equivalent for FCP's "gear down" behavior. With certain keystrokes, you could trim or move clips more slowly and precisely. This is what you really want, so I moved this post into the "Ideas" forum. Please upvote!
Thanks, Kevin
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‎Jul 30, 2012
03:38 PM
rmartin215 wrote: Has the clip marker problem been resolved in Premiere CS6. As of early July, it was not! Navigating, synchronizing clips seems impossible. Can you explain your exact problems?
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‎Jul 12, 2012
01:17 PM
tclark513 wrote: What exactly is the proximity helper? It's not an official name, but I believe they are speaking of the relative area near the edit point, where the selection tool turns into a trim tool. Right guys?
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‎Jul 11, 2012
02:01 PM
Jim Simon wrote: I'd rather just have the ability to turn off Edit Point Selection, so things work as they did before. That's certainly a valid request.
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‎Jul 11, 2012
02:00 PM
Thanks for the feedback Toomany. I'll make sure the powers that be know about that.
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‎Jul 11, 2012
09:21 AM
Jim Simon wrote: It's the proximity "helper" that drives me crazy. Right?! Thinner cursors and less space for the proximity "helper" sound like great feature requests:
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‎Jun 27, 2012
02:48 PM
Jim Simon wrote: Another point where we'll have to agree to disagree. No, I can't allow you to disagree with me on this one. Just because I disagree, doesn't mean your points aren't valid. Jim Simon wrote: Mouse trimming HAS taken a step backwards, and needs to be corrected in some fashion. What do you suggest? Jim Simon wrote: But...the ease and responsiveness of mouse trimming has been tampered with, and that's not acceptable. You can trim largely in the same way, in my experience. The main beef legacy users seems to have is that you can't trim with the mouse unless you are somewhat zoomed into the Timeline. Am I correct, or am I missing something? Jim Simon wrote: That feature took a step backwards when you guys added the keyboard ability. Mouse trimming needs to be fixed so that it's as easy as it was before. Something had to give way so that users could edit with the keyboard. It was one of our top feature requests. I'm not sure how you'd like to see how mouse trimming would work, given that selecting edit points are now a fact of life. You have edited with other NLEs too. NLEs that have edit selection. Leaving Premiere Pro aside, why do these NLEs have better mouse trimming? Or do they have the same problem as you've found with Premiere Pro CS6? I'd love to help you out, so let me know how you'd like to see the legacy way of mouse trimming while maintaining the feature of keyboard trimming in the Timeline in CS6.
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‎Jun 27, 2012
12:23 PM
cliffclof wrote: The mouse uses about 5 pixels of extra space for blind people and in turn makes it feel Tonka Toy playschoolish. I really want to go back to the old version just because of this. Once again... If I'm this inaccurate with a mouse I probably shouldn't be using adobe products to start with. You can make a feature request for "less chunky" tools. I don't think that's an odd request at all:
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